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NuFlex Offers
Composite Vapor Hoses
For Transfer Operations
NuFlex composite vapor return hose in op- eration at a shoreside facility in the New
York Harbor area. Used in tanker and barge unloading operations, NuFlex vapor hoses have been designed to have the same chemical resistance as the company's transfer hoses.
NuFlex, Inc., Linden, N.J., manu- facturers of composite transfer hoses for petroleum and chemicals, recently announced the availability of large bore composite vapor hoses.
NuFlex manufactures 4-, 6-, 8- and 10-inch ID vapor hoses designed to meet recently announced Marine
Vapor Control Regulations by the
U.S. Coast Guard. These regula- tions are designed to ensure the safe design, installation and operation of marine vapor control systems on tank vessels and at marine facili- ties.
These vapor hoses have been de- signed to have equal chemical resist- ance as NuFlex's transfer hoses, but are lighter and easier to handle.
They will handle 100 percent aro- matics, corrosives and general chemical vapor, are ozone resistant and will maintain their flexibility in cold weather.
NuFlex, said to be the only U.S. manufacturer of composite hose, plans to open a second, larger manu- facturing facility later this year in order to accommodate the increase in sales for their complete line of composite hoses.
For free literature detailing the complete line of NuFlex composite hoses,
Circle 123 on Reader Service Card
James Baalmann Joins
Property/Marine Division
Of Marsh & McLennan
James G. Baalmann has joined
Marsh & McLennan, Incorporated in the International Risk Manage- ment's Property/Marine Division.
He is responsible for client servic- ing, marketing, claims handling and the production of marine business.
Mr. Baalmann, a licensed bro- ker, has 20 years' experience in the marine industry.
Marsh & Lennan is one the na- tion's largest insurance brokerages.
Conferees Agree On
Scheduling Of Tanker
Double-Hull Phase-In
Although the legislation has yet to be approved, it appears that all oceangoing tankers operating within
U.S. waters will have to be equipped with a double hull by 2015, accord- ing to a recent proposal by a joint
House-Senate conferee committee.
A joint committee made up of
Congressional conferees recently unanimously voted to include a dou- ble-hull provision in pending oil spill liability and compensation leg- islation.
The conferees included the fol- lowing stipulations as part of the double-hull requirement: •New tankers built in the U.S. must have double hulls; •All tankers trading in the U.S. must have double hulls by 2010; •Single-hull tankers operating to deepwater terminals or in lightering operations 60 miles off the U.S. coast will be phased out by 2010 and those with either a double bottom or double sides by 2015; •A sliding scale will be used from 1995 to 2000 to phase-out single-
Circle 245 on Reader Service Card hull tankers; beginning in January 1995, all tankers 28 years old or more will be excluded from U.S. waters;
Oil barges and tankers in U.S. domestic and inland waterways trades would not be exempt from the double-hull requirement.
The oil spill liability and compen- sation legislation is expected to be passed by both Houses and ap- proved by President Bush later this year. "Thke your first step toward vaporless loading" C
How to choose the right valve.
No vapor valve is perfect for every application. That's why
MMC gives you a choice of six.
This checklist provides you with the information you need to make the right decision between the two most widely used models.
Mti, 11 A'i't i A-
U-VALVE (Fits on existing ullage hatches)
Vaporless gauging
Hot work required for installation
Easy installation by ship's crew
Ship removed from service
Zero ullage available
Sampling capability
Valve mechanism
Standard material of manufacture
Maintenance requirements
Cost (approx.) of valve only
Installation cost
No 8" above zero 1/2 liter
Check valve
None 10" and larger $1,700 8" and smaller $1,400
Almost always
Almost always
Yes 1/2 liter
Ball valve (Positive shut off)
Stainless steel
Less than $600
No matter which you choose, MMC is prepared to help you meet revised regulations pertaining to petroleum and chemical barges. Remember, the MMC name stands for more than 30 years of reliability; there's simply no substitute for that kind of proven performance.
MMC International Corp. 60 Inip Drive
Inwood, NY 11696-1096 U.S.A.
Phone: 800-645-7339 516-239-7339
Telex: 96-0140 MAMCAFINND
Fax: 516-371-3134
MMC (Europe) Ud.
Milburn House, Dean St.
Phone:(091) 232-8339
Telex: 537005 MARINE G
Fax: 44-91-232-9216
MMC (Asia) Ud. 2-20,4-Chome, Isobe-Dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe 651
Phone: 078-251-1033
Telex: 5624163 0PECK J
Fax: 078-252-0265 /i^lC
Keeping You in Control
August, 1990 41