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involved the inclusion of a large number of remote-controlled valves in the following subsystems: seawa- ter cooling system, main engine; lu- bricating system; fuel oil system; bilge system; ballast system; and fire and deckwash system.

Each of the 23 'tweendeck com- partments is served by a separate refrigerating system, divided into nine sections. It is thus possible to carry a great many products at dif- ferent temperatures, down to -29 degrees C.

Sabroe Refrigeration has devel- oped one of the world's most ad- vanced refrigerating plants for this ship.

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Freeport Shipbuilding

Launches Paddlewheeler

Freeport Shipbuilding, Jackson- ville, Fla., recently launched the paddlewheeler Sandy Hook Lady for a New Jersey owner. She is the first true paddlewheel-driven pas- senger vessel to be built by the yard in six years.

Under construction for owners

Capt. Ron Santee and his son,

Ron Jr. of Atlantic Highlands,

N.J., the Sandy Hook Lady is sched- uled for delivery in February.

Also being built by the yard is the 76- by 32-foot passenger vessel Jack

London Commerce for a California owner. Due for completion in March 1991, the Jack London Commerce is certified to carry 450 passengers.

Other work underway at Freeport

Shipbuilding includes the construc- tion of the 124-foot all-aluminum megayacht Webb Tide II and the 110-foot steel megayacht Alpha


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Seventeen Additional

RRF Vessels Activated

For Persian Gulf Crisis

The Maritime Administration (MarAd) recently announced that 17 additional Ready Reserve Force (RRF) vessels, which are main- tained by MarAd, have been or- dered into activation by the Mili- tary Sealift Command (MSC) to help support the U.S. military men and women in the Persian Gulf. The total number of RRF vessels in acti- vation status to date is 65 of the 96- vessel fleet. Of the 17 new vessels activated, 16 are breakbulk cargo ships with shipboard cargo gear to accommodate heavy military vehi- cles and a wide variety of supplies.

The other vessel is an auxiliary crane ship which has the ability to offload military cargoes from gear- less containerships.

Just prior to these latest activa- tions, Maritime Administrator

Warren G. Leback, speaking be-

January, 1991 51 fore the American Institute of Ma- rine Underwriters in New York, de- clared that "there will be numerous lessons learned from our experience in [Operation] Desert Shield for reassessing our defense needs and preparedness. Already, however,

Desert Shield clearly confirms that adequate and reliable sealift capac- ity is indispensable to projecting our military might to distant shores."

Maritime Administrator Leback remarked that Operation Desert

Shield has been the most "massive undertaking and the greatest chal- lenge to U.S. sealift since Vietnam.

In the first month of Desert Shield, sealift delivery was nearly 50 per- cent higher than during the first month of the Korean war." In the first few months after the August 2

Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, MarAd activated almost 50 vessels from the

RRF fleet. This was the first major activation of the fleet since it was established in 1976 to support the

U.S. armed services.

Maritime Administrator Leback also emphasized the importance of the recent extension of war-risk in- surance and reinsurance for all U.S.- flag vessels sailing in the Middle

East region, of which MarAd has acted as the underwriter. To date,

MarAd has underwritten over 250 war-risk policies.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.