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The 11th International Conference & Exhibition
For The Roll-on/Roll-off Marine Transportation Industry,
From May 20 to 22, the Svenska
Massan Conference Center and Sara
Gothia Hotel in Gothenburg, Swe- den, will be hosting RoRo 92, the 11th biennial international conference and exhibition on Roll-on/Roll-off trans- portation concepts. Begun in 1976, the international conference was last held in Gothenburg in 1988 and in
Trieste, Italy in 1990.
The main focus of RoRo 92 will be on future developments in ship re- quirements, ship types and designs, port systems, environmental con- cerns, new European RoRo waterways, advances in terminal and linkspan designs, new Safety
Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) regulations, and the latest in swapbody and cas- sette handling.
For over 15 years the exhibition has been firmly established as the leading international event for those involved in the Roll-on/Roll-off in- dustry and an excellent business environment in which to promote their capabilities. The conference will bring together the views and exhibits of some of the leading exec- utives from the various sectors of
RoRo handling, shipping lines, ports, marine machinery and cargo equip- ment manufacturers. Some of the products and services that will be on display include: RoRo tractors and forklifts; skid safety items; cargo lashing gear; marine navigation equipment; RoRo ship and ferry designs; port layouts; marine ma-
RoRo 92 - The international marine industry's leading conference and exhibition exclusively focused on
Roll-on/Roll-off transportation. chinery; container handling equip- ment and cranes; and ship management services. Participants from 40 countries are expected to attend RoRo 92.
The three-day program compris- es 10 sessions under the following headings:
Session 1 - MARKETS & NEEDS
Session 2 - FAST RORO,
Session 3 - PORT FUTURES
Session 5 - SHIP DESIGN/
Session 6 - COASTAL & INLAND
Session 7 - LASHING &
Session 8 - TERMINAL
Session 9 - SHIP
Session 10 -HANDLING &
The two opening sessions both address several key issues for the future of the business. The feasibil ity of several fast sea transport projects between Scandinavia and the European continent will be ex amined in the Fast RoRo Session, as well as the results of a major study carried out by Finland's Kvaerner
Pollution concerns and their pos- sible solutions will be discussed during the Coastal, Inland RoRo and
Ship Design & Propulsion sessions.
One of the keynote speakers af the conference will be the U.S. Na- vy's commander of Military Sealift
Command, Vice Adm. F. R. Dono- van. Based on the experience gained by coalition forces during the Gt lf
War, Admiral Donovan will di cuss the critical contribution made by RoRo merchant vessels to the allied supply effort and the impor tance of maintaining a sufficieht number of modern RoRo vessels.
A major highlight of RoRo 92 will be the gala dinner and reception host- ed by Stena Rederi AB and t
Swedish Shipowners Association on board the STENA DANICA. The lux- ury ferry will cruise through t' beautiful Gothenburg Archipelago
Frederikshavn, Denmark, and bac
For additional information on reg- istration and attendance, contact:
RoRo Secretariat, 2 Station Road,
Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1QP
U.K.; telephone: (from U.S. - 011) 44-923-776363; fax: (011) 44-923- 777206.
List Of Exhibitors For
Ancra Marine
Associated British Ports
Association of Italian Ports
Bollnas Terminal Equipment
Brax Shipping
British Marine Equipment Association
Butterley Engineering
Cargo Safe SOE
Cargo Transit Services
Cedervall & Soner
Consent Equipment
Conver OSR
Convoys (London Wharves)
Cory Brothers Shipping
EML Produkter
Finnish Foreign Trade Association
Finnish Marine Technology
Fosroc International
Furuno Sverige
Goteborgs Hamn
Helsingborgs Hamn
Hyco Boss
Imperial Wharf & Shipping
International Maritime Organization
Kalmar LMV
Kent Line
Kettenwerk Brueckle
Kvaerner Masa-Yards
Kvaerner Ships Equipment
Lars Wenneras Marine
Liftec Products Oy
Lubecker Hafen
M L Douglas Equipment
MacGregor-Navire (GBR)
Mafi Transport Systeme
N & T Estline
Nautic Center
Plan Marine
Port Development International
Port of Aalborg
Port of Bilbao
Port of Blyth
Port of Hamburg
Port of Hanko
Port of London
Port of Monfalcone
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Tilbury
Port of Zeebrugge
Ports of Lower Saxony
Purfleet Thames Terminals
Reliance Mercury Vehicles
Seacon Holdings
Sealink Harbours
Seasafe Transport
Seehafen Rostock
Stena Rederi
Svensk Sjofarts Tidning
Swedish Telecom Radio
Tor Line
Transport NYTT
Transtema Communications
Volvo Penta
Walham Terminal
Wallenius Lines
Wartsila Diesel (Partial listing) 60 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Ne i/vs