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Day 1: Wednesday, 20 May 9 a.m. - RoRo 92 Registration & Exhibition Opens 2 p.m. - RoRo 92 Conference Opens
The RoRo Market And Its Continuing Importance
To Merchant And Military Needs - M. Sclar, senior consultant, DRI/McGraw-Hill, Lexington, U.S.A
Vehicle Shipments In A Turbulent World - N. Kur- ten, executive vice president traffic & marketing,
Wallenius Lines AB, Stockholm
Italy's Coastal Sea-Roads. Starts Moving In June
With The First Of Five New RoRo's - G. Migliorino, vice president strategic planning, Finmare, presi- dent, Viamare, Genoa
RoRo Tonnage. The Ship Of Choice For "Desert
Storm" - Vice Adm. Donovan, Military Sealift
Command, Washington, D.C.
Session 2: FAST RORO - The Future?
Really Fast Freight RoRo Ships Could Change The
Market. Are The Economics Feasible? - K.
Levander, senior vice president ship design,
Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Turku, Finland
The ACOUASTRADA High Speed Design Of Car
Carrying RoRo - A. Sculati, head of project,
Rodriquez Cantieri, Navali SpA, Messina, Italy
Large Catamaran Designs Could Provide The Op- timum Solution - P. Wintzer, vice president, Sweden
Ship Invest, Sweden
End of First Day's Conference Welcome
Reception from the City of Gothenburg
Day 2: Thursday, 21 May
Session 3: PORT FUTURES (parallel with Session 5)
Scandinavian. Continental Trade Traffic Develop- ment With Special Reference To The Transit
Function Of The Port Of Hamburg - H. L. Beth,
Hamburger Hafen - und Lagerhaus AG, Hamburg
RoRo. A Flexible Friend - J. McNab, chief execu- tive, Port of Tilbury, U.K.
Session 4: FOREST PRODUCTS (parallel with Session 5)
Using A New Flat/Cassette System For Door-To-
Door Forest Products Logistics - J. Ebeling, vice president transport systems, Jaakko Poyry Con- sulting Oy, Vantaa, Finland
Cassettes Bv Rail. Opening Up A New Discussion - (speaker to be announced)
Protecting And Lashing Of Paoar Rolls And Other
Cargoes. A New System - J. Finell, technical development, Wisapak, Jakobstad, Finland
A Forest Product Terminal Operator's View: To- day's Requirements. Misconception Versus Reality? -S.T.Cass, managing director, Crescent Wharves
Ltd., and N. Hempstock, assisting managing director, Hayes Marine Services Ltd., Chatham,
Session 5: SHIP DESIGN AND PROPULSION (parallel with Sessions 3/4)
Design Of A Low Emission Propulsion Plant For A
Ferrv-P. Furu, manager, technical sales support,
Wartsila Diesel, Oy, Finland
MS "Aurora" (The World's Most Environment-Friend-
Iv RoRo Ferrv) With SCR Emission Control Operating
With Urea - C. Schoug, fleet manager, SweFerry,
Helsingborg, Sweden
Trailer Vessels For The 21 st Century. The Efficient
Use Of Computerized Design - P. Rosholm, man- aging director, Kvaerner Ships Equipment AB,
High Performance Freight Ferries For The English
Channel - J. Gollenbeck, member of the board,
Schichau Seebeckwerft AG
The Practical Application Of Utility Analysis To
RoRo Ship Design: Pavload Handling Potions Re- lated To Costs - D. Byrne, managing director,
Transmarine Ltd., U.K.
RoRo Designs For U.S. Strategic Sealift (NAVSEA)
W. Stuart, president, Stuart Marine International
Inc., Houston, and B. McCormick, Alabama Ship- yard Inc., Mobile
Session 6: COASTAL AND INLAND RORO (parallel with Session 7/8)
Danube RoRo: Cost-Effective And Environmentally
Friendly Alternative To Overland Transport - B.
Christov, U.K. manager, SOMAT International Road
Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria
Car Logistics Bv Inland Waterway. The Environ- mental Solution - W. M. van Wijngaarden, managing director, Nedlloyd Rijn-EnBinnenvaart,
New RoRo Possibilities On The Trans-Eurooean
Waterway - N. Gosztonyi, transport consultant, (including adviser to Hungarian Government), Swit- zerland
New Possibilities For RoRo Traffic In European
Coastal Shipping - P. Struijs, executive director shipping, Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands
A New Short-Sea Shipping Concept To Reduce
Costs - A. Sjobris, MariTerm AB, Gothenburg
Session 7: LASHING AND STEVEDORING (parallel with Session 6)
Cargo Care. ATraining Proeram For Safe Stowage
And Securing Of Cargo And Its Influence On RoRo
Safety-P. Andersson, MariTerm AB, Gothenburg
Session 8: TERMINAL DEVELOPMENTS (parallel with Session 6)
Computerized Traffic Management At Large Ferrv
Terminals-L. Roueche, manager of planning and research, British Columbia Ferry Corporation,
Planning & Development Of New RoRo Facilities
For Sealink Stena Line - D. Wignall, port civil engineer, Sealink Stena Line, Harwich, and K. C.
Fear, Posford Duvivier, Peterborough, U.K.
Seven New RoRo Terminal Projects On Irish Sea
Routes (Both Conventional And High Speed) En- couraged Bv EEC Funding For Cross-Channel
Transportation-M. B. Lohn, director, L.G. Mouch- el & Partners Ltd., Weybridge, U.K.
Double-Deck Linkspans To Suit All RoRos. Includ- ing Brittany Ferries. SuperFerries And The New
High Speed Catamarans - J. Rose, managing director, Marine Development Ltd., Scotland
End of Second Day's Conference - Official
RoRo 92 Reception and Dinner hosted by Stena
Rederi AB and the Swedish Shipowners Associa- tion aboard the STENA DANICA super ferry sailing between Sweden and Denmark.
Day 3: Friday, 22 May
Session 9: SHIP SURVIVABILITY (parallel with Session 10)
Conversion Of Existing Passenger Ferries To Meet
The New SOLAS Stability Regulations - C. Lloyd, deputy managing director, BMT Cortec Ltd.,
Wallsend, U.K.
The New Subdivision Regulations: Application And
Effect On Current RoRo Design - S. Rusas, princi- ple surveyor, Det norske Veritas Classification A/S,
A Report On The SOLAS 90 Amendments (From
The April 1992 Session Of The IMP Maritime
Safety Committee) - R. Sundstrom, head of ship construction and equipment division, Maritime
Safety Department of the Swedish Administration of Shipping and Navigation, Norrkopping
Location And Extent Pf Flooding. A Dynamic Anal- ysis - D. Vassalos and 0. Turan, department of ship and marine technology, University of Strathcl- de, Scotland
Session 10: HANDLING & TRANSPGRT (parallel with Session 9)
Future Reduction Of Diesel Exhaust Emissions For
Material Handling Equipment - P. von Braun, senior product engineer, Volvo Penta, Gothenburg
Simple Solutions For Swaobodv Handling Of RoRo
Vessels - A. Ivarssen, CCH AB, Sweden
Using Swaobodies For Multi-Modal JIT Logistics -
S. Wells, general manager transport, TNT, Neth- erlands
New RoRo System For Steel Products - (paper to be confirmed), NKK Corporation, Japan
Using Cassettes In The Steel Industry - R. Eng- strand, distribution manager, SSAB Oxelosund,
Recent Advances In RoRo Technology - W. Lister,
Listavia International Consultants Ltd., U.K. 1 p.m. - Close of Conference 4 p.m. - Close of Exhibition
McQuay Chiller's QEII
Experience Proves Reliability
Nearly 20 years ago three McQuay 500-ton centrifugal chillers were installed onboard the Queen Eliza- beth II (QEII) to provide the vessel's main chilled water supply. Today, according to Cunard Line, all three chiller units are fully operational.
The example set by the QEII's
McQuay centrifugal chillers has lead to the line's successful sale to other maritime companies, according to
A1 Ward, director of customer sup- port for SnyderGeneral Corporation, the manufacturer of the McQuay centrifugal chiller.
Six McQuay chiller units were recently ordered by the Italian cruise line Costa for six of its passenger vessels. Mr. Ward commented that, "The Costa purchase represents a growing awareness of the benefits of positive pressure centrifugal tech- nology in marine environments."
Because McQuay chillers are en- gineered with positive pressure refrigerants, outside air, salt and other contaminants are prevented from entering the unit. According to
Mr. Ward, this results in a signifi- cant reduction in corrosion and related maintenance,"... a major ben- efit for cruise ship installations."
This advantage in using the posi- tive pressure chiller helped Costa to make its decision to select the
McQuay design, Mr. Ward said.
Costa has purchased the McQuay
Model PEH single compressor wa- ter cooled centrifugal chiller, the flagship of the McQuay product line, for each of the six cruise ships.
Offering many advantages, the
PEH medium pressure refrigerant system features five basic compres- sor frame sizes, ranging from 70 to 1,350 tons. Over 500,000 computer matched configurations are possible with such variations as impeller, gear ratio, condenser and evapora-
The McQuay centrifugal chiller manufactured by
SnyderGeneral Corporation. tor tube surfaces.
A significant environmental safety feature of the PEH centrifu- gal chillers are their ability to utilize
HFC-134a, a highly efficient refrig- erant that is completely ozone safe.
SnyderGeneral is a privately owned Dallas-based manufacturer and marketer of a full line of air quality control products and ser- vices for commercial, industrial and institutional application. The company's line of equipment in- cludes: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units; air filtration and pollution control prod- ucts; clean room equipment and machinery intake filtration, and acoustical systems. The company also manages 35 manufacturing fa- cilities in Europe, North and South
America, Australia, Mexico and
The company's Minneapolis- based Commercial Products Group markets McQuay HVAC equipment,
BarryBlower and JennFan commer- cial and industrial fans, AAF HVAC products, Wesper fan coils and air handling units. SnyderGeneral also operates McQuayService, an integrated service and parts organi- zation serving HVAC users worldwide.
For free illustrated brochures and literature completely describing
McQuay centrifugal chillers and other equipment in the
SnyderGeneral product line,
Circle 14 on Reader Service Card
May, 1992 Circle 226 on Reader Service Card 61