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Portland Box Volumes
Up 25 Percent
In February
A Tidewater Barge Line multiple tow, with contain- ers-on-barge, featured on the March 1992 cover of MARITIME REPORTER.
The Port of Portland continued its healthy container increase in
February with a 25.3 percent in- crease over the same month a year ago.
Portland's gateway handled 17,110 TEUs in February this year compared to 14,139 TEUs in Febru- ary 1991.
Portland experienced an 8 per- cent increase in containers during 1991. Significant increases of double-stack railcars at the port's expanded on-dock intermodal rail yards at Terminal 6 were recorded during the year. Portland also ben- efited from increased container-on- barge movements on the Columbia/
Snake River system.
A Tidewater Barge Line multiple tow, including a containers-on- barge, on the Columbia River above the Port of Portland, was featured on the March 1992 cover of MARI-
Bob Liscomb, port marketing manager, said the lack of conges- tion, excellent rail services and "last port of call status" is drawing more export cargo from the Midwest.
February also was an all-time record for mineral bulks at the port's
Terminal 4 Hall-Buck Marine bulk facility, where 276,457 short tons were handled. This facility handled a total of 2,103,129 short tons dur- ing 1991. Commodities are chiefly soda ash and bentonite clay exported to East Asian countries for making glass and use as foundry clay, re- spectively.
For free literature detailing the
Port of Portland's container han- dling facilities and capabilities,
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
New Study Examines
Under-Priced Ship
Resale Market
Certain sizes of ships, both bulk carriers and tankers, are usually 62 under-priced by the ship resale mar- ket, according to a new study compiled by a New York maritime consulting firm.
Shipping Intelligence, Inc., pub- lishers of The Ship Sale Monitor and
The Period Time Charter Monitor, reported that two size ranges of bulk carriers and three size ranges of tankers generally sell at prices less than the market would seem to call for.
According to the report, Under-
Priced Ships, this market under-pricing exists during strong markets and weak markets and for both older and newer ships. For prospective shipowners whose re- quirements can be satisfied by these ship categories, significant savings can be realized.
The report analyzed 1,934 actual ship sales that took place between
January 1,1987 and March 15,1992.
The principal analytical tool used in the compilation of this report was the Shipping Intelligence statistical ship sale pricing model.
For further information, contact:
Sydney P. Levine, president, Ship- ping Intelligence, Inc., 25 West 43rd
Street, New York, N.Y. 10036; tele- phone: (212) 997-0966.
Raytheon Announces
New Handheld
VHF Radiotelephone
Raytheon has announced its new
JRC JHS-7 hand-held VHF radio- telephone which provides commu- nication between survival craft and nearby vessels through the use of up to 13 channels.
The radiotelephone is designed for short range communications with a minimal battery power consump- tion. According to Raytheon, the unit was designed to operate in any weather conditions for up to eight hours; should be able to withstand a drop of one meter onto a hard sur- face; is waterproof and tested at a submersion depth of one meter for at least five minutes; and is built to survive a thermal shock of 113 de- grees Fahrenheit.
The JHS-7 complies with GMDSS (Glohal Maritime Distress and
Safety System) requirements and all IMO resolution A605 (15) stan- dards for survival craft two-way VHF apparatus.
For more information detailing the JHS-7 from Raytheon,
Circle 29 on Reader Service Card
Siemens To Supply
Full Electrical System
For New Research Vessel
The contract to install a complete electrical system onboard the new ocean research ship being built for the Royal Norwegian Defense Re- search Institute has been awarded to the Siemens Marine Department,
Bergen, Norway. The contract was awarded to Siemens, one of the world's leading vendors of electrical marine systems, by the Langstern
Slip og Baatbyggeri A/S, shipyard of
Tomrefjord, Norway.
Siemens was selected for the project because of the electromag- netic compatibility of its system. The contract includes supply and ser- vices for the propulsion and auto- mation system; navigation and com- munication equipment; the ship's commissioning; and the delivery of a new version of the successful
SIMATIC automation system.
The research vessel's propulsion concept is based on high voltage generators and DC motors with thy- ristor rectifiers in the mega watts range.
The company maintains a broad network of 100 technical offices in ports around the globe, with Siemens products and systems currently onboard 180 North American ships.
For more information detailing
Siemens Marine's product line of marine electrical systems,
Circle 123 on Reader Serice Card $9.7 Million Contract
Awarded By MSC To
Cuban Caribbean Shipping
Cuban Caribbean Shipping, Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla., was recently awarded a $9.7 million contract by the U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Com- mand Central Technical Activity.
The contract, which includes an op- tion, is for intermodal ocean trans- portation between Naval Station
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Naval
Supply Center in Norfolk, Va., and
Jacksonville, Fla.
Cuban Caribbean Shipping, Inc. will supply two ocean going tugs, M/
V Miss Mackenzie and MTV Dallas
J. Adams, and a barge, MAI 201, to be used in this service. The contract terms are for one year with a onp year option.
Alfa-Laval Introduces
New Automatic Viscosity
Control System
Alfa-Laval has introduced a new automatic viscosity control system for fuel oils. The company claims that the reliability of the system as compared to conventional viscom- eters is primarily due to the simple vibrating rod principle employed in the viscosity transducer.
The new system is called
Viscochief and is made up of a vis- cosity transducer, a viscosity con- trol unit and a Heatpac heater. The transducer simultaneously mea- sures temperature and viscosity and relays the information to the control unit. The control unit adjusts the oil viscosity via the heater.
Headquartered in Sweden, Alfa-
Laval is an international supplier of oil treatment systems to the marine and power industries.
For further information detailing the Viscochief,
Circle 100 on Reader Service Card
Propulsion System
Demonstrator Powered
By GE Gas Turbine
A General Electric (GE) LM120 marine gas turbine has been in- stalled aboard the propulsion sys- tem demonstrator (PSD) vehicle for the U.S. Marine Corps' Advanced
Amphibious Assault program. The turbine reportedly was successful in powering the vehicle during water- borne testing.
Tests conducted by the Naval
Surface Warfare Center, Carderock
Division, reportedly proved that an amphibious vehicle can travel at over 20 miles per hour (mph) in the water and also be able to perform well on land. Reported speeds of 33 mph were recorded, compared to a water speed of 8 mph for the current op- erational amphibious vehicle, the
The entire propulsion system con- sists of a Cummins VTA903 diesel engine and the LM120 gas turbine.
The diesel powers the vehicle on land. In high-speed operations in the water, the vehicle is propelled by four water jets, with the diesel powering one and the LM120 gas turbine driving the other three.
Further tests are expected to take place at the Marine Corps Amphibi- ous Vehicle Test Branch, Camp
Pendelton, Calif., and should take six months to complete.
The LM120 gas turbine is derived from the T700/CT7 family of tur- boshaft and turboprop engines and is rated horsepower at 1,650 to 2,000 shaft horsepower. More than 6,000 of the T700/CT7 engines have been installed on helicopters, regional airliners and military transports.
For more information about the
LM120 gas turbine,
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
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