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Capabilities Of Trinity Marine's
New Beaumont Yard Highlighted
International Tug & Salvage Expo 1992
Show Set for May 27-29, Genoa, Italy
The next (12th) International Tug & Salvage Exhibition will incorporate the Genoa Work-boat Show, bringing two exhibitions under one roof at the international fairground in Genoa, Italy, May 27- 29, 1992, during the gathering of executives involved in the tug, tow- age and salvage business. This combination greatly enlarges the scope of products and services on display, and also serves to provide the widest possible appeal to trade visitors.
The International Tug & Salvage
Exhibition has been held biennially all over the world during the last 20 years. Well over 3,500 executives involved in the tug and salvage busi- ness have attended these events which have been held in London,
Vancouver, New Orleans, Rotter- dam, Hamburg, Singapore, Sydney and Halifax.
Thanks to the unique combina- tion of "two fairs under the same roof," the Genoa Workboat Show will be a showcase for anyone in- volved with commercial craft and associated equipment or services with a vast range of products and services directly relevant to own- ers, operators or users of small and big commercial craft. Many boats will be available for demonstration to allow the visitors to view and test a prospective purchase. The show will present everything from winch- es to propellers, from radar to pumps.
Parallel to the Genoa Workboat
Show/Tug & Salvage exhibition, there will be a series of new product seminars held by leading people of the industry who inform the visitors of new technologies and develop- ment of the sector.
The 12th International Tug &
Salvage Convention, one of the world's largest gatherings of senior executives involved in the tug, tow- age and salvage industry, will take place in Italy for the first time, at the Grand Hotel Miramare, Santa
The convention papers, delivered by highly qualified speakers from all over the world, will cover specific marine salvage topics as well as traditional tug-related subjects.
Simultaneous English/Italian translation will be available, and preprints of the papers will be sent to registered delegates well in ad- vance of the convention in order that they may have a chance to study them and prepare questions.
Speakers will give a resume of their papers, and an equal amount of time will be given over to discussion.
The recognition of the Genoa
Workboat Show as a show of prime importance is demonstrated by the active participation of the Port of
Genoa and the National Passengers
Transport Association, gathering the main Italian companies who op- erate in this sector.
As an integral part of the conven- tion there will be a full social program to which delegates' part- ners are invited.
For further information, contact:
Expoconsult s.r.l., Galleria del Cor- so, 2 - 05100 Terni, Italy, phone ++39 744 400.544, fax ++39 744 451.235.
Kaldnes Shipyard
To Concentrate
On Offshore Sector
Kaldnes Shipyard in Tonsberg,
Norway, recently announced that it will be switching its specialty to the offshore sector in July. The yard presently specializes in the construc-
The Trinity Marine Group (TMG), of Gulfport, Mississippi, recently conducted a week long sales and marketing drive through New York and New Jersey to promote the group's 11 shipyards, particularly its newly renovated yard in Beau- mont, Texas.
Mr. Walter W. Rody, of TMG, gave luncheon presentations to se- nior managers from ship and barge operators in both states. During the meetings Mr. Rody showed a 12 minute video about the facilities of
TMG before beginning his discus- sion on Trinity Beaumont.
TMG is wholly owned by Trinity
Industries, of Dallas, a large manu- facturer of heavy metals products tion of tankers and general cargo carriers up to 30,000 tons.
The reason for the switch was given as lost revenue and poor mar- ket conditions.
Plans for the yard call for it to be involved in the fabrication sector of the offshore industry. Kaldnes is involved in the offshore sector in a joint venture with Heerema.
Mr. Walter W. Rody of Trinity Marine Group (TMG) discusses the renovation of the Trinity-Beaumont yard with vessel operators and owners during the
TMG presentation in New York City. for rail cars, marine products, struc- tural products, and pressure/ non-pressure containers. Trinity
Industries has generated revenue in each of the last 3 years in excess of $1 billion, with TMG alone con- tributing over $230 million.
The shipyards belonging to the marine group are located in Louisi- ana, Texas, Mississippi and
Pennsylvania and are organized as "divisions" of TMG's Gulfport head- quarters. Because a large part of the administrative work for each yard is conducted at the Gulfport office, overhead costs are significant- ly reduced for the shipyards and their customers.
Although each yard is responsi- ble for obtaining its own contracts,
TMG will often devote several of its facilities to the same project. Using modularized shipbuilding tech- niques, components of a single project can be fabricated at several yards and then barged to the main construction site for final installa- tion.
TMG companies are: Halter Ma- rine, Inc.; Moss Point Marine, Inc.;
Equitable Shipyards, Inc.; Gretna
Machine & Iron Works, Inc.; HBC
Barge, Inc.; Aluminum Boats, Inc.;
Trinity-Beaumont; and Trinity Ma- rine-Gulfport, Inc.
According to TMG, it is currently involved in several hundred million dollars worth of U.S. Government and commercial contracts. The com- pany has recently delivered 6
T-AGOS13 ocean surveillance ships to the U.S. Navy and several ocean going 20,000-dwt tank barges and high horsepower tugs to commercial operators. Other ongoing programs are: the Navy's oceanographic re- search ship, AGOR 23; T-AGS 60 & 61 hydrographic survey ships; logis- tic support vessels (LSV) and
LCU-2000 landing craft for the U.S.
Army; fast patrol craft (PCF) for the
Philippine Navy; twelve, 208-foot oil spill response ships and various 100-ton crane barges, supply ves- sels, tugs and barges.
Trinity's primary marketing ini- tiative is centered on its recently reorganized Beaumont yard. Locat- ed in the southeast of Texas, Trinity
Beaumont is a fully integrated ship construction yard with full ship- building, conversion and repair facilities.
When purchased from Bethlehem
Steel Corps, in 1989, Beaumont pos- sessed an array of modern shipbuilding equipment that had been used for the building of off- shore drilling rigs, platforms and ship conversions. Trinity Industries began a $1.5 million augmentation of the facility that would give it the capacity to construct ocean going tankers, cargo vessels and passen- ger cruise ships.
To improve the yard's ship repair capability, TMG purchased a 15,000- long-ton-capacity medium floating drydock from the Navy, with a length over all (LOA) of 579 feet and a distance between wing walls of 90 feet. Other yard additions include: a plate and structural blasting ma- chine; 3 wire feeder one side submerged series arc welding ma- chine; plate buttweld radiography area; gas metal arc welding struc- tural fitting machine that can fit 5 stiffeners at one time; a welding station capable of welding 3 stiffen- ers at once; and 3 modular construction stations measuring 45 feet by 60 feet.
For free literature detailing the capabilities of Trinity Marine Group and the services available at
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