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Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 1993)
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For The Record
In the November 1992 issue of aritime Reporter & Engineering ews, a story on the new Wartsila asa 20 auxiliary engine was in- irrectly identified as the M20. iR/EN regrets this error.
For full information on Wartsila ad its new Vasa 20 engine,
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card ipray-On Corrosion Block offered By .ear Chemical Research
The spray on Corrosion Block jroduct from Lear Chemical Re- search Corp., is a product designed ;o penetrate corrosion cells, effec- ;ively separating water and metal, md stopping corrosion.
A corrosion cell acts as a minia- ture battery.
It transfers electrons from the base metal to the surface where they combine with oxygen to form corrosion.
Since salt water is an ideal elec- trolyte, the metals most often found aboard ships are perfect targets for this type of damage.
Nearly all corrosion inhibitors are sealants which lay on top of corrosion, effectively sealing mois- ture out, but also possibly sealing moisture in.
Corrosion Block has a powerful affinity for metal and it shuts down the deepest corrosion cell, the manufacturer said.
By doing this, Corrosion Block displaces corrosion-causing electro- lytes and prevents corrosion from starting and cures corrosion in progress.
For additional information on
Corrosion Block,
Circle 50 on Reader Service Card
Drew Ameroid Offers
Brochure On Magnakote
Rust Preventative
A brochure from Drew Ameroid
Marine, a subsidiary of Ashland
Oil, Inc., discusses the overall per- formance of Drew's Magnakote rust preventative, with special at- tention to other factors that should be considered, such as ease of ap- plication, availability, product life, value-added service, follow-up, in- spections and warranty.
Magnakote rust preventative was developed with these criteria in mind.
The formulation is patented in 11 countries.
Because of its polar characteris- tics, Magnakote rust preventative actually bonds to the steel.
Its crystalline molecules form lay- ers of overlapping platelets that ef- fectively give and flex with the movement of the ship.
For a brochure on Magnakote from
Drew Ameroid Marine,
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
Integrated Systems Analysts (ISA) specializes in helping companies es- tablish or expand thermal spray and corrosion control in-plant facilities.
The company's services include: recommendations or process selec- tion; site selection and survey; assis- tance in purchasing equipment and supplies; equipment installations and checkout; operator, inspector, planner and supervisor training; en- vironmental and safety permit ac- quisition; and preparation of shop process and quality assurance in- structions.
For more information on the cor- rosion control solutions from Inte- grated Systems Analysts,
Circle 121 on Reader Service Card
Oil Mop, Inc. Develops
And Manufactures Spill
Recovery Equipment
A 22-year-old company based in
New Orleans, Oil Mop, Inc. special- izes in the development and manu- facture of oil spill recovery equip- ment and any other types of equip- ment and sorbents for a complete line of pollution control products.
Since 1970, the company has de- livered more than 10,000 systems worldwide, and reportedly the company's equipment can operate in climates from arctic to tropical.
Oil Mop stocks its complete line in its plant, and products constantly on hand include: more than 5,000 feet of rope mop; absorbents; boom; contain- ment booms and pads for instant response; and oil mop machines of varying speeds and capacities, in- cluding the Mark II9D which cleans at a rate of more than 3,000 gallons per hour.
For additional information on Oil
Mop and its entire line of spill recov- ery developments,
Circle 122 on Reader Service Card
Sea Recovery's Desalinators
Incorporate Reverse
Osmosis Technology
Reverse Osmosis systems, devel- oped, designed and manufactured by Sea Recovery Corp., are avail- able in models capable of producing from 1,300 to 4,000 gallons per day from either sea or brackish water sources.
The company's most compact com- mercial R.O. desalinator is designed to suit the needs of megayachts, as well as onshore facilities.
Constructed with a lightweight, epoxy-coated frame, each unit uti- lizes only the highest quality ma- rine-grade materials and compo- nents.
Features include a booster pump, oil/water separator, two commercial- grade prefilters for added membrane protection and extended filter life.
For information on Sea Recovery's reverse osmosis desalinators,
Circle 123 on Reader Service Card
Circle Seal Controls Offers
Eight-Page Brochure
On Pressure Regulators
Circle Seal Controls, based in Ana- heim, Calif., is offering an eight-page, four-color brochure which provides the recipient with technical data and specifications on the company's stan- dard line of pressure and back pres- sure regulators.
Circle Seal regulators are avail- able with outlet ranges up to 10,000 psi in .25- to .5-inch pipe sizes.
In all the brochure highlights 18 different regulators.
Each product is described using a black and white photograph, full tech- nical data and text describing each product's specific properties and fea- tures.
Also, full information is included on how to accurately order the cor- rect regulator.
For a copy of the brochure from
Circle Seal,
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Thermal Spray
And Corrosion Control
Offered By ISA
Today's decisions must be the right ones for tomorrow.
Right in cost. Right in reliability. • Safeguard your decisions with
CLA-VAL...the name that stands for the best in valves.
Cost-effective, year-in, • You just can't beat forty years of experience. mm
CLA-VAL...your safeguard for the future. • AFFF System Control Valves • Ballasting Valves > Lube Oil Unloading Valves > Regulating Valves
P.O. Box 1325
Newport Beach,
CA 92659-0325 (714) 548-2201
Telex: 67-8429
FAX:(714) 548-5453
Airport Center,
Suite 115 4250 Veterans
Memorial Hwy.,
Holbrook, NY 11741 (516) 588-3900
Telex: 12-6506
FAX: (516) 588-8529
Circle 202 on Reader Service Card
February, 1993 59