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Canadian Shipbuilding & Off- shore Exhibition '93 (CSOE):
February 15-16, Ottawa,
Ottawa Congress Center. Contact:
Joy MacPherson, Canadian
Maritime Industries Association,
P.O. Box 1429, Station B, Ottawa,
Ontario KIP 5R4; tel: (613) 232- 7127; fax: (613) 232-2490.
Gastech '93: The 15th Interna- tional LNG/LPG Conference &
Exhibition: February 16-19,
Contact: Hazel MacBride,
Gastech'93 Secretariat, Suite 508,
Glen House, 200/208 Tottenham
Court Road, London W1P 9LA,
England; tel: 44 71 436 9774; fax: 44 71 436 9774.
Metalform '93: March 14-17,
Rosemont, 111.
Rosemont/O'Hare Exposition Cen- ter. Contact: Precision
Metalforming Association, 27027
Chardon Road, Richmond Heights,
Ohio 44143; tel: (216) 585-8800; fax: (216) 585-3126.
Seatrade Cruise Shipping '93
Conference & Exhibition:
March 16-20, Miami Beach, Fla.
Miami Beach Convention Center.
Contact: Michael Kazakoff, The
Seatrade Organization, 125 Village
Blvd., Suite 220, Princeton, N.J. 08540-5703; tel: (609) 452-9414; fax: (609) 452-9374.
ASNE Logistics Symposium '93:
March 17-18, Seattle, Wash.
Contact: Don Eason, exhibits chair- man, tel: (206) 479-8828; fax: (206) 479-8563.
Coastal Ocean Space Utilization (COSU III): March 30-April 2,
Santa Margherita Ligure,
Portofino, Italy
Contact: In Italy: Dr. Mario
Petrillo, COSU III coordinator,
Instituto Di Scienze Ambientali Ma- rine, University di Genoa, C.P. 79-
Corso Rainusso, 14, 16038 Santa
Margherita Ligure (GE); tel: 0039 185-286195; fax: 0039 185-281089.
In the U.S.: Joan Sheridan, vice president, New Jersey Marine Sci- ence Consortium, Fort Hancock, N.J. 07732; tel: (908) 872-1300; fax (908) 291-4483.
Safety at Sea and Marine Elec- tronics Conference & Exhibition (SASMEX) International '93:
April 6-9, Miami, Fla.
Sheraton Bel Harbour Hotel. Con- tact: Gillian Jones, in the U.K.: tel: +44 737 768611; fax: +44 737 760564; or Kristina Hagman-Goldfield in the U.S., fax: (215) 564-2175.
AWO Annual Meeting: March 30-
April 1, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Jeffrey Smith, AWO, 1600
Wilson Blvd., Suite 1000, Arlington,
Va. 22209; tel: (703) 841-9300; fax: (703) 841-0398.
OTC '93: May 3-7, Houston, Texas
Contact: Fred Herbst, Offshore
Technology Conference, 222 Pali- sades Creek Drive, Richardson,
Texas 75080; tel: (214) 952-9494; fax: (214) 952-9435.
ASNE: May 6-7, Washington, D.C.
Contact: Rick Ottinger, ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Alexandria, Va., 22314; tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.
Forest Products Transpo '93:
May 9-11, Portland, Ore.
Portland Marriott. Contact:
Sheldon Meyer, Journal of Com- merce Conference Program direc- tor; tel: (212) 837-7145; Mark Stone,
Maclean Hunter Presentations, Inc.; tel: (303) 696-6100.
Nor-Shipping '93: June 8-11,
Oslo, Norway
Sjolyst Exhibition Center. Contact:
Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation,
P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212, Oslo,
Norway; tel: +47 243 9100; fax: +47 243 1914. (After January 28, 1993: tel: +47 22 43 9100; fax: +47 22 43 1914).
Offshore Expo '93 Set For
Russia, September 14-18
The commercial opportunities i
Russia and the Republics now aval able to international maritime ir dustries are keys to the fast growin support for the NEVA '93 Shippin and Offshore Exhibition, schedulei to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia
September 14 to 18, 1993.
Recent developments to be high lighted at the show encompass thi wide interest developing in the nev offshore sector, which is now includec in the exhibition. Similarly, repre sentatives from the fisheries' vessels and equipment industries will ex hibit full-scale for the first time ir conjunction with NEVA '93.
National Export and Fairs orga nizations of Denmark, Finland, Ger- many, Italy and Norway will have national pavilions, and groups oi leading maritime companies from
France, Greece, Holland, Poland and the U.K. are expected to attend.
Organizers are working with se- nior shipping organizations in the
Far East and the U.S. to ensure that the trading opportunity at NEVA '93 is taken globally by shipbuilders, manufacturers and service industry.
A three-day conference will be held and accompanied by an intensive seminar program for technical and specialist subjects. The program is being jointly arranged by Wessex
Institute of Technology in England and NEVA '93 organizers. Sessions covering computer assisted design, arctic transportation, offshore en- ergy, safety at sea and advanced marine vehicles are included.
For information on NEVA '93,
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
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