Page 24: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1993)
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Marco Signs Contracts
To Build OSRVs For
Clean Sound, Petrobel
Marco Pollution Control, of Se- attle, has signed two contracts to build a 42-foot oil spill recovery ves- sel (OSRV) for Clean Sound Coop- erative, of Edmonds, Wash., and a 36-foot OSRV for Petrobel, of Cairo,
Egypt. Clean Sound is an organiza- tion of oil and oil transportation companies in Washington State dedicated to providing more effec- tive regional control of oil spills.
The Coastal 42 will utilize Marco's unique Filterbelt technology for oil and debris recovery from open wa- ter. Effective on all types of oils, even if mixed with debris, this sys- tem has proven to be highly effective in the clean-up of many major spills around the world. The Marco
Filterbelt removes oil and debris from water in one step, as opposed to other system that pump a large / \
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The new boat will have a beam of 15.2 feet, a 3.5-foot draft, and will carry a normal operating crew of two. The OSRV will be capable of speeds in excess of 15 knots and is scheduled for delivery in June 1993.
Petrobel is a joint venture com- pany formed by the Egyptian Gen- eral Petroleum Authority (EGPC) ^SHERMAN'S
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Marco signs contract with Clean Sound Coopera- tive for 42-foot 0RV, two feet longer than this
Coastal 40 delivered to Clean Sound in June 1992. and ENI of Italy (a member of the
AGIP group). The company has or- dered a Marco Offshore 36, formerly known as the Class V oil recovery vessel (ORV). The Offshore 36 will also use Marco's Filterbelt system and is to be stationed in the Red Sea/
Suez Canal area. There are cur- rently 28 Offshore 36 ORVs in ser- vice today.
The versatile Offshore 36 is de- signed to operate as a self-contained autonomous unit in free skimming mode, or as part of a team of three vessels in enhanced or V-boom skim- ming mode. It can also be config- ured as a vessel of opportunity skim- ming system (VOSS) unit, towed alongside a mother vessel using an outrigger. The vessel has a 12-foot beam and a draft of 3.2 feet. It car- ries a normal operating crew of two and has a top slamming speed of two knots. Propulsion of the Offshore 36 is provided by a "Z" drive located in the forward part of the vessel, allow- ing the vessel to spin on its own axis "Although Marco's Offshore 36 has proven itself over and over in a wide variety of spill conditions around the world, this is our first
ORV in the Red Sea," said D. W.
Lerch, vice president of Marco's
Pollution Control Division. "We're glad for the opportunity to demon- strate the Offshore 36's effective- ness in this sensitive and heavily traveled part of the world."
To receive more information about
Marco Pollution Control,
Circle 137 on Reader Service Card
Textron Receives U.S. Senate
Productivity Award
Senator John Breaux (D-LA) presented the U.S. Senate Produc- tivity Award to New Orleans-based
Textron Marine Systems. The award, a bronze medallion, was re- ceived on behalf of the company by
John J. Kelly, president of Textron
Marine Systems. Senator Breaux congratulated Mr. Kelly on the effi- ciency of his work force and stated his belief that Textron employees have set a standard of dedication and quality performance that should be emulated by all. This prestigious award comes to Textron Marine
Systems after careful study by the members of the U.S. Senate Produc- tivity Board, composed of industry and educational leaders.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News