Page 25: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1993)
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Veteran Carrier Coral Sea
Destined For Scrapyard
Despite efforts to save the fleet's historic workhorse, the Navy an- nounced that a contract to sell the
Coral Sea (CV 43) for scrap would be awarded in May of this year.
The 52,000-ton aircraft carrier, which was commissioned in 1947 and saw outstanding service off
Vietnam in the 1960s and later against Libya in 1986, now waits at the Philadelphia Naval Ship- yard to be towed away by the scrap dealers.
The Coral Sea's scrapping con- tract was put out for bids by the
Navy after a Puerto Rico-based group seeking to refurbish the car- rier as a tourist attraction with- drew their bid.
Citing the cost of mooring and the lack of pier space for decom- missioned vessels, the Navy could not wait any longer for the group to raise the necessary funds.
The group is now concentrating on acquiring the carrier's sistership, the Midway (CV 41), decommissioned in April 1992.
After the contract is awarded, the successful bidder will have 30 days to tow the creaky, groaning carrier from its berth to a final resting place for dismantling.
MarAd OK's Lykes Request
To Use Foreign Vessel
For Over-Booked Cargo
The U.S. Maritime Administra- tion (MarAd) has approved a re- quest by New Orleans-based Lykes
Brothers Steamship Company,
Inc., to waive the provisions of sec- tion 804(a) of the Merchant Ma- rine Act of 1936, as amended, to permit loading up to 100 TEUs on the foreign-flag vessel Deppe
America inbound from Livorno,
Italy, to Miami on Trade Route 13.
As a result of overbooking on the
S.S. Margaret Lykes, which nor- mally would transport the cargo,
Lykes sought the waiver for spe- cial circumstances and good cause.
Section 804 precludes subsidized
U.S.-flag operators or their affili- ates from operating foreign-flag vessels which compete with essen- tial U.S.-flag shipping services unless the Secretary of Transpor- tation waives the provision of this section for specific period of time.
Farrell Lines, Inc., New York, which provides direct service from
Livorno, does not object to this car- riage and Sea-Land Service, Inc., of Edison, N. J., withdrew its objec- tion.
Award Of Two Contracts
To Grandweld Shiprepair
Of Dubai, U.A.E.
Atos Group, Inc.'s, ship repair subsidiary Grandweld & Fabrica-
April, 1993 tion Services, which operates at the
A1 Jadaf ship docking yard in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, recently com- pleted extensive steel renewal re- pairs on two ocean-going barges,
McDermott's Intermac 258 and Tide
Water's Sea Hauler 101.
The contracts for both jobs were valued at $719,424.
Both the barges were repaired under the auspices of the American
Bureau of Shipping and the U.S.
Coast Guard.
Based on the quality of the work performed by the yard, McDermott recently awarded Atos Group an ad- ditional contract for steel renewal repair on the Intermac 268.
The barge was docked using the
A1 Jadaf syncrolift facility and steel renewal is expected to exceed 100 metric tons.
Repair work will be completed in 30 days.
Atos is in the process of complet- ing the life extension steel-renewal work on the ex-MV Montego, the
Quality Shipyard-built vessel is now named Delta Star for Delta Marine
Services. The vessel's sides, bottom, internals, decks, superstructure and the stern roller were completely cropped out and have been rebuilt.
Steel renewal exceeded 175 tons and was completed in 60 days.
Grandweld's capabilities also in- clude ABS life extension programs on offshore supply vessels (OSVs).
According to the yard, the number of
OSVs now operating out of the U. A.E. exceeds that operating in the Gulf of
Mexico region.
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