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specially designed to introduce an extra safety margin so as to provide optimum engine performance un- der the most severe conditions. With
Talusia HR 70 it is possible to sat- isfy very specific demands from some shipowners and be in har- mony with the maintenance policy they have chosen. Talusia HR 70 now has more than 60,000 operat- ing hours on different vessels and results are in keeping with the tar- get defined.
Circle 32 on Reader Service Card
Exxon Company, U.S.A. markets several lines of quality marine lubri- cants.
Exxon's marine lubricant line in- cludes De-Mar 17, an LMOA Gen- eration 5 heavy duty crankcase lu- bricant for both main and auxiliary diesel engines.
Zinc-free, high detergent De-Mar 17 has a 17 TBN and is non-corrosive to silver bearings.
Exxon's new product, De-Mar 17P, also zinc-free, utilizes new chlo- rine-free additive technology. Chlo- rine free oils are inherently less cor- rosive and are more environmen- tally friendly. Both De-Mar 17 and
De-Mar 17P are available in a 20 W- 40 multigrade.
Other marine lubricants offered by Exxon include:
Spartan EP, a non-lead, extreme- pressure lubricant for enclosed gears
This is no room for compromise.
Why? Because most marine oils are compromises. Commercial oils that have been adapted for marine use.
But not ours. Mobil has developed truly marine-specific oils. Formulated from the beginning to meet the difficult and different demands of the marine environment.
And then we went even further. We developed a marine oil for each of the three major OEM diesels in marine service.
Detroit Diesels? There's our Mobilmar® 100
Series oils. Caterpillars? Our Mobilmar 300
Series oils. EMDs? Our Mobilgard® 450 oil.
Each is designed for optimum performance in its specific engine.
How does it work in practice?
Tidewater Marine Inc. of Morgan City,
Louisiana switched to Mobilmar 340 for the
MA/ Leslie Geismar's twin Caterpillar diesels.
The uncompromising combination of
Mobilmar 340, oil analyses, and preventive maintenance significantly increased oil drain intervals and decreased oil consumption, resulting in a savings of $9000 annually.
Impressive results.
For more information call Mobil at 1 -800-662- 4525. Then give us a chance to perform.
If we can't save you money, we don't deserve your business. ©1993 Mobil Oil Corporation Mobil
Circle 231 on Reader Service Card and bearings operated under heavy load or shock load conditions; Spar- tan Synthetic EP, a high viscosity index long-life extreme pressure gear and bearing lubricant; Nuto H, an anti-wear hydraulic oil; 1209 Tur- bine Oil, a rust and oxidation inhib- ited anti-wear marine turbine oil,
MIL-L-17331-H approved; and
Univis N, a line of high viscosity index anti-wear hydraulic oils. An- other new product has been added to the industrial marine product lineup: Teresstic SHP, a high qual- ity synthetic turbine oil available in a variety of grades.
Ferrous Corporation
Circle 33 on Reader Service Card
Ferrous Corporation, Bellevue,
Wash., has been in the business of selling fuel oil and lube oil additives to the marine industry for over 25 years.
Its products, which focus on fuel and lubricant-related problems, in- clude combustion catalysts, a fuel dispersant and stabilizer, fuel bio- cides and a stern tube lubricant.
The following Ferrous products of- fer a range of solutions to marine problems:
BT-8 is an extremely concentrated dispersant that reduces fuel incom- patibility problems, removes exist- ing tank sludge and improves fuel compatibility. BT-8 is normally dosed at 1:20,000.
MP-3 and MP-4 Combustion
Catalysts are two approaches to com- bustion problems. MP-3 is a multi- purpose additive, combining a fuel catalyst and a dispersant. The cata- lyst uses an organo-metallic iron that assists in combining the fuel and oxygen, resulting in a better air-fuel mixture for more complete combustion.
MP-4 combines an oil soluble magnesium with the iron found in
MP-3. While the iron improves com- bustion, the magnesium works as a post flame additive to counteract the effects of vanadium, sodium, sulfur and spent lube oil in the fuel.
Fuel-Guard, a fuel biocide, is able to impact both the fuel and water to eliminate microbial growth ("bugs") where fuel and water interface. Sea-
L-Saver impacts leaking stern tubes in a number of ways: reducing the flow of oil out of the stern tube (in most cases), protecting metal sur- faces from water, and emulsifying water that does enter the tube.
The advantage of Sea-L-Saver is that the emulsified water, if allowed to sit, will separate from the lube and can be drained off. Sea-L-Saver also conditions the seals, extending their life.
Fluoramics, Inc.
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
The secret of an effective addi- tive, one that reduces friction be- tween moving parts, reduces fuel consumption and provides faster starts and smoother, quieter, cooler operation, lies in the coefficient of friction (slipperiness) of the addi- 32 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News