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New MSPX 303 System
Saves Operator $4,500/
Month In Field Tests
As the cost for landing and dis- posing of waste streams containing oil and sludge mount, owner/opera- tors are on the continual lookout for systems which save money.
With the introduction of the
MSPX 303 Oil Recovery and Sludge
Treatment System, Alfa Laval is providing a product which is de- signed to effectively and economi- cally solve problems associated with the disposal of sludges accumulat- ing in marine and power diesel en- gine installations.
The MSPX 303 separator is the key component in a dedicated sys- tem solution specifically for sludge treatment, and in addition to the separator and feed pump, the sys- tem includes the proven HEATPAC heater and EPC 41 control unit.
According to the manufacturer, field tests carried out onboard eight ves- sels operating worldwide have proven that the MSPX 303 system can handle all of the sludge from the lube and fuel oil separator sludge tank, along with all filter drains as well as any oil water waste gener- ated.
The success of the system hinges on a unique dual paring disc dis- charge arrangement which ensures maximum removal of oil and water,
How to Operate More Efficiently At Lower
Cost With Tranter Plate-type Heat Exchangers
Naval ships, fleet oilers, commercial containerships, tankers and dredges are successfully finding new ways to operate more efficiently at lower cost, by utilizing
Tranter's unsurpassed plate-type heat exchanger technology. Schematics presented here illustrate typical ways they are doing it.
Superchanger® plate and frame heat exchangers are used in a wide variety of shipboard applications—particularly for cooling main engine jacket water and cooling main engine lube oil with fresh water or sea- water; cooling the ship's central fresh water; cooling electronic equipment; or recovering heat from condensate. They are far more effi- cient than tubular systems, and provide heat transfer coefficients from two to five times greater than those achieved by shell and tube units. They also require 10% to 50% less deck space and weigh up to one-sixth less.
Superchanger units can be equipped with titanium plates which offer the best resistance to corrosion and erosion when exposed to seawater. Intermixing or cross-contamination 110 of hot and cold liquids is virtually impossible.
Low fouling rates reduce cleaning require- ments for Superchanger units, that are designed for easy maintenance. They can be cleaned-in-place by backflushing, or quickly disassembled by hand, cleaned and put back in operation.
Platecoil® prime surface heat exchangers offer optimum temperature control. A Platecoil bank-in-tank unit provides wide interspaces for effectively passing solids while efficiently heating seawater containing oil from spills.
Platecoil bayonet heaters provide a large amount of efficient primary heating surface in a single unit for maintaining desired temper- atures in storage tanks. These heaters help promote convection currents for better heat transfer rates and tank temperature uniformity.
Platecoil suction heaters provide immediate heating for pumping oil out of tanks.
Tranter plate-type heat exchangers can be supplied in full compliance with codes and specifications as required by the ABS; the
U.S. Coast Guard; shock testing per MIL-S-
Circle 318 on Reader Service Card 901C; vibration testing per MIL-STD-167-1; and ASME U stamp per Sec. VIII Div. 1.
With over 50 years of heat transfer problem solving experience, Tranter is uniquely poised to answer your tough questions and solve your precise needs. Call us at (817) 723-7125.
Better still, ask your local
Tranter representative about our Heat Transfer
Symposiums. (817)723-7125.
The heat transfer answer.
TRANTER, inc., Texas Division
Old Burk Road • P.O. Box 2289
Wichita Falls TX 76307 • (817) 723-7125
TELEX: 73-4410 • FAX: (817) 723-5131 • MADE IN U.S.A. ® 1993 TRANTER, inc. 650101 and enables the system to handle oil sludge with a high concentration of impurities and large density varia- tions.
According to Alfa Laval, use of the MSPX 303 system onboard the
M/S Mariella, a Viking Line cruise ferry powered by a 30-MW engine, showed a monthly savings in land- ing costs of nearly $4,000.
With the added value of the re- covered oil used as fuel for the boiler, the system provided an additional $500 per month savings.
For more information on the new technology of and potential cost sav- ings with the MSPX 303 system frorr
Alfa Laval,
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card
MH Associates Introduces
New Software For
Barge Industry
MH Associates has begun mai keting a family of Personal Con: puter (PC) software designed for th barge industry.
The first two products are d< signed from an operations point ( view, automating on a PC forms the major functions of barge dii patching. Currently under develoj ment is a "tow" version, which designed to automate the contr and reports required for boat oper; tions. "Barge Tracker" is designed track barges as they move throug the empty to loaded to empty cycl
The new system can also reported automatically compute the distan between any two navigation poin (presently the software has the Mi sissippi River system entered, but is expandable to handle deep wat points also).
Evac Marine To Design
And Supply 10
Polish-Built Ships
The re-emergence of the Poli shipbuilding industry in the infc national market place has result in a series of significant contra for marine vacuum sewage systi designer Evac Marine of Helsin
Evac has secured the contracts design and supply the compl marine sanitation systems to 10 v sels being built in Poland for Fi: ish and German owners.
These vessels include four 20,0 gt combi Ro/Ro's being built
Gdanska Shipyard for Finncarri< of which 68 Evac 90 wall-moun toilets will be provided for each.
Evac will also supply systems six containerships being built at
Gdynia New Shipyard.
The vessels, of varying size : capacity, are being built for th separate owners and all are < rently scheduled for delivery at v; ing times in 1994.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News