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"Engineer a better fiber, and ultimately you've engineered a better product." 1W811 A.C.E. Polyester 11WJ

As marine applications became more demanding, the rope industry faced a new challenge -- to engineer a better performing polyester rope product.

Through a program of intense fiber research,

AlliedSignal engineers discovered the solution.

By applying a unique and proprietary SeaGard® finish to the ACE polyester fibers, a better performing wet abrasion resistant rope was now able to be constructed.

In independent testing and in field testing by several rope manufacturers, ACE Polyester SeaGard ropes -- 3-strand and braided -- outlasted and out-performed ordinary polyester ropes by incredible margins, even under the most severe wet abrasion conditions.

Today, rope manufacturers have found that they require a higher level of performance plus cost- effectiveness for the most demanding applications, such as: tethers for balloons, underwater surveillance systems, offshore oil rigging and transmission and distribution (T&D) lines. ACE Polyester SeaGard meets these requirements. And, for the sailor who wants the best in performance, SeaGard ropes offer that certain added security plus easy, smooth handling.

For further information and test results, contact:

Dept. A-S, Suite 1500, 224 West 35th St., NY, NY 10001.



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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.