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Calendar MarAd News


AWO Fall Convention: Septem- ber 7-9, Washington, D.C.

Contact: AWO, 1600 Wilson Blvd.,

Arlington, Va. 22209; tel: (703) 841- 9300; fax: (703) 841-0389.

Offshore Europe '93: September 7-10, Scotland

Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference

Center: Contact: Offshore Europe

Partnership, Rowe House, 55/59 Fife

Road, Kingston upon Thames, Sur- rey KT1 1TA; tel: +44 81 549 5831; fax: +44 81 541 5657/974 8077.

NEVA '93—The International

Shipping Exhibition: September 14-18, St. Petersburg, Russia

Contact: Roderick Keay, Dolphin

Exhibitions Ltd., 112 High St.,

Bildeston, Suffolk 1P7 7EB England; tel: +44 9 741087; fax: +44 9 741628.

Clean Gulf '93: September 14-16,

Kenner, La.

Pontchartrain Center. Contact:

Corey Smith, PennWell, (713) 621- 8833.

SNAME Centennial Annual

Meeting and International Mari- time Exposition: September 14- 19, New York

New York Hilton Hotel. Contact:

The Society of Naval Architects and

Marine Engineers, 601 Pavonia Ave.,

Jersey City, N.J. 07306. tel: (201) 798-4800; fax: (201) 798-4975.

National Waterways Confer- ence: September 15-17, Memphis,


Contact: National Waterways Con- ference, Inc., 1130 17th St., N.W.,

Washington, D.C. 20036-4676; tel: (202) 296-4415; fax: (202) 835-3861.

Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 1993: September 15-19,

Laugardalsholl, Reykjavik, Iceland

Contact: Patricia Foster, exhibi- tion director, Icelandic Fisheries

Exhibition, Reed Exhibition Com- panies (U.K.), Oriel House, 26 The

Quadrant, Richmond-on-Thames,

Surrey, U.K. TW9 1DL; tel: +44 81 948 9800; fax: +44 81 948 9870.

Gateways To Emerging Markets:

A Russian Far East and Pacific

N.W. Trade Conference: Septem- ber 20-22, Vladivostok, Russia.

Contact: In the U.S., Sue Simon; tel: (206) 461-2268, fax: (206) 554- 7211; In Russia, Pavel Gorshenin,

Port ofVladivostok; tel: 4323 219388.

MTS '93: "Technology Require- ments in the Nineties": Septem- ber 22-24, Long Beach Convention

Center, Long Beach, Calif, contact: MTS '93 c/o J. Spargo &

Associates, Inc., 4400 Fair Lakes

Court, Fairfax, Va. 22033; tel: (703) 631-6200; fax: (703) 818-9177.

Tanker Industry Convention:

September 27-29, London, U.K.

Royal Lancaster Hotel. Contact:

Vanessa Stephens, The Seatrade

Organization, Seatrade House, 42- 48 North Station Road, Colchester

COl 1RB, U.K.; tel: +44 206 45121; fax: +44 206 45190. 82nd Annual AAPA Convention:

Sept. 27-Oct. 1, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Prince George Hotel and Cha- teau Halifax. Contact: American

Association of Port Authorities at (703) 684-5700. 45th Virginia Conference on

World Trade: September 29-Oct. 1, Virginia Beach, Va.

The Cavalier Hotel. Contact: The

Virginia Chamber of Commerce, 9

South Fifth St., Richmond, Va. 23219; tel: (804) 644-1607 or (800) 477-7682.


SuperFerry: October 5-6,


Aboard the Silja Europa, travelling from Stockholm to Helsinki to

Stockholm. Contact: SuperFerry 93

Secretariat, 2 Station Road,

Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 1QP England; tel: +44 923 776363; fax: +44 923 777206.

Oil Spill Prevention and Re- sponse Expo: October 6-8, San


Contact: David Priebe, (800) 929- 0553.

International Offshore Con- tracting & Subsea Engineering:

October 13-16, Aberdeen, U.K.

Aberdeen Exhibition & Conference

Center. Contact: Spearhead Exhi- bitions, Ltd., Judith Patten,

Neville House, 55 Eden St., Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 lBW;tel: +44 81 547 1566; fax: +44 81 547 1143.

ASNE Fleet Maintenance Sym- posium: October 19-21, San Diego,


Contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Al- exandria, Va. 22314; tel: (703) 836- 6727.

West European Cooperation in

Marine Technology (WEMT '93):

October 20-22, Madrid "Ship Production and Ship Procure- ment" conference. Contact: Juan

Pablo Merino; tel: 34-1-448 4301; fax: 34-1-446 0198.

Admiral of the Ocean Sea

Awards Dinner: October 29, New


Contact: Barbara Yeninas at (201) 226-8580 or Roger Korner at (212) 775-1033.


NSRP Ship Production Sympo- sium: November 1-4, Williamsburg,


Contact: NSRP Ship Production

Symposium, UMTRI, Marine Sys- tems Division, 2901 Baxter Road,

Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109-2150; fax: (313) 936-1081.

ASNE Naval Engineering Sym- posium: November 8-10, Washing- ton, D.C.

Contact: ASNE, 1452 Duke St., Al- exandria, Va. 22314; tel: (703) 836- 6727.

Ship Repair & Conversion '93:

November 9-10, London, England

Contact: John Gwynn-Jones,

BML Business Meetings Ltd., 2 Sta- tion Road, Rickmansworth, Herts

WD3 1QP, England; Tel: +44 923 776363; Fax: +44 923 777206.

Ship Structure Symposium '93:

November 16-17, Arlington, Va.

Sheraton National Hotel. Cospon- sored by SNAME and the Ship Struc- ture Committee. Contact Cdr.

Stephen E. Sharpe, Commandant (G-MI/SCC), 2100 Second St., S.W.,

Washington, D.C. 20593-0001; tel: (202) 267-0003; fax: (202) 267-4677. 26th Europort: November 16-20,


RAI International Exhibition Cen- ter. Gastech RAI, Ltd., tel: +44 71 436 9774; fax: +44 71 436 5694.

Maritime Technology 21st Cen- tury Exhibition & Conference:

November 23-26, Melbourne, Aus- tralia

Contact: Eileen M. Lavine, Infor- mation Services, Inc., 4733 Bethesda

Ave., #700, Bethesda, Md. 20814; tel: (301) 656-2942; fax: (301) 656- 3179.


Marintec China 93: December 7- 10, Shanghai

Contact: Chris Cotton, The

Seatrade Organization, 44/F China

Resources Building, 26, Harbor

Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong; tel: +852 827 9128; fax: +852 827 7831.


Underwater Intervention '94:

February 7-10, 1994, San Diego,


Town & Country Convention Cen- ter. Contact: Underwater Interven- tion '94, P.O. Box 261149, San Di- ego, Calif. 92196; tel: (619)422-8918; fax: (619) 426-4421.

Lykes Bros. Withdraws

Transfer And Sale Requests

Lykes Bros. Steamship has with- drawn its request for approval of the transfer of its operating differential subsidy agreement to Louisiana Ves- sel Management (LVM) and the sale of LVM to independent investors.

MarAd Awards Tanker

Conversion Contract

MarAd awarded a contract for the conversion of the tanker SS Mount

Washington as the fifth in a series of offshore petroleum discharge ships (OPDS). Valued at more than $9 million, the contract was awarded to

Marine Hydraulics International,

Inc. of Norfolk, Va.

The system is designed to deploy up to four miles of hose from ship to shore and begin delivering petro- leum products within 48 hours. The conversion work is expected to be completed within 13 months. The

OPDS ships are part of the MarAd

Ready Reserve Force (RRF).

MarAd Receives Request To

Sell And Transfer Drill Rig

The Maritime Administration

Maritime Subsidy Board has an- nounced MarAd has received an ap plication from Penrod Intl. Drilling

Co., Lafayette, La., for permission t( sell and transfer to Republic o

Vanuatu registry the 5,555-dwt dril rig Penrod 67. The proposed pur chaser, P&P Drilling Ltd., c/o Alii ance Bank & Transit, Nassau, Ba hamas, would use the vessel in oi and gas exploration off the coast c


Fire Training Center Provides

Fire Fighting Training Course

The Fire Training Center (FTC

Toledo, Ohio, is providing a fire figh ing training course that is approve by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) 1 meet the requirements for merchai seamen in obtaining an original < upgrade of a Merchant Marine L cense. The facility offers a five-df

Combined Basic/Advanced Shi board Fire fighting course to me the requirements of 46 CRF 10.205 and 10.207F and IMO Resoluti<


The Combined Basic/Advane

Fire Fighting course is designed i licensed officers or other personr who may be in control of fire fighti operations and training onboa ships. Topics include: fire preve tion; chemistry of fire; extinguishi agents; portable and fixed ext guishers; self contained breathi apparatus; organization and tra ing of fire parties; fire fighting safe hazardous materials; fire cont planning; and procedures. Han on fire fighting evaluations un< live fire conditions will be exp< enced by all who attend. The fee the course is $125. For more in1 mation, contact the FTC at U.S. ] partment of Transportation, M; time Administration, Great La

Fire Training Center, 2600 Eber 1

Swanton, Ohio 43558-9645. r (419) 259-6362; Fax: (419) 259-6£ 108 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.