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enforce the Serbia-Montenegro sanctions imposed by the United
Each of the vessels is driven by twin Evinrude 225 HP engines, has a beam of 10 feet, a draft of 19 inches, a fiberglass pilot house and a lower cuddy cabin. Their "unsinkable" hulls are constructed with a commercial fiberglass lami- nate. Delivered shrink-wrapped and equipped with twin outboard motors, full electronics, and re- quired law-enforcement equipment, the boats provide efficient patrol service for both Romania and Bul- garia, meeting a national security need.
Vigilants Equipment List
Engines Evinrude
Propellers SST
Compass Ritchi
VHF radio ICOM
Radar Furuno
Digital Depth Sounder Datamarine
Anchor Danforth
Air horn Falcon
Norshipco Appoints
Hankins Sales Director Of
Brambledon Plant
Patrick Hankins
Norfolk Shipping and Drydock !orp. (Norshipco) has appointed 'atrick M. Hankins to the posi- on of director of sales, Brambledon lant. A graduate of the Norshipco pprentice school, Mr. Hankins lost recently served as manager of le Brambledon Plant and draws i more than 30 years of experience t the maritime industry. "Pat Hankins has thorough lowledge of the capabilities, qual- y service and competitive pricing lat benefit clients of the rambledon Plant," said John L. oper IV, executive vice president the company. Committed to pro- ding fast, efficient and competi- re services to the world's fleet, 3rshipco currently provides ser- ies for commercial and govern- 3nt-owned vessels ardware Specialty Co. lips Division Broadens oduct Range
The Ships Division of Hardware ecialty Company is keeping busy spite the U.S. Navy downsizing, se closures and home port iffles.
Equally brisk sales of Aeroquip jtember, 1993
Hose and fittings, and Raychem (Sigmaform) heat shrinkable tubing reflect their keenly competetive po- sition based upon their firm commit- ment to inventory and rapid re- sponses. The Ships Division serves the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard repair, overhaul and conversion lo- cations directly. Throughout the 80s the Division has been a long-estab- lished supplier to the major U.S. shipyards in the construction of new vessels. The Division serves a wide range of subcontractors and fabrica- tors as well as manufacturers of pumps, valves and other high-qual- ity, corrosion resistant sensitive sub- systems and electromechanical as- semblies. Many installations are serviced by EDI agreements and computer-to-computer contracts.
Overseas sales activity has in- creased recently in both Europe and the Far East with requests for "spe- cial" fasteners to drawings in many different materials.
Clockwise from left: John Pappas, Al Mueller, Mike
Shaev, Mike Dlugokenski, Bill Berit, Antonette
Perez, and Andrea Spencer.
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