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>750 Million New Ship )eal Planned For kiudi Shipping Firm

A major new fleet development hat has a potential for up to $750 nillion is planned for The National shipping Company of Saudi Arabia

NSCSA) and is reportedly expected o reach the contractual stage in )ctober.

NSCSA is evaluating bids from .2 yards for five double-hulled fLCCs of up to 280,000 dwt that ould each draw between $90- and >100-million. The firm is also ex- acting to buy five new Ro/Ro cargo vessels in the 42,000- to 46,000-dwt ange, each with a price tag of re- >ortedly $50 million.

A strong runner for the project is eported to be the South Korean hipbuilding industry, although it s speculated that European organi- ;ations are also competing for the iroject. slavy Calls For Engineering

Assistance On LX Program

Awards of up to five fixed-price ontracts in the amount of $480,000 ach are being issued by the Navy to hose responding to a solicitation

N00024-93-R-2221) for specialized hip design engineering services to issist an in-house design team dur- ng the contract design phase of the imphibious assault ship (LX) pro- ram.

Interested parties should write or a solicitation package to Com- nander, Naval Sea Systems Com- aand, 2531 Jefferson Davis High- way, Arlington, Va. 22242-5160,

Lttn.: Code 02224. 5reat Lakes Dredge & Dock

Vins Qatar Dredging


Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Com- pany has been awarded a two-year .redging project by the State of iatar. "This contract reinforces our po- rtion as a leader in the interna- ional market," stated Witt Barlow, resident and CEO of Great Lakes )redge & Dock Company. "It again lemonstrates our competitiveness: his is a big win for us in the face of trong competition from European ontr actors."

The Qatar contract ranks among he larger projects recently under- aken by Great Lakes, some of which aclude the deepening of the Kill

Tan Kull Waterway in New York larbor; the construction of a port xpansion in Long Beach, Calif.; the eepening of the Baltimore Harbor; nd the restoration of the beaches in diami.

Under the terms of the contract,

Treat Lakes will deepen the en- rance channel to the port and cre- ieptember, 1993 ate landfilled sites for a container terminal expansion and new inter- national airport. The work will be done by Great Lakes' dredges "Illi- nois" and "Carolina."

Great Lakes Dredge and Dock

Company, a 104-year-old company based in Oak Brook, 111., is report- edly the Western Hemisphere's larg- est dredging and marine construc- tion organization. It has more than 1,200 employees and has averaged more than $200 million in annual revenues in the last four years.

Litton's Oilfield-Services

Branch's New Seismic-

Survey Ship Is A Success

Western Atlas, Litton's Houston- based oilfield-information-services subsidiary, has taken delivery of its fifth new seismic-survey ship in two years and is using it to search for potential oil and gas deposits off the shore of Norway.

The 255-foot Western Patriot, built for the company's Western

Geophysical division by Ulstein

Verft As, Ulsteinvik, Norway, re- portedly cost about $30 million.

Western Geophysical operates one of the industry's largest explora- tion fleets.

Four other seismic "super ships" have been added to Western

Geophysical's fleet since 1991. All are working in European, African and Middle Eastern waters. A sixth new ship will reportedly be delivered this fall. wr Custom Designed


Walz & Krenzer, Inc. has been a leader in the U.S. for the past 45 years in supplying specialized Marine Closures. Recent installations include:

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Maritime Reporter

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