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Defense Conversion: ARPA Set To

Grant Awards In Late September the most competitive commercial ships for export as well as afford- able military ships.

In order to accomplish this objec- tive, ARPA seeks proposals in two areas: • Technology development projects for ship design and construc- tion incorporating innovative, break- through developments of ship and/or shipbuilding technologies and pro- cesses for specific international mar- kets. These projects are intended to address the Defense Appropriations

Act of 1993, which stated that Tech- nology Reinvestment Funds for ship- building should "...establish and implement viable opportunities for conversion of the defense-oriented shipbuilding industry to market driven commercial production ac- tivities." • Regional Maritime Technology # Vessel conversions. If it were only this simple.

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Centers to foster a regional critica mass of industry, state and munici pal government and institutions o: higher learning and vocational train ing. Such centers would promote shipbuilding education and train- ing, market analysis and ship/ship- building technology development, demonstration and transition.

Focused Development Projects

The primary objective of Focused

Development Projects is to develop innovative design and production processes and the technologies re- quired to implement them with a specific market and/or customer in mind.

The goal is to develop ship design concepts and specific production technologies to the point that com- petitive construction of the ship could start within the next two to three years.

Innovative ship design concepts should emphasize improving ship performance and reducing ship op- erating costs with lower ship con- struction costs.


California Governor Commits $61.7

Million To Defense Conversion

Governor Pete Wilson announced that he is committing $61.7 million to boost defense conversion efforts and to help California compete for addi- tional funds.

The Governor's Council on Defense

Conversion and Technology Assess- ment received a total of 509 proposals requesting matching funds or endorse- ments, with a dollar value of more than $1.2 billion, far exceeding the $472 million in federal dollars available na- tionwide for defense conversion during this funding round. Of the total re- quests received, reportedly 394 re- quested matching funds, and 115 re- quested endorsement only.

The Council, with provided state endorsements or matching funds for 336 proposals, was created in March 1993 to coordinate the state's efforts on defense conversion. An interim report was released in June.

The Council is made up of state agencies and academic institutions.

The Trade and Commerce Agency have also submitted three proposals to the Technology Reinvestment Project (TRP) on behalf of the State of Califor- nia.

One, entitled the "California Gold

Strike Program," establishes industry- driven, regional technology centers in the San Francisco, Los Angeles and

San Diego areas.

Of the proposals submitted from throughout the state, it was reported that 152 came from the Los Angeles area, while 50 were from the San Fran- cisco Bay area. 24 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

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