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It should also reduce ship design and construction lead times. Pro- posals in this area could include advanced propulsion systems, new ship architectures, improved maneu- verability, improved cargo handling and ship automation.

Proposals for shipyard technolo- gies should result in increasing ship- yard productivity and reducing ship construction costs without reducing performance.

Proposal efforts for shipbuilding improvements could include areas relating to computer integrated manufacturing, design and construc- tion simulation, digital preconstruc- tion, flexible automation and robot- ics, process modeling, advanced welding, and surface preparation and coating.

A premium for award will be granted to technologies that directly result in decreasing the overall time of ship construction or that signifi- cantly reduce man-hour and/or ma- terial cost.

It is anticipated that technology development project proposals for penetrating specific shipping mar- kets, such as Ro/Ro, bulk cargo, double hull tanker, refrigerated cargo, auto carriers and ferries, would be submitted by consortia or teams that may include shipyards, potential ship owner/operators, equipment and/or material suppli- ers and breakthrough technology developers.

The technical approach should address performance or a detailed market analysis and targeted mar- keting plan; innovative design con- cepts that satisfy the projected mar- ket demand, integrated with inno- vative build strategies that facili- tate U.S. construction at competi- tive costs and schedules; a required technology development plan for the ship and shipbuilding process; and innovative financing packages for ship construction, including any re- quirements for government backing (e.g., performance bond guarantee, mezzanine financing, or loan guar- antee).

It is anticipated that the duration of these projects would typically be 18 to 24 months, culminating in a detailed market analysis; an inno- vative and integrated ship design and construction strategy that will lead to a competitive entry into the identified market; an innovative build strategy that will lead to com- petitive construction; a plan for any required technology, facility and skill development; a financial plan; and a marketing plan fully ready to be demonstrated, marketed, and ap- plied to a long-range follow-on pro- duction of ships.

Regional Maritime Technology


Such centers might be respon- sible for performing the following functions: • Coordinate/conduct technology development projects appropriate to regional or even national efforts such as computer integrated manufac- turing, advanced process control systems, management information, and simulation-based design and construction. • Establish and maintain a Mari- time Standards Resource Center for industry-wide product and process standards. • Establish and maintain a Na- tional Environmental Forum for developing and demonstrating ad- vanced technical solutions to cur- rent and future environmental re- quirements; and, accommodating and integrating environmental re- quirements into ship design, con- struction and operation. • Provide a nationally- and re- gionally-centralized capability for conducting or coordinating advanced developmental testing of ship, ship systems and ship design and con- struction technology improvements. • Support national and regional education and training of shipbuild-

The objective of this area is to begin the establishment of a na- tional infrastructure of regional maritime and industrial technology centers that would assist the indus- try in achieving and maintaining a world leadership role in commercial ship design and construction.

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September, 1993 25

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.