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Wartsila Vasa 20 - the auxiliary engine ie Wartsila Vasa 20 auxiliary engine is a unique combination of compact size, modern design and top performance. The output range of the 6 and 9-cylinder units is 520-1485 kW within the speed range of 720-1000 rpm, making the Vasa 20 suitable for a wide variety of vessels, ie reliability of the Vasa 20 is based on Wartsila Diesel's renowned and time-tested heavy fuel technology. Combined with numerous innovative :hnical solutions, the Vasa 20 gives you more benefits at less cost than any other auxiliary engine.

The core values offered by the Wartsila Vasa 20 are:

Based on the Wartsila Diesel heavy fuel technology

Designed for easy installation

Designed for low cost

Optimized for low fuel consumption


Wartsila Diesel Oy Wartsila Diesel, Inc.

P.O. Box 244, 65101 Vaasa, Finland 201 Defense Highway, Suite 100, Annapolis, MD 21401

Telephone +358-61-324 2111, Telefax +358-61-317 1906 Telephone (410) 573-2100, Telefax (410) 573-2200

Circle 291 on Reader Service Card

Never before have benefits this big been offered in an engine this small

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.