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from the worlds leader!

New developments



Two Patrol Boats Delivered In Italy

Class, Comfort &


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Three Seatek six-cylinder in-line models are pi; side-by-side in the patrol boat's narrow, performance hull. to the compact design of the cylinder in-line model, are pla side by side in the narrow hull. I despite the compact quarters, engines are reportedly readily cessible for servicing.

The tri-engined patrol boat 1 developed by F.B. Design anc based on a design which has pro successful in offshore racing. ' deep vee hull is molded from vanced composites.

The second contender for the < tract was built by Bruno Abb

This version is also based on a t: and tested hull design, which previously been fitted with twin triple Seatek diesels. It is 50 long, and the Guardia di Fina version has a twin 580-hp Se; installation.

Similar Seatek engines have l supplied to the Swedish and S] ish Customs.

Lloyd's Register To Class

Celebrity Passenger Ships

Lloyd's Register classed 70,000-gt luxury cruise ships ord by Celebrity Cruises of Miami, J

Meyer Werft of Papenburg, many. The approval of hull p will be carried out at LR's Haml office and global three-dimensi finite element structural anal will be performed by LR specia from headquarters and Haml

Surveyors from Emden and E burg will perform surveys dr construction. Machinery, elect and ancillary equipment will al approved and constructed u survey by LR.

Maritime Reporter/Engineering I 3818 134th Street N.E., Marysville. WA 98271 206-558-9682 • FAX: S8B-G53-4312

This patrol boat, under evaluation by the Italian Guardia di Finanza, is powered by Seatek Diesels.

The Italian Guardia di Finanza has taken delivery of a pair of Seatek diesel-powered patrol boats, craft which are reportedly prototypes for a new generation of high perfor- mance patrol boats to carry out ar smuggling activities.

While the Guardia di Finar evaluates the prototypes, it has portedly already made the decisi to have the Seatek engines pov the craft.

The swifter of the two new v sels is a 46-foot version, which powered by three Seatek dies< type 6-4V-9D, which produce 580 in military form. The engines, c

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.