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ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DE LIS BOA, S.A. room and on-water clean-up.

Circle 139 on Reader Service Card

Schat Watercraft

Booth Number 338 schat Watercraft, Inc. will ex- it its full line of marine lifesaving 1 handling systems, including sfall lifeboats. With U.S. manu- turing facilities, Schat Watercraft ars fiberglass lifeboats and res- 3 boats to accommodate up to 150 rsons. These boats are a self- ,'hting design to meet SOLAS 1993 nendments and are U.S. Coast lard certified. A complete pack- ;e including davits and winches ill be provided at the SNAME Ex- bition in various types and con- jurations to fit specific ship re- lirements.

Circle 108 on Reader Service Card

Schottel North

America, Inc.

Setcor, Inc.

Booth Number 112

Setcor, Inc. will exhibit Saab

TankRadar, a radar level gauge and cargo monitoring system that can include remote control of pumps and valves using a color monitor and light pen interface. They will also exhibit Consilium Marine's

Gunclean Model 7000 fixed tank cleaning machine for product tank- ers, chemical tankers and barges. A high/overfill level alarm sensor to meet chemical code, vapor recovery and OPA 90 will be available for inspection from Omicron.

Circle 46 on Reader Service Card

Ship's Aid

International Ltd.

Booth Number 529

Ship's Aid International Ltd. will be presenting its complete range of ship's equipment, which includes diesel engines, gearboxes, shafting,

CPP propellers, bow/stern and azimuthing thrusters and their con- trol systems, sewage treatment plants, oily water separators, incin- erators, towing equipment, cranes, marine lighting, searchlights, fog- horns/whistles, accommodation sys- tems, steering gears and rudders, and a large variety of bridge equip- ment.

Circle 47 on Reader Service Card

Boosting your ships'

LIFE CYCLE PROFIT that is our business idea

Booth Number 514

September, 1993 SOUTH YARD - MARGUEIRA

P.O. BOX 2138 - 1103 LISBOA CODEX - PORTUGAL. FAX 276 4670. TELEX 18172 - 12649 - 16370 LSNAV P. TELFS: 2750811.

Circle 274 on Reader Service Card

Schottel North America, Inc. mar- kets Schottel Rudderpropellers

SRPs), reportedly the better alter- native for any application. Tens of thousands of SRPs are operating worldwide and many of them under severe operating conditions. SRP covers all ranges of operations, from shallow-draft operation of a pusher tug to ferry operation in heavy ice conditions. Since the first SRP was developed in 1949 it has been con- tinually developed into an extremely versatile propulsion system.

Schottel North America, Inc. offers suitable solutions for the power range from 15 kW to 6,000 kW for main or auxiliary propulsion, dy- namic positioning, for inland water- ways or for the toughest offshore conditions. For special applications, such as low magnetic, shock-resis- tant and low-noise propulsion units,

Schottel manufactures competent solutions meeting the above MCMV requirements.

Circle 141 on Reader Service Card

Selby, A Division of

Quaker Construction

Products, Inc.

Booth Number 131

Selby, a leader in the marine in- dustry since 1925, provides a com- plete line of products to meet your deck-covering needs.

They have thermal insulating/ spark resistant coatings, underlayments, seamless epoxy coatings and many functional and decorative systems. They meet many military specifications and have Type Approvals from regula- tory agencies worldwide. Product applications include both wet and dry interior and exterior spaces of all types, including: heads, galleys, sculleries, passageways, reefer boxes, ammunition spaces, weather decks, non-skid and others.

Circle 6 on Reader Service Card operating and capital costs. •


We do it by focusing on your major planned repairs.

We offer not only the largest drydocking facility in the — on the worlds sealane — and unmatched resources for hull treatment and repairs, but also all the specialists needed and more than 50 years of shiprepair experience. 100% AVAILABILITY

Planned and unplanned unavailability (loss of profit)

Maintenance, repair,

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.