Page 92: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1993)
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CENTENNIAL 1893-1993
Booth Numbers 339-341
The Marine Systems Group is marketing Siemens' electrical engi- neering expertise to the North Ameri- can marine customer, including com- mercial shipbuilders and owners, the
Fisheries Industry, U.S. Coast Guard and the Navy. The Siemens Marine
Group delivers systems ranging from a ship's entire electrical generating, propulsion and control needs to stand-alone systems that replace or automate routine shipboard tasks.
Whether it is new construction, such as the complete ship system recently delivered to B.C. Ferries Corpora- tion for their new Super Ferries; retro-fits such as the 800 amp switch- board delivered to Lasmo Corpora- tion for the Nordic Apollo; or an upgrade such as converting LNG tankers to ABS +ACCU (unstaffed)
TEL: 201-391 8930
FAX: 201-391 8694
Booth #117
Circle 251 on Reader Service Card
DigitaL Gyro Repeaters
SPjBjTr* M 1 &]n| oil u ^fjjj
BRIDGE WING MOUNTING of LR40/LR60 Digital Gyro Repeaters
The LR40/LR60 can now be panel-mounted on the Bridge Wing using a "flip-up" plastic cover.
The cover is specified to IP55. • Large super-Pright Digital Heading Display. • Analog Turning Indicator - allowing instant estimation of turning rate. • Will work from most types of gyro compasses. • Programmable as Master Repeater or Slave
Repeater. • Digital Data output (RS422) - for integration with survey and navigation computers.
Scandinavian micro systems P.O. Box 155. N-1411 Kolbotn. Norway Phone +4766 80 71 07
Fax +47 66 80 80 95 86
Circle 318 on Reader Service Card status, Siemens' project man ment skills ensure customer si faction.
Circle 114 on Reader Service Car<
Booth Number 344
Skookum/RopeMaster, an Ub company located in Hubbard, O. manufactures a wide range of g eral purpose blocks, fairleads a alloy shackles used extensively the marine industry. Skookum pr( ucts are serving the cargo, mater handling and deck gear requii ments of customers ranging frc the U.S. Navy to offshore geophyi cal survey companies. Althouj primarily designed for use with wi rope, Skookum/RopeMaster block sheaves and fairleads are current being custom engineered and bui to accommodate the newer higl strength synthetic ropes being use more and more in the marine indus try.
Circle 115 on Reader Service Card
Spurs Marine
Manufacturing, Inc.
Booth Number 202
Spurs Marine Manufacturing of- fers Spurs Line & Net Cutter. Spurs
Line & Net Cutter, used by more than 40,000 commercial, Navy and pleasure boats worldwide, is now available for oil tankers, cruise ships, containerships and all large ocean- going vessels. These large vessels may now protect their shaft seals and running gear and avoid costly down time with the use of Spurs' propeller anti-fouling device. Spurs'
ABS approved hardened stainless steel cutters work in both forward and reverse to sever lines, from as small as monofilament and nets to large mooring lines, before fouling and damage can occur.
Circle 142 on Reader Service Card
SSPA Maritime
Consulting AB
Booth Number 119B
Services and products SSPA Mari- time Consulting AB offers include specialized consultation in hydro- dynamics; model test facilities such as towing tank; large section cavita- tion tunnel for complete hull model and seakeeping/maneuvering labo- ratory measuring 285 feet by 125 feet. SSPA Maritime Consulting has obtained recent commissions for model testing and theoretical projects for, Bird Johnson - propel- ler design for U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) buoy tender project; Ingalls/
Rosenblatt - a Ro/Ro design for Mili- tary Sealift Command program;
Marinex - VLCC design; McDermott - Sulphur Carrier project; Bazan
Shipyard - high-speed monohull ferry; GVA/Canadian Marine Drill- ing Ltd. - icebreaker "Oden II" with unconventional hull; RSwN - SES
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News