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JANUARY 84th New York National Boat
Show: January 7-16, Jacob Javits
Convention Center, New York, N.Y.
Contact: Michael Duffy, tel: (212) 922-9607.
Yacht Insurance Claims Semi- nar: January 20, Norfolk Water- side Marriott, Norfolk, Va.
Contact: Stephanie Sayre, Knox
Marine, tel: (804) 393-9788.
Safety-at-Sea Symposium: Janu- ary 26, Bridgewaters, 11 Fulton St.,
Contact: Andrea Laine, The
Seamen's Church Institute, 241
Water St., New York, N.Y. 10038, tel: (212) 349-9090, ext. 230; fax: (212) 349-8347.
FEBRUARY 25th Dockmaster's Training
Seminar: February 7-10, San Di- ego, Calif.
Contact: Crandall Dry Dock Engi- neers, Inc., P.O. Box 505637,
Chelsea, Mass., 02150, tel: (617) 884- 8464; fax: (617) 884-8466.
Underwater Intervention '94:
February 7-10, Town & Country
Convention Center, San Diego, Ca- lif.
Contact: Underwater Intervention '94 Committee, P.O. Box 261149,
San Diego, Calif. 92196, tel: (619) 422-8918; fax: (619) 426-4421.
International Boatbuilders' Ex- hibition & Conference (IBEX) 1994: February 10-12, Miami
Radisson Center, Miami, Fla.
Contact:Tina Sanderson, tel: (203) 852-0500; fax: (203) 838-3710.
ASNE Naval Engineering for a
Better Environment: February 23-24, Sheraton National Hotel,
Arlington, Va.
Contact:Margaret New (exhibits) or Melinda Sergent (registration) at ASNE, tel: (703) 836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491.
Gulf Coast Business & Industry
Expo '94: March 1-3, Mississippi
Gulf Coast Convention Center,
Contact: Tel: (601) 863-2933 or 1- 800-999-EXPO.
Oceanology International '94:
March 8, Brighton, England
Contact: Judith Patten, Public
Relations, OI 94, Neville House, 55
Eden Street, Kingston upon
Thames, Surrey KT1 1BW, U.K., tel: +081-547-1566; fax: +081-547- 1143.
Sea Japan '94: March 9-13, Japan
Contact: The Events Dept., The
Seatrade Organization, Seatrade
House, 42-48 North Station Road,
Colchester COl 1RB, U.K., tel: +44 206 45121; fax: +44 206 45190.
Connecticut Maritime Academy (CMA) Shipping '94 - The Costs and Rewards of Quality Ship- ping: Shaping Shipping's Fu- ture: March 14-16, Sheraton Stam- ford Hotel & Towers, One First
Stamford Place, Stamford, Conn.
Contact:Brad Berman, Esq.,
Seward & Kissel, CMA Trade Show
Chairman, tel: (212) 574-1204; fax: (212) 480-8421 or Peter Casciano,
International Marketing Strategies,
Inc., tel: (203) 622-4014; fax: (203) 622-1929.
ASNE Creative Logistics Tech- nologies for Tomorrow's Envi- ronment: March 15-17, Harrisburg,
Contact: Jane McMullen, tel: (717) 790-6227.
GasTrade '94: March 16-18, Hong
Kong Convention Center, Hong
Kong. Contact: James Ball,
GasTrade Limited, 82 Rivington St.,
London, EC2A 3AY, England, tel: (0) 71613 0087; fax: (0) 71613 0094.
SIBCON '94: March 22-24, World
Trade Center, Singapore
Contact: The Conference Manager,
Times Conferences & Exhibitions
Pte. Ltd., Times Centre, 1 New In- dustrial Road, Singapore 1953, tel: +65 284 8844; fax: +65 286 5754.
SingaPort '94: March 22-25, World
Trade Center, Singapore
Contact: The Conference Manager,
Times Conferences & Exhibitions
Pte. Ltd., Times Centre, 1 New In- dustrial Road, Singapore 1953, tel: +65 284 8844; fax: +65 286 5754.
Fluid Power West, The Expo and
Technical Conference for Elec- trohydraulic and Electro pneu- matic Motion Control Technol- ogy: March 23-24, Anaheim Con- vention Center, Anaheim, Calif.
Contact: Karen Ertl, Expositions
Coordinator, tel: (414) 778-3349.
International Offshore and
Polar Engineering Conference:
April 10-15, Osaka, Japan
Contact: ISOPE-94 Osaka, Techni- cal Program Committee (attn: Prof.
Jin S. Chung), ISOPE, P.O. Box 1107, Golden, Col. 80402-1107, tel: (303) 273-3673; fax: (303) 420-3760.
AWS International Welding Ex- position and Convention: April 12-18, Pennsylvania Convention
Center, Philadelphia, Pa.
Contact: Conventions and Exposi- tions Dept., American Welding So- ciety, 550 Lejeune Road, P.O. 351040, Miami, Fla. 33135, tel: (800) 443-9353 or tel: (305) 443-9353.
Newport News One Of Two
Finalists For Sabine Double-
Hull Refit Contracts
Sabine Transportation Co. of
Groves, Texas has selected New- port News Shipbuilding as one of two yards in the final round of com- petition to retrofit double-hulled forebodies onto the the sterns of two existing ships. The ships, SS
Sabine and SS Neches, currently have single hulls.
These will be the first ship conversions to com- ply with the double-hull rules of OPA 90. New- port News Shipbuilding has extensive experi- ence in joining new cargo sections to exist- ing ship sterns, having performed the process 33 times over the last few decades.
According to Ed Waryas, the shipyard's director of commercial marketing, "Newport News's finan- cial strength and depth of engineer-
Furuno Introduces New
Sounder/Fishing Plotter
Furuno's new FCV-1000 sounder displays 16 colors or multiple levels of amber.
Furuno has introduced a dual- frequency color video sounder with color video plotting capabilities, the
FCV-1000. The FCV-1000 features a high-resolution 10-inch display with 16 different colors (eight for sounding picture, eight for plotter) or multi-level amber presentation.
One, two or three kilowatt (RMS) output power can be selected by internal jumper settings. The user can choose a full-screen plotter dis- play or split-screen plotter/ echosounder, with plotter scales from one to 10 nautical miles.
For more on the FCV-1000,
Circle 74 on Reader Service Card
Sperry Marine Welcomes
Sensation To Miami
Carnival Cruise Lines' new 70,000-ton superliner Sensation made her maiden voyage to the Port ing talent allow our yard to offer the most competitive design. Our de- sign is tailored to Sabine's require- ments, and we provide an attractive price and payment schedule to suit their business plans." The retrofit- ting contract is expected to be awarded in 1994. For more infor- mation on Newport News,
Circle 67 on Reader Service Card
Ed Waryas (center) of Newport News Shipbuild- ing, discusses a retrofitting contract with Pat
Johnson (I.), vice president of Sabine's parent company, Kirby Corp., and Dennis Buffo (r.), vice president for maintenance of Sabine's Ship Div. of Miami recently. Sperry Marine
Inc.'s Florida sales manager Frank
Christophersen presented Cap- tain Raffaele Gavino with a com- memorative gift to mark the begin- ning of Sensation's service. The
Sensation and her two sisterships are equipped with a Sperry Marine
Integrated Bridge. For more infor- mation on the Sperry system,
Circle 132 on Reader Service Card
Simrad Robertson Receives
Five NMEA Awards
Simrad Robertson products re- ceived five National Marine Elec- tronics Association (NMEA) awards for superior craftsmanship and per- formance. Simrad Robertson prod- ucts took the honors in three catego- ries: "Small Boat Autopilot" for its model AP2500; "Large Boat Autopi- lot" for its AP300; "Instrumenta- tion" for its Dataline Instruments "Radio Direction Finders" for its
TaiyoTDL-1550; and "Gyrocompass' for its RGC 50 model. For mor< information on Simrad Robertson,
Circle 101 on Reader Service Card
KaMeWa Reaches
Agreement With FF Jet
KaMeWa recently expanded an completed its waterjet productio program with waterjet units in th 50-1,000-kW power range. The ac ditions to KaMeWa's range are tb result of an agreement with FF Je enabling KaMeWa to market F
Jet's range of waterjets for smalle vessels through its worldwide sul sidiary and distributor network. F( more information on KaMeWa,
Circle 138 on Reader Service Card 72 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News