Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1994)
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Crowley Forms Fuel
Company In Puerto Rico
Crowley Marine Services (CMS) announced the formation of a new bunker fuel business, named
Crowley Marine Fuel Service, which will operate in the San Juan Harbor area, and the appointment of U.S.A.
Marine Sales, Inc. as exclusive sales agent for the new company.
Raul Iglesias, CMS general manager, Caribbean, said that
Crowley Marine Fuel Service started operations on June 15 and offers a wide variety of quality bunker fu- els, including a selection of Inter- mediate Fuel Oils (IFOs), blended with advanced technology comput- erized blending system from Jiskool.
Other fuels for sale range from No. 2 diesel to No. 6 fuel oil (bunker C).
According to Mr. Iglesias, initial deliveries will be made from a 35,000- barrel-capacity bunker barge, with a second 10,000-barrel barge sched- uled to enter service by July 1.
Crowley's experience in West
Coast bunker transportation in- cludes services in the harbors of
Seattle, San Francisco and Los An- geles. For more information on the service, U.S.A. Marine Sales, Inc. can be contacted at (809) 725-3006 in Puerto Rico or 1-800-496-3006 worldwide; or
Circle 49 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 215 on Reader Service Card
Next time you think of steering-steer to
North American Shipbuilders chose Jastram Steering Systems when commissioned to build this 84 metre Ice Breaker
Jastram Marine Hydraulic
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Circle 244 on Reader Service Card
Aquamet: A Shafting For
Every Need
Aquamet boat shafting meets a range of vessel needs, from fishing vessels to workboats, naval vessels to ocean going vessels.
Crucible Aquamet 17 is a boat shaft made of a precipitation-hard- ening stainless steel, now in use in pleasure boats, workboats, crewboats, fishing trawlers and pi- lot and patrol boats. Crucible
Aquamet 19 is a modified type 304 stainless alloy strengthened by a nitrogen addition. Corrosion resis- tance is superior to Aquamet 17.
Crucible Aquamet 22 provides the highest level of corrosion resistance with high strength.
For more information on Aquamet shafting,
Circle 74 on Reader Service Card
OSI Wins First Tanker
Contract For ECDIS System
From Chevron
Offshore Systems International
Ltd. has sold two Electronic Chart
Precise Integrated Navigation Sys- tems (ECPINS) — the company's own brand of Electronic Chart Dis- play Information System (ECDIS) — to Chevron Shipping Co. of San
The two ECPINS are to be in- stalled on the 760-ft. (231.6-m)MVR
Hal Dean and the 760-ft. MVCharles
B. Renfrew.
These systems will be integrated into the ships' radar to provide ra- dar image overlay capability in ad- dition to all the standard sensors, such as gyrocompass, depth sounder,
GPS, etc. For more information on
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card
Report Claims Marine
Bunker Fuels Industry
The international marine bunker market, which costs ship operators upwards of $15 billion a year at current prices, is undergoing a pe- riod of fundamental change, accord- ing to a report from Drewry Ship- ping Consultants. "Marine Bunker Fuels - Markets,
Economics and Technical Develop- ments," indicates that worldwide de- mand for marine bunkers is now in excess of 150 million tons, of which 83 percent is accounted for by fuel oil. Total demand has oscillated widely in the last two decades, with the most recent low in the market occuring in 1985, when consump- tion dropped to 123 million tons as a result of the collapse in world trade and the requirement for ships.
To obtain a copy of the report, contact Drewry Shipping Consult- ants, 11 Heron Quay, London E14 4JF, England, tel: +44-71-538-0191; fax: +44-71-987-9396.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News