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RTA-series low-speed engines 1480-48600 kW
ZA40S medium-speed engines 3600-12960kW
S20 medium-speed engines 460-1440 kW
Bay Ship & Yacht
Expands Operations
Bay Ship & Yacht Co. (BSY) now operates a drydock facility in
Alameda, Calif, in addition to its
Richmond, Calif, facility. The drydock is 390 ft. (119 m) long, with a 2,800-long-ton capacity. BSY is a full-service yard with certified weld- ers, machinists, electricians, me- chanics, sandblasters and painters, shipwrights and pipefitters offer- ing service on the drydock or pierside at any location. BSY pro- vides drydocking and repair to com- mercial and government custom- ers in the Bay area, as well. For more information on BSY,
Magnavox's Inmarsat Fax
Magnavox's MX 3400 MAGNA-
Phone M has been type-approved by
Inmarsat for ship-to-shore fax trans- mission. Magnavox will immediately ship MX 3400s with optional fac- tory-installed 2400bps fax interfaces.
The unit is a new digital satellite telephone system small enough to be fitted on vessels down to 40 ft. (10 m). Other advanced options are cur- rently under development and will be announced in the next few months. For more information from
Circle 86 on Reader Service Card
C-MAP Relocates To Utah
C-MAP Systems, Inc. has com- pleted the relocation of its corporate offices from Houston, Texas to Park
City, Utah. The move comes in re- sponse to continued growth of the company and an increased demand for its "Mission Manager" "VideoRuler," and custom mapping software packages, used in the off- shore petroleum, nuclear power and transport fields. Contact C-MAP at the new address: C-MAP Systems
Inc., PO Box 2430, Park City, UT 84060; tel: (801) 647-9981. Or,
Circle 87 on Reader Service Card
Dependable power for your ships
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card
Stolt Comex CEO Retires
Guy Fleury, president and CEO of Stolt Comex Seaway SA, is retir- ing from the company, but will re- main an advisor on special projects.
Gilles de Naurois will be act- ing CEO until the company finds a replacement for Mr. Fleury.
Stolt Comex Seaway is a diversi- fied contractor to the offshore oil and gas industry with a focus on subsea activities.
SBVE: Ball Valves For
Manifold Uses
Specialty Ball Valve Engineer- ing (SBVE) markets a line of high- pressure ball valves, Navy-ap- proved for 4,500-psi service and qualified to MIL-V-22687, which have been sold for use as nitrogen fill valves, external hull; fill and drain valves in skirt; and emer- gency ballast blow valves with hy- draulic actuators. SBVE now offers a variety of pneumatic, E/M and hydraulic actuators to naval and commercial markets. SBVE has worked with the Navy on an up- grade of valves on NEDU (Navy
Experimental Dive Unit), and with
Lockheed Marine and Paramax on the new SDV (Swimmer Delivery
Vehicle), which incorporated a com- plex titanium manifold of eight valves for six ballast functions. For more information on SBVE,
Circle 104 on Reader Service Card
NACE Publishes Technical
Papers On Corrosion
NACE International, Houston, has released Corrosion and
Corrosivity Sensors — a collection of technical papers presented at
Corrosion '94, NACE's 49th annual conference. The book focuses on the use of sensors as a corrosion control method. Special emphasis is placed on applications in the chemical, process, and transporta- tion industries. For information on the book,
Circle 85 on Reader Service Card
July, 1994
New Sulzer Diesel US In 200 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10166-0068
Telephone: (212) 949-0700
Telex: 496 16147 NSD NEW YORK
Fax: (212) 949-0871
New Sulzer Diesel Ltd
PO Box 414
CH-8401 Winterthur
Telephone: (052) 262 49 22
Telex: 896 659 NSDL CH
Telefax: (052)212 49 17
Circle 253 on Reader Service Card