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Shipyard Activity Report
The following is a report on the activity in major U.S. private shipyards. Included are all known Maritime Administration (MarAd), other government and private contracts for new merchant, T-ships, tugs, rigs, barges, as well as commercial ships for export; and all conversion work having a contract value of $10 million and over, a shipyard availability of at least one year, and 1,000 gt and over.
Yard Vessel Vessel Bldr. Vessel % Delivery
Name Type Hull No. Owner Complete
Halter, NOAA 1417 NOAA 0.0 8/97
Moss Point Agor Research
Marinette Juniper WLB 101 101 USCG 36 6/95
Marine Corp. Service 12/95 Marinette Ida Lewis WLM 201 201 USCG 10
Marine Corp Service
Moss Point BG Zebulon Tugboat 804 Army 96 10/94
Marine Pike
Moss Point MGWinfield Tugboat 805 Army 96 10/94
Marine Scott
Moss Point Col. Seth Tugboat 806 Army 90 11/94
Marine Warner
Yard Vessel Vessel Bldr. Vessel % Delivery
Name Type Hull No. Owner Complete
Avondale Patuxent T-AO 201 2366 Navy 83 6/95
Industries Oiler
Avondale Laramie T-AO 203 2367 Navy 60 4/96
Industries Oiler
Avondale Bob Hope T-AKR 300 2373 Navy 2 9/97
Industries Sealift
Halter, Pathfinder T-AGS 60 1261 Navy 78 10/94
Moss Point Hydrographic
Halter, Sumner T-AGS 61 1262 Navy 66 5/95
Moss Point Hydrographic
Halter, Bowditch T-AGS 62 1315 Navy 48 11/95
Moss Point Hydrographic
National Steel — T-AKR 295(C) 448 Navy 47 8/95 and Shipbuilding Sealift (Conv.)
Co. (NASSCO) 2/96 NASSCO — T-AKR 297(C) 449 Navy 38.5
Sealift (Conv.) 7/96 NASSCO — T-AKR 299(C) 450 Navy 1.4
Sealift (Conv.) 10/97 NASSCO — T-AKR 301 451 Navy 0
Newport News Jutlandia T-AKR 296(C) 296 Navy 41 8/95
Shipbuilding Sealift (Conv.) 12/95 Newport News Selandia T-AKR 298(C) 298 Navy 30
Shipbuilding Sealift (Conv.) 1/95 Tampa Impeccable T-AGOS 23 2301 Navy 61
Shipyards Surveillance
Tampa Benjamin T-AO 191 1191 Navy 85 —
Shipyards Isherwood Oiler
Tampa Henry T-AO 192 1192 Navy 70 —
Shipyards Eckford Oiler
Yard Vessel Vessel Bldr. Vessel % Delivery
Name Type Hull No. Owner Complete
Alabama Shipyd. — Asphalt Barge 42 — 25 1/95
Alabama Shipyd. — Asphalt Barge 43 — 5 6/95
McDermott Sulphur Sulphur Carrier 294 Sulphur 99 8/94
Enterprise Carriers
McDermott American Paddlewheel 296 Delta On. 70 3/95
Queen Boat Steam Boat
McDermott — Tugboat 298 Crowley 5 12/94
McDermott — Tugboat 299 Crowley 4 2/95
Trinity — Deck Barge 1407 — 50 8/94
Trinity — Deck Barge 1418 — 15 10/94
Trinity — Deck Barge 1419 — 90 8/94
Source: Maritime Administration, Office of Ship Construction
Norcross, GA 404/246-9100 • 404/246-0875(F)
Cherry Hill, NJ 609/795-9000 '609/795-6001(F)
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Civilian Seafarers In RRF Ships
Activated For Potential Use In Haiti
Civilian seafarers have volunteered to crev the final two Ready Reserve Force (RRF) ship to be activated for potential use in Haiti.
The Cape Mohican, a barge-carrying shi; with a crew of 33, was tended to the Navy'
Military Sealift Command (MSC) on Septembe 16. The crane ship Cornhusker State, carryin a crew of 36, was tendered September 18.
The civilian seafarers' normal jobs are aboar
American-flag merchant ships serving th nation's commerce. A total of 14 RRF ships wit more than 400 crew members have been act vated.
The most recent large-scale activation of RR ships came in support of operations in the Pe: sian Gulf in 1990/91. On short notice, 3,0C civilian seafarers volunteered in support of hi manitarian efforts in Somalia.
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