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(Continued from previous page) specific shipper "case histories" to document commodity, origin/desti- nation, and trade history details within the study region. There is an opportunity for selected ship- pers to receive a free comparative transportation analysis provided to those companies whose case histo- ries are chosen.
For more information, contact
R. McLaughlin at the National
Ports and Waterways Institute at tel: (703) 276-7102.
Alaskan Oil Issue Lingers
Although the Clinton Adminis- tration reportedly favors lifting the ban on the export of North Slope
Alaskan oil, no decision has been made. The ban is contained in the
U.S. Export Administration Act, which was extended on August 19 by
Executive Order of the President under the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act, pending Con- gressional action.
The amendment to lift the ban includes a provision which would limit the carriage of the oil on U.S.- owned ships operated by U. S. crews.
There is no U.S.-build or U.S.-re- pair requirement. Earlier, the amendment would have required the oil to be transported on vessels which qualify for the U.S. domestic, coastwise (Jones Act) trade. How- ever, international objections tc such an expansion of the Jones Act, coupled with the possibility that the
Jones Act itself could be endangered, reportedly prompted the amend- ment to be revised.
SMI, Schottel Reach
Cooperative Agreement
Ships Machinery Intl., Inc. (SMI) of Miami (formerly known as
Schottel of America, Inc.), in an effort to expand its presence in the market and enhance product diver- sity and after-sale support capabili- ties, has concluded an agreement with Schottel Werft, Germany, which will form the basis of continu- ing business cooperation through 1997. The agreement enables SMI to obtain proprietary Schottel parts to repair and maintain Schottel equipment previously sold and de- livered by Schottel of America. SMI will also manufacture and sell the complete line of Schottel tunnel thrusters up to 500 hp. SMI recog- nized that product lines and sup- port capabilities must be selectively broadened to keep pace with the increasingly complex market. SMI is the U.S. representative for: Lips
USA; Radio Zeeland; A. Van Der
Velden; Omega Jet; Krupp
Fordertechnik; and Fr. Fassmer.
For more information on SMI
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
Product Designed To Make
Barnacle Removal Easy
Total Rust and Corrosion Control of Atlanta introduced Bill's Barnacle
Remover (BBR). The company claims that by simply spraying any barnacle encrusted surface, and waiting a few minutes, the barnacles will wipe or wash away. The prod- uct is also designed for use on zebra mussels. BBR uses a proprietary blend of surfactants and other chemicals to break down the mastic that barnacles manufacture.
For more information on the product
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
Alpha Wire Corp.
Announces Acquisition
Alpha Wire Corp. of Elizabeth,
N.J. announced the acquisition of
Insul-Tab, Inc. from Teleflex, Inc.
Insul-Tab manufactures a variety of heat shrinkable tubing products, insulation sleeving and high-tem- perature wire wrap products. Al- pha Wire Corp. owner Philip R.
Cowen also announced the acquisi- tion of Computer Wire & Cable Corp. of Leominster, Mass. Renamed
Cowen Cable Corp., the company was founded in 1981 and manufac- tures hook-up wire and multi-con- ductor cable in volume quantities.
For more information on the products and services of Alpha Wire
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
You can work and go further between refueling stops when you reduce your fresh water tankage with a MAXIM® evaporator.
MAXIM evaporators are available in a range of sizes that provide an ample, continuous supply of pure, good tasting, soft water for drinking, cooking, washing or cleaning gear.
And because you convert large water storage space to fuel, you increase work range, and run faster with a lower ship weight. Ask your shipyard about MAXIM evaporators.
Write or call Beaird Industries,
MAXIM Evaporator Division,
P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130-1115 U.S.A.
Phone 318-865-6351.
Fax 318-868-1701.
International Workboat Show in New Orleans, Nov. 3-5, 1994,
Gulf Engineering Booth No. 1429
Circle 210 on Reader Service Card
SAV I up to 300 barrels of oil per year!
The Kahlenberg TRITON Piston Horn is a unique sound producing unit because it requires no compressed air and no diaphragms yet utilizes air vibrations in a tuned sound column. The unit consists of an electric motor driving a pis- ton with a cylinder similar in appearance to an air compres- sor. Very economical to operate and install. Write for bulle- tin. 92C. The KB-20 electric horn is available in 110 volt,
A C or 24 volt, D C. for vessels up to 246' in length.
KflHLEIlBERG BROS. CO. 1S86 Monroe St. | Two Rivers, Wisconsin, 54S41 U.S.A.
I | | 414-793-45Q7 | |
Circle 265 on Reader Service Card 42 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News