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PROPULSION UPDATE iea-Gard Seals Help Extend Bearing Life
Mechanical drive mechanism for S.E.A.-Seals.
Meco-Marine offers its S.E.A. Seal vith a mechanical driving mecha- nism, for applications where axial shaft motion is expected. The me- chanical drive is designed to elimi- nate the seal's dependence on a drive elastomer to turn the seal rotors, and reportedly permits the shaft to float in and out along its axis, through the seal, without affecting perfor- mance.
The system consists of a drive collar between two rotors. Drive transfer pins are free to slide axially through slots in the collar, and trans- fer torque to the seal's rotating faces, regardless of seal face pressure.
Meco-Marine's Sea-Gard marine plate seals reportedly eliminate in- trusion of mud and silt into cutless and rudder post bearings, helping to
Company Offers Unique
Cargo Cleaning On The Go
Cargo Clean International offers a unique cargo cleaning system for the maritime industry, designed to clean a ship's cargo hold at a fraction of the time and for reduced costs.
The cleaning system, which is cur- rently marketed as a service, incor- porates compressed air as a source of power to drive attrition heads which have been developed. The company said its cleaning heads work like other power or pneumatic tools, but are much more powerful. Cargo
Clean's trained operators — who can clean the ship's cargo holds while moving between ports or while in port — do not have to physically enter the cargo holds to complete the job. The company claims its method of cleaning is 35 to 50 percent faster than comparable water methods, and touts the fact that there is no waiting afterward for water to dry.
For more information on
Cargo Clean Intl.'s services
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card extend bearing life, according to the manufacturer.
On cutless bearings, Sea-Gard mounts on each end of the cutless housing. Bearing flush water is recirculated from inside the hull, and Sea-Gard retains fresh water in the bearing and water outside.
On rudder posts, Sea-Gard mounts at the bottom of the post.
No flush water is needed to keep mud, silt and other contaminants outside the rudder post bearing, the company said.
Sea-Gard is constructed of type 316 stainless steel, marine-grade phenolic and high-performance bearing plastics.
For more information from Meco-Marine
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Ashtech Awarded USCG
Reference Station Contract
Ashtech, Inc. won a contract to provide 120 differential reference stations, with options for an addi- tional 40, to the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The contract calls for dif- ferential reference stations to pro- vide MSK modulated RTCM correc- tions for broadcast via marine radio beacon and provide GPS dual fre- quency data for post-processing.
The receivers will be installed at all reference sites around the coast- line ofthe U.S., the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes. These refer- ence sites will supply RTCM data for maritime navigation use and carrier phase data for geodetic use.
The capability to support the Army
Corps of Engineers Real-Time Ki- nematic is also included.
Rapid Radar Rescue
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The Aldensart stays alert for 96 hours after activation due to high capacity | batteries and maintains broad- cast power for another 8 hours, even in temperatures as cold as j 0°F (-20°C). Audible and visual signals activate when it's working so |i you know help is near.
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On radar, your
ALDENSART paints 12 returns which direct rescue forces to your vessel.
Circle 201 on Reader Service Card
October, 1994 Circle 271 on Reader Service Card 43
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Stern tube seals and bearings,
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