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)ATRACS: A Two-Way >mmunications And •sifioning System
BOATRACS, Inc. was founded in 90 to bring BOATRACS, a mobile d transportable satellite commu- tations network, to the marine
BOATRACS features two-way ita messaging, position reporting, ;et broadcasting, call accounting id message confirmation. 3ATRACS' 24-hour service center onitors all vessels in the network id provides a menu of services, etwork users can either communi- ite directly with mobile terminals • communicate via the BOATRACS ;rvice center, where operators pro- .de personal message relaying ser- ices.
For more information on BOATRACS
Circle 8 on Reader Service Card !OMSAT Announces Global •ervice, Lower Prices For rimarsat M/B
COMSAT Mobile Communica- ions opened its Eurasia land earth tation, marking the introduction of global service and lower prices for ts Inmarsat-M and Inmarsat-B ser- vices. With the operation in service n the Indian Ocean Region,
COMSAT is reportedly the only com- aany in the world to offer digital nobile satellite services worldwide.
COMSAT'S new Eurasia land iarth station, located in Kuantan,
Malaysia, joins COMSAT's stations in Santa Paula, Calif, and
Southbury, Conn.
The Eurasia station is linked by dedicated leased circuits for
COMSAT's Santa Paula station for operator assistance. It is equipped to provide all of COMSAT's services, including 24-hour operator assis- tance, foreign language assistance in more than 140 languages, spe- cialized telephone services, FaxMail service and other news and infor- mation services.
Around-The-World Sailors Rely
On C-Link & Sail Track
When the BOC Challenge sailing event set sail from Charleston, S.C. in September, about 40 boats were depending on COMSAT's C-Link
Inmarsat C service and the company's Sail Track vessel track- ing software to keep race organizers and participants in constant con- tact during this around-the-world sailing event.
COMSAT's Sail Track service uses Inmarsat Mobile Earth Sta- tions (MESs) to transmit each boat's precise navigational information via onboard Inmarsat-C MESs that fea- ture integrated Global Positioning
System (GPS) receivers. Users at sea can send and receive messages, send position reports, receive weather updates and communicate via several electronic mail services, or send messages to fax machines.
For more information on COMSAT
Circle 9 on Reader Service Card
October, 1994
WCS Integrators: Intelligent
Communication Automation
World Communications Systems (WCS) has made cost-effective de- vices available which enlist state- of-the-art software programming.
WCS Integrators have been used on tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships, military vessels, luxury yachts, ferries and fishing vessels.
According to WCS, a study of three fishing vessels showed average monthly savings of more than $5,000 on each vessel, each month.
WCS Integrators provide: access and control; automatic call account- ing; shore-side polling and control; departmental billing; crew calling; cost-effective and least-cost rout- ing; fleet standardization; data com- munication; and GMDSS. With
WCS Integrators, any number of on-board subscribers are automati- cally connected to any number of communications channels, such as satellite, cellular or land-line cir- cuits. However, the Integrators can be customized to fit the exact needs of the individual shipowner.
WCS Integrators can function as stand-alone communication systems with all common PABX features in addition to automatic call-routing and communication circuit selection.
Each WCS Integrator configuration provides integration, automation, record-keeping, and enhancement.
For more information on WCS
Circle 10 on Reader Service Card
The future of the marine industry is at Bollinger's today. Since 1946, the
Bollinger family has demonstrated a commitment to quality and innova- tion through its responsiveness to an ever-changing offshore marine environment. This commitment has connected us with some of the most respected names in the marine industry.
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Circle 217 on Reader Service Card 79 ogy for its new Chartmate LCD irtplotter.
Chartmate can be used as a full- tured stand-alone chartplotter
I is also available with an inte- j /t>q ranoiuorfnrnavi rational
Falmouth Road, Building II,
Mashpee, Mass. 02649, tel: (800) 424-2627, (508) 477-8010; fax: (508) 447-6168.
For more information on C-Map
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card schools are shown in true size, shape and direction, from ahead, below, above and around the net. A split screen capability shows net profile or scanning sonar and depth sounder information simulta-
The AldenSART operates in the 9GHz frequency band and will trans- mit its painted response signal when it recognizes any X-Band radar sig- nal.
By February 1995, all vessels more than 300-grt must be equipped with