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Arctic King Fisheries To Sell

Fishing Vessel:

Arctic King Fisheries, Inc., Se- attle, Wash., has received approval to sell the fishing vessel Arctic

Trawler to Kamchtrybprom, a Rus- sian corporation. The vessel will be transferred to Belize registry.

Diamond Offshore OK'd To

Transfer Registries

Diamond Offshore General Co.,

Houston, Texas, has received ap- proval to transfer the 5,829-gt mo- bile offshore drilling unit Ocean Ep- och and the 5,875-gt unit Ocean

General to Panamanian registry, without change in ownership. The

Ocean Epoch was built in 1977, and the Ocean General in 1976, both in

Mobile, Ala.

Nabors OK'd To Transfer

Jack-Up Drilling Platform:

MarAd has given approval Nabors

International, Inc., Houston, Texas, totransferthe 2,826-gtjack-up drill- ing platform Ocean Master VIII, to

Liberian registry, without change in ownership. MarAd's approval is required under section 9 of the Ship- ping Act, 1916, as amended.

Other MarAd News

Final Rule Amends Cargo

Preference Regs:

MarAd has issued a final rule which amends its cargo preference regulations, and provides Great

Lakes ports an opportunity to com pete for government-generated ag ricultural commodity cargoes dur ing an entire season trial perio

The trial period coincides with th current Great Lakes shipping se son, while the St. Lawrence Seawa system is in use. (On August 1994, MarAd published a final ru in the Federal Register which pr vided for a trial period for the mainder of the 1994 shipping s son, but no such shipments curred.) During the current ping season, MarAd will allow cultural commodity preference goes to be loaded initially on eign-flag vessels atU.S. Great La ports for the trip along the

Lawrence Seaway. The cargoes then be transferred to U.S.-flag s for the ocean portion of the tri foreign destinations. A final designated docket R-153, has published in the Federal Regi

The contact for additional info tion about the rule is Joh

Graykowski, Deputy Maritim ministrator for Inland Water and Great Lakes, Room 720 7th St. SW, Washington, D.C. 2 tel: (202) 366-1718.




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Employment Guides:

MarAd has released the tions has released the 1995 e cf Maritime Labor-Mana

Affiliations Guide, and Infor

Concerning Employment an ing in the U.S. Merchant

The Guide furnishes info approval is required under section 9 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended.

Lykes Given OK To Use

Foreign-Flag Ships For

Time-Sensitive Cargo:

MarAd has given Lykes Bros.

Steamship Co., Inc., permission to load a maximum of 45 commuter railcar shells on foreign-flag ships in Lisbon, Portugal, for transport to Baltimore, Md., when Lykes' U.S.- flag vessels are not in position.

Farrell Lines Inc. and Sea-Land Ser- vice, Inc., the U.S.-flag lines which provide direct service to the Medi- terranean, advised MarAd that they do not object to Lykes' use of foreign- flag ships for such movements of this time-sensitive cargo. Farrell, how- ever, wishes to be advised each time such a movement is anticipated.

MarAd's approval is in the form of a

MarAd Releases 1995

Merchant Marine continuing-as-needed waiver of sec- tion 804(a) of the Merchant Marine

Act of 1936, as amended. Section 804 precludes subsidized U.S.-flag operators or their affiliates from op- erating foreign-flag vessels which compete with essential U.S.-flag shipping services unless the Secre- tary of Transportation waives the provision of this section for a spe- cific period. The approved waiver is effective through June 30, 1996.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.