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its potential been considered as a spray applied coating. Chemically, the coating is a two component material: Part "A" can be either an aromatic isocynate or an aliphatic isocynate; Part "B" is a blend of polyether polyamines and amine chain extenders, along with the ap- propriate pigments and additives.
Polyurea Advantages include:
Imperviousness to water; fast cure; 100 percent solids, zero VOC; high tensile strength — 880-1,713 psi; excellent abrasion resistance; high thermal stability - 3,50 degrees F; low temperature cure; adhesion to moist surfaces; excellent ultravio- let light stability • Waterborne Polyurethanes:
Waterborne polyurethanes are dis- persions of polymeric particles in a continuous aqueous phase. Coat- ings based on this technology offer environmental compliance, low temperature curing, abrasion re- sistance, and conventional urethane performance regarding weather resistance. • Epoxy Phenolic Novolac Coat- ings: Epoxy phenolic novolac res- ins cured with aromatic amines have demonstrated very good perfor- mance in salt water and fuel im- mersion testing per MIL-C-23236.
Novolac epoxy resins have an aver- age molecular weight of approxi-
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Circle 255 on Reader Service Card mately 650, and 3.6 functional ep- oxy groups per molecule. • Water Based Wash Primers: Wa- ter based wash primers which are low in VOC (less than 150 g/1) are available. These materials are one component systems, are heavy metal free, have a wide re-coat window, and do not have the critical film thickness limitations associ- ated with solvent based counter- parts. This coating also has worked well as a seal/barrier coat over inor- ganic zinc rich primers. • Inorganic Silicone Coatings:
These inorganic coatings based on silicone/oxygen chemistry offer out- standing chemical resistance, ex- traordinary durability, and high heat resistance. These coatings have been used in the aerospace indus- try, and on railcars, bridges, and ships. Topside use over inorganic zinc rich primers provide outstand- ing performances. They are com- mercially available. • 100 Percent Solids Epoxy: Two part epoxy plural component spray application materials have exhib- ited excellent corrosion protection when applied directly to properly prepared steel surfaces. These coat- ings were originally developed for the rail industry and cure hard in 12 hours at 770 degrees F. They are commercially available. • Waterborne Epoxy Coatings: This group of coatings offers good corro- sion resistance, good chemical re- sistance, low VOC, and high film build. These coatings have also shown promise as pre-construction primers. Epoxy water based dis- persions rival their solvent based counterparts with respect to per- formance. They are commercially available. • Waterborne Acrylic Coatings:
Waterborne acrylic coating tech- nology offers perhaps some of the most exciting opportunities for meeting regulatory compliance with coating systems that have very low environmental impacts. There are several areas of water based resin technology that may offer innova- tive coatings for marine applica- tions: — High performance acrylic coat- ings with gloss retention equal to two-package polyurethane after two years exposure in Florida — Ambient cured selfcross linked water-based acrylics with significant improvement in chemi- cal resistance and toughness over conventional latex coatings • Coatings For Marginally Pre- pared Surfaces: Coatings for mar- ginally prepared steel surfaces (in- tact rusted steel) have been com- mercialized for quite a few years (i.e., epoxy mastic coatings pig- mented with aluminum, platey silica, or other barrier forming pig- ments). Most recently, very low viscosity epoxy coatings with ex- traordinary wetting properties have been used as pre-primers to tie down intact rust, primarily in re- painting of bridges.
The preceding was excerpted from a paper presented by Frank J.
Windier — field technical director, industrial & marine coatings, southeastern division, Sherwin-Williams Company — at Corrosion '95.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News