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Ship Repair & Conversion

Good Luck Chartering The "Rust Bucket of the Month"

Oil tankers greater than 3,000-gt that are more than 15 years old are targeted in France crackdown

The long arm of legislation — interna- tional, national and regional — will increasingly dictate the way in which ships are designed, outfitted and operat- ed. This trend will continue, and most assuredly legislation that add to the cost of building and operating vessels will quicken. Following the Erika disaster, the Paris MOU Port State Control Com- mittee has launched an initiative to carry out a targeted inspection campaign on all oil tankers greater than 3,000-gt and more than 15 years old, during the peri- od September 1 - November 30, 2000.

In addition to the normal port state inspection, specific items to be checked include the cargo deck area, ballast tanks, cargo tanks, pump rooms, inert gas system, PV valves and the engine room. The Port State Control Commit- tee has adopted special inspection guidelines for this purpose. Where pos- sible, owners and operators should invite a surveyor to assist during the ini-

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Circle 300 on Reader Service Card


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Businesses for Sale

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Circle 247 on Reader Service Card

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MOU. If ships are detained during this campaign, they could face follow-up inspections in other Paris MOU ports, together with 'naming and shaming' and in severe cases publication as 'Rustbuck- et of the Month.'

Eyes Onboard

Circle 249 on Reader Service Card 62 Circle 257 on Reader Service Card

Much as communications services — both in terms of speed, cost and quality — have vastly improved in the past decade, so to have onboard software systems designed to monitor and assist manage critical onboard systems and functions. In the coming years and decades, it can be assumed that a much larger onus will fall on automated sys- tems to ensure the safe and efficient operation of vessels of all sizes. While the "No Man" bridge still may be a few centuries away, the prevailing trend in the maritime realm is dependence on automation to help reduce crew costs and optimize onboard efficiencies.

For example, since 1996 when

Grimaldi Naples decided to install

SpecTec's AMOS for Windows systems on its fleet, the steadfastness of Grimal- di's management to achieve results and the performance of the AMOS system combined to cut costs by 15 percent over three years.

Engineer Giancarlo Coletta of

Grimaldi Naples knows the highs and lows of maritime software and comput- erization. He knows what works and what doesn't based on years of first- hand experience. "We were the first customer to use the Windows-based system; we were like the test pilots. This had its good and bad sides: We would have to cope with some of the early bugs, but we were also able to impact the development of the young product.

We could propose changes and improvements to suit the shipping world and, as a consequence, our organiza- tion," says Coletta. Grimaldi Naples had

AMOS for Windows installed on six vessels, in its office and on six new- buildings. Coletta noted that, perhaps most important for any maritime soft- ware system to work, the ship's crews were using the product and discovering each day new ways to make their jobs simpler and operations smoother and cheaper. "We have cut maintenance costs, but it is the renovation of our processes that is really dramatic. Pur- chasing and supply are quicker, more organized and less wasteful. Now, for example, we can organize our purchases to make larger bulk buys and thereby save money," says Coletta.

Circle 61 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.