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Great Ships of the Year cent MCR (62,940 PS) with 20 per- cent sea margin. With respect to vibration and noise, the vessel has demonstrated excellent results through sea trials. Especially the maximum vibration levels in living quarters including the wheelhouse, which was clocked at 4.4 mm/sec, which is below the allowable limit of 7 mm/sec, peak.
The vessel is arranged with seven cargo holds, fore of the engine room, and consists of 16 bays with 14 hatches, with three panel hatch covers in way of each cargo hold (except two panel for No.l hatch cover). The cargo hold is equipped with cell guides and support struc- ture for the carriage of 40-ft. ISO containers, 11 rows and seven tiers, with depth of holds for containers of four tiers with 9 ft. and three tiers with 10 ft. high in general.
Double loading of 20 ft. containers in hold is considered in the 40-ft. cell guide. Containers on deck can be generally carried with 13 rows and in five, six or seven tiers.
The vessel is designed to carry total 4,121 TEU containers, 1,698 in hold and 2,423 TEU on deck.
Malaccamax Oil Tanker
Aquamarine Ship Holding
NKK Corp.
Name Contship Aurora
Type 4,100 TEU Container
Owner Contship Containerlines Ltd.
Builder Daewoo Shipbuilding and
Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd.
Constructed under U.K flag,
Contship Aurora was ordered by
CP Ships and delivered by Daewoo
Shipbuilding & Marine Engineer- ing Co., Ltd. Okpo Shipyard in
September 2002. The vessel has been designed and built under the survey of Germanischer Lloyd — the first ship to qualify for German- ischer Lloyd's new "Green Pass- port" class character. This vessel has fully welded flush deck with forecastle, a raked stem with bul- bous bow, a transom stern with open type stern frame, a semi-bal- anced rudder, a fixed pitch pro- peller and a bow thruster of con- trollable pitch propeller. Passage- way from engine room to No.2 cargo hold space is arranged below the upper deck at both sides.
The propulsion machinery and living quarters have eight tiers including navigation the bridge.
The speed of the vessel at the designed draft of 39 ft. (12 m) through sea trial is 25.3 knots with the main engine running at 90 per-
Main Particulars
Classification Germanischer Lloyd
Port of Registry London, U.K.
Flag U.K (°-a-> 922 ft- <281 m> NKK Corp. delivered a 300,000-Length, (waterline) 862 ft. (262.9 m) , ri _ . w . i .u n. % ooc a o I dwt., Panamanian-flagged, Ma ac-
Length, (b.p.) 885 ft. (269.8 m) 66 geam 106 ft (32 2 m) ca-max oil tanker to Aquamarine
Draft 41ft.(12.5m)/summer Ship-holding Maritime S.A., a
Depth 65 ft. (19.8 m) Panamanian subsidiary of NYK
Displacement 74,112 MT / summer Line in September 2002. Built at
DWT 54,155 MT/summer ~ ,,, , ,
GT 46,009; Net 25,880 NKKs TsU Works' the tanker'
Main Engines Sulzer 9RTA 96C-B whlch ls now ln re8ular servlce for
Auxiliary Engines W rtisl: 2x 3,900 Nippon Oil Corp., is the first in the + 2* 3,400 kW Malacca-max VLCC (very large
Propellers.. FP 8.5-m diameter, five-blade crude carrier) class that NKK has
Max. Speed At 102 rpm - 26.1 knots , .
Cruising Speed .. At 98.5 rpm - 25.4 knots deVel°Ped 10 reSP°nSe t0 0wners
Side Thrusters Lips 1,600 kW requirements for maximum opera-
Accommodation 30 tional efficiency.
Watermakers 30mt/day Measuring 1,092 x 197 x 97 ft.
Radars 2 Kelvin HuShes (333 x 60 x 29.6 m) with a 68 ft.
Depth Sounders FurunoFE200 0 , , ,
Radios VHF Raytheon + Skanti (20-8"m) draft' real,ZlnS the maX1"
Satcom B SATURN "B" MK 2 mum permissible dimension to sail
Auto Pilot Yoko Gawa Denshikiki through the Strait of Malacca. The
Gps 4 k Simrad, Shipmatz ship incorporates the latest energy-
GMDSS Raytheon Standards sayi technologies and designs, Weatherfax DEBEG 2952 . . ,6. , , . . _f
Plotters Kelvin Hughes ,ncludinS a sharp-edged Ax-Bow
Paint or Coatings Tin-free, Chugoku that greatly reduces wave resis-
Life Rafts Viking tance under rough sea conditions.
Life Boats Fassmer Co., Ltd. 28
Name CMA CGM Neptune
Type Container Carrier
Builder Hanjin Heavy Industries
Owner Hansa Shipping
The 4,389 TEU container carrier known as CMA CGM Neptune for
Hansa Shipping company is pow- ered by a MAN B&W 9K90MC-C main engine, which produces 55,890 bhp at MCR with 104 rpm to give the vessel a service speed of 24.2 knots at 90 percent of MCR with 25 percent sea margin on a design draft of 39 ft. (12 m). Four sets of auxiliary engine consist of two sets of 1,800 kW at 720 rpm and two sets of 2,100 kW at the same rpm diesel engine. Fully 4,389 TEU containers of 2,017
TEU in hold and 2,372 TEU on deck can be loaded on the vessel in addition to the 500 FEU reefer sockets provided (200 FEU in hold and 300 FEU on deck). Maximum 11 rows with eight tiers containers can be loaded in seven holds, and 13 rows with six tiers containers to be carried on hatch covers. Forty- ft. container based cell guides were equipped in every hold, generally two tiers height of lashing bridge structure was installed between hatch coamings and extraordinary cell guides of 5.5 tiers height help cargo securing on utmost end deck.
Main Particulars
Length, (o.a.) 926 ft. (282.1 m)
Length, (b.p) 873 ft. (266 m)
Breadth, (molded) 106 ft. (32.2 m)
GT 50,242
DWT, (design) 50,709
DWT, (scantling) 58,39
Draft, (design) 39 ft. (12 m)
Draft, (scantling) 43 ft. (13 m)
Speed, (service) . .24.2 knots at 90 percent
MCR with 25 percent sea margin on design draft (12 m)
Complement 25 + 6 (Suez)
Cargo capacity 4,389 TEU (hold-2,017 / deck-2,372)
Water ballast 17,100cu. m.
Fuel consumption 156.5 ton/day
Main engine manufacturer Hyundai
Main engine type .MAN B&W 9K90MC-C
Total hp 55,890 ps
Auxiliary engines NIL
Propellers .Fixed pitch propeller * lset (8.2 diameter, SMM manufactured )
Thruster Kamewa
Thruster engine . .Rolls-Royce controllable pitch type TT2400
Generators Hyundai
Generator engines B&W 6L 27/38 * 2sets (l,800ps/720 rpm)
B&W 7L 27/38 * 2sets (2,100 ps/720 rpm)
Name Bongo
Owner Shell Nigeria Exploration and
Production Co.
Builder Samsung Heavy Industries
Samsung's latest technological innovation is the successful com- pletion and delivery of an 2,000,000 bbls FPSO, Bonga, built for the Shell Nigeria Exploration . „ . , Main Particulars and Production Company, SNEP- Ungtk (o a ) I.OOOI ft. (305.1 m)
CO in June 2002. Length, (b.p.) 968 ft. (295 m)
The vessel, which is a double hull Breadth, (molded) 190 ft. (58 m) type floating oil production, stor- Depth, molded 105 ft. (32 m) age, and offloading unit (FPSO), designdraft. "ft.(23.4m) 6 v ' Operating draft 78 ft. (23.9 m) will be permanently spread moored Displacement .355,320 MT at design draft in Bonga field located offshore Accommodation 70 persons
Nigeria in water depth ranging from Cargo Tanks 324,700 cu. m. 1,000 to 1,125 m. The Machinery (Excluding slope Tanks) •„ , , . . , .. Slope Tanks 10,000 cu. m.. space will be located underneath ,, , , _ , „' Methanol Tank 2,450 cu. m. the accommodation spaces. The chemical Tank 320 cu m. double bottom in way of machinery (For H2S Scavenger) spaces is used as sludge and oily Chemical Tank 160 cu. m. water drain tanks. The topside (For Corrosion Inhibitor) process facilities shall be located on " ^ssan'Tank ''I® cu'm' Diesel Oil tanks 7,500 cu. m. a Process Deck, elevated 5.5 m Fresh Water Tanks l,000cu.m above the Main Deck of the hull at Seawater Ballast tanks ... .139,000 cu. m. the centerline; a helideck has been built above the accommodation.
The hull structure has been designed and constructed to remain on sta- tion for the hull field life without recourse to drydocking, and the longi- tudinal strength of the vessel shall also be considered for tow condition.
The vessel's mooring system consists of four groups of three mooring legs located on port and starboard sides at both fore and aft ends, two sets of 10 tonne air tugger winch, mooring fitting such as bollards and moor- ing chocks. The Crude oil has been exported from the storage tanks by both oil cargo offloading and tandem offloading system. The hydraulic power pack for the submersible crude oil offloading pumps has been pro- vided to facilitate these offloading.
Nome Stena Britannica
Type RoPax
Owner Stena R0R0
Builder Hyundai Heavy Industries
Built at Hyundai Heavy Indus- tries, the 3,500-lane m Stena Britan- nica was scheduled for delivery to
Stena R0R0 in Sweden on Novem- ber 30, 2002. Measuring 692 x 96 x 51 ft. (210.8 x 29.3 x 15.6 m), and a design draft of 21 ft. (6.3 m), the vessel is powered by four MAN
B&W 9L40/54 engines, each devel- oping 6,480 kW at 500 rpm driving a pair of Rolls-Royce CP propellers through two Renk twin-input/sin- gle-output gearboxes. These gear- boxes reduce engine speed to 150 rpm enabling the vessel to move at a service speed of 22 knots. The vessel, which will operate between the U.K. and Holland and Ireland, was designed to comply with the new Stockholm Agreement Rules and IMO A 265 for the damage sta- bility. Four fixed decks (1, 3, 5 and 7) with one hoistable car deck on starboard side of deck five are pro- vided for vehicles offering 3,500 lane m. Vehicles will be loaded and unloaded through a wide stern and bow ramp/door installed on deck three. Two alternators, each developing 2,400 kW take power from the gearboxes and four Hyundai-built MAN B&W 8L23/30H diesel-driven sets, each developing 1,200 kW are provided to the electrical system.
Twin flap rudder is adopted, and two 2,200 kW bowthrusters are fitted for powerful maneuverability.
Main Particulars
Main engines ... ,4x MAN B&W 9L40/54
Auxiliary engines .. .Hyundai MAN B&W
Propellers, Thrusters Rolls-Royce
Generators Hyundai
Fin stabilizers Brown Bros.
Couplings Flender
Reduction gears Renk-Tacke
Engine controls Valmarine
Deck machinery BLM
Bearings Blohm+Voss
Coatings KCC.IPK
Electronics Hyundai Kongsberg
Heat exchangers APV-KPH
A/C ABB Flakt Marine
Lifeboats Norsaf
Liferafts DSB
Davits Davit Intl.
Firefighting Semco
Waste management Uson
Destination equipment Alfa-Laval
IACMS Valmarine