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Great Ships continued from page 31
The ship has a total of 15 cargo oil tanks with a combined capacity of 342,510 cu. m. at 98 percent loading. In addition, there are two slop tanks fully coated in tar epoxy with a capacity of 7,030 cu. m.. The cargo pump- ing system allows for a maximum discharge rate of 15,000 cu. m./hr. at a head of 160 mlc via three main pumps. The maximum load- ing rate is 20,000 cu. m./hr. Three grades of oil can be handled simultaneously through a two-valve segregation arrangement.
The ship is outfitted with an inert gas sys- tem with double scrubbers, which reduces the S02 content to less than 2 ppm.
Main Particulars
Flag Bahamas
Class ABS
Length, (o.a.) 1,093 ft. (333.3 m)
Length, (b.p.) 1,043 ft. (318 m)
Breadth, (molded) 190 ft. (58 m)
Depth, (molded) 102 ft. (31.2 m)
Draft, (scantling) 74 ft. (22.5 m)
Draft, (design) 0 ft. (21.4 m)
Displacement 350,900 tons
DWT, (scantling) 303,100
DWT, (design) 284,00
Speed, (service) 16.4 knots
Cargo capacity, liquid volume 350,100 cu. m.
Water ballast 98,200 cu. m.
Daily fuel consumption 124.7 tons/day
Main engines HSD Engine Co., 32,825 kW
Propellers MMG, Germany
Diesel-driven alternators 3x W rtsil (engine);
Hyundai (alternator)
Boilers Mitsubishi
Hose handling crane Samsung
Provision crane Tae Kwang
Mooring equipment . .Samsung & Rolls Royce Marine
Lifesaving equipment CSSC, China
Cargo pumps Shinko, Japan
Cargo control system Nakakita, Japan
Ballast control system Nakakita, Japan
Bridge control JRC
Fire detection Consilium
Satellite Inmarsat
Sewage plant Hamworthy
Complement Officers, 17; Crew 25
Name World Crest
Type Crude Oil Tanker
Owner Niarchos Ltd./Anole
Shipping Co.
Builder Daewoo Shipbuilding &
Heavy Machinery
Built by Daewoo Shipbuilding & Heavy
Machinery for Niarchos Ltd./Anole Shipping
Co., World Crest is a 306,000-dwt double hull crude oil tanker under Greece flag, which was delivered in December 2002.
Designed and built to meet the standard of
ABS rule and classed +A1(E), "Oil Carrier,
NIBS, with the descriptive notes of VEC,
SPM and UWILD. To enhance environmen- tal protection up-to-date International Rule & Reg. including MARPOL Annex IV and
VI have been applied and H.F.O tanks
Circle 214 on Reader Service Card arranged as double hull. Other requirements and
Industrial standards also have been considered such as
OCIMF recommendations and
USCG Requirement, etc.
The vessel, which is intended for the trade of crude oil having a flash point below 60 degrees in cargo tanks, has been constructed as double side and bottom in way of cargo tanks and arranged with five center/side tanks (p&s) and two slop tanks.
Cargo handling system consists of three cargo pump with capacity of 5,000 cu. m./hr. each driven by steam turbine and three cargo manifolds on deck for three segregation of cargo loading and discharging.
Water ballast tanks of five pairs in cargo area and two E/R w.b.tanks and two peak tanks are arranged and two ballast pumps with capacity of 3,000 cu. m/hr. each driven by electronic motor are provided.
The design fatigue life at critical connec- tions of hull structure is 30 years and longi- tudinals end connection in cargo area is 40 years in compliance with ABS SafeHull
Phase A requirement.
The speed of the vessel is 15.8 knots with the main engine running at 85 percent MCR with 10 percent sea margin, and the main engine is B&W 7S80MC-C with MCR out- put of 36,960 PS at 76 rpm driving a fixed pitch propeller.
In addition, a seven-tier deckhouse located aft provides accommodation for 35 persons.
Wheelhouse is arranged for the concept of the One Man Bridge Operation (NIBS) equipped with integrated navigation system including electronic chart display and infor- mation system and also interfaced with other equipment and also provided with remote/automation control system.
Main Particulars
Flag Greece
Class ABS
Length, (o.a.) 1,089 ft. (332 m)
Length, (b.p.) 1,050 ft. (320 m)
Breadth, (molded) 190 ft. (58 m)
Draft, (design) 68 ft. (20.8 m)
Draft, (scantling) 73 ft. (22.4 m)
DWT, design 277,500
DWT, scantling 306,05
Speed 15.8 knots at scantling draft
Cargo capacity
Liquid volume 346,351 cu. m.
Heavy oil 7,532 cu. m.
Water ballast 103,279 cu. m.
Diesel oil 442 cu. m.
Main engines MAN B&W 7S80MC-C
Propeller Hyundai Heavy Industries
Diesel-driven alternators3x STX Corp., 1,710 bhp @ 720 rpm
Boilers Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Mooring equipment Fukushima
Cargo pumps 3x Shinko Industries
Bridge control systems Lorcontrol
Fire detection systems NK Co. Ltd.
Radars Japan Radio
Waste disposal Teamtec Marine Products
M/V Tarantella
Chem/oil tanker
Whitefin Shipping
The vessel Tarantella features a variety of outstanding and unique characteristics repre- senting an advanced concept of chemical tanker. Compared to earlier Trogir built tankers (Trogir and Azov Sea), the hull of
Tarantella embodies a number of upgrading features such as: Execution of bulkheads, bottom and lower stools to facilitate drainage of the cargo /washing water to the practical minimum as described with "str 0.05" class notation; Introduction of trapezoidal corru- gation (instead of rectangular) to enable 96 percent of tank surfaces to be exposed to direct jet from washing machines and there- fore qualify for ETC notation; Strengthening of structure to suit for wider range of IMO 2 chemicals, which effected bulkheads and boundary of alternate tanks being strength-
Tel.: +31 (0)10 429 2222
Fax: +31 (0)10 429 6459 [email protected] www.wortelboer.nl ance is main tain ened for unlimited filling level of 1,600 t/cu. m. cargo density and deck structure reinforced to with- stand 0.7 bar overpressure, which prevents some cargoes (pentane, pentene) from vapor- ization at environmental tem- peratures; Review of cargo tanks/double hull structure by 3-D FEM fatigue life analyze (DNV — Nauticus — new- building) followed with intro- duction of extra thickness, brackets or execution of cut- outs and similar as needed for assignment of DNV Plus — 2 notation: Structure fatigue life is 40 years. Extension of dou- ble hull further aft — to pro- tect fuel storage tanks from leakage in case of minor shell plating damages; 2 m clear- e d throughout; In order to keep steel hull mass as low as possible some 31.5 percent of HTS (NV36) is introduced, mainly in cargo tanks envelope and bulkheads and partly in bottom plating. Cargo tanks' drying system is composed of one 30,000 cu. m./hr. air heater with fan, steel ducting on cargo tanks' deck with branches for flexible con- nections to desired tank; Nitrogen produc- tion plant of 4,500 N cu. m./hr. capacity with supply connections to each cargo tank — used for inerting of sensitive chemicals.
Instead of conventional submerged hydrauli- cally driven cargo pumps electrically driven deep well pumps are provided. Speed control by frequency converters. Redundancy, flexi- bility, maneuverability ease of maintenance, high electricity demand during frequent cargo discharge operation and low initial cost were decisive factors for selection of suitable propulsion/ electricity generation configuration: consisting of two medium speed engines.
WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 1870 Harbour Road - North Vancouver, B. C. - Canada - V7H 1A1
Phone: (604) 929 -7901 Fax: (604) 929-7951 or (604) 929-5329
December, 2002
Circle 239 on Reader Service Card or visit www.maritimereporterinfo.com 37