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Annual World Yearbook
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June 2006 63
Top 20 World Ports of
Call by Type, 2005
All Vessel Types
Port Calls % of Total
Singapore 27,521 4.8
Hong Kong 18,812 3.1
Rotterdam 9,445 1.5
Busan 8,973 1.4
Kaohsiung 8,134 1.3
Antwerp 6,756 1.1
Yokohama 6,594 1.1
Shanghai 5,728 1.0
Houston 5,617 0.9
Nagoya 5,572 0.9
Port Klang 5,309 0.9
LA/Long Beach 5,290 0.8
Santos 4,918 0.8
New York 4,862 0.8
Keelung 4,596 0.8
Jebel Ali 4,565 0.8
Tokyo 4,238 0.7
Gibraltar 4,186 0.7
Hamburg 4,087 0.7
Kobe 3,936 0.7
Top 20 Ports 155,974 24.8
All Ports 628,962 100.0
Top 20 U.S. Ports of Call by Vessel Type,2005 (Vessel Calls)
All Vessel Types
Vessel Type/Port Calls % of Total
Houston 5,891 10
LA/Long Beach 5,178 8
New York 4,902 8
San Francisco 3,871 6
New Orleans 3,749 6
Philadelphia 2,998 5
Virginia Ports 2,547 4
Savannah 2,333 4
Columbia River 2,189 4
Charleston 2,046 3
Baltimore 1,825 3
Port Arthur 1,563 3
Miami 1,299 2
Tacoma 1,270 2
Jacksonville 1,237 2
Seattle 1,186 2
Port Everglades 1,182 2
Texas City 1,142 2
San Juan(PRI) 1,086 2
Tampa 1,003 2
Top 20 Ports 48,497 79
All Ports 61,047 100
Top 20 U.S. Ports of Call by Vessel Type, 2005 (Vessel Calls)
Vessel Type/Port Calls % of Total
Houston 3,392 17
Philadelphia 1,534 8
New York 1,380 7
Port Arthur 1,270 6
New Orleans 1,121 6
Texas City 1,074 5
LA/Long Beach 1,070 5
Corpus Christi 788 4
San Francisco 692 3
Freeport(Texas) 561 3
Port Everglades 440 2
Lake Charles 434 2
Tampa 401 2
LOOP Term. 400 2
Valdez 399 2
March Point 340 2
Portland(ME USA) 304 2
Jacksonville 299 1
Savannah 273 1
Wilmington(NC USA) 267 1
Top 20 Ports 16,439 82
All Ports 20,118 100
Tanker, Crude
Vessel Type/Port Calls % of Total
Philadelphia 857 11
Port Arthur 814 10
Houston 761 10
Texas City 474 6
LA/Long Beach 435 5
New Orleans 414 5
LOOP Term. 398 5
Valdez 353 4
New York 343 4
Corpus Christi 340 4
San Francisco 336 4
Freeport(Texas) 275 3
Lake Charles 267 3
March Point 228 3
Port Angeles 215 3
Portland(ME USA) 183 2
Cherry Point 172 2
El Segundo 142 2
Ferndale 108 1
Galveston light. area 93 1
Top 20 Ports 7,208 91
All Ports 7,912 100
Tanker, Product
Houston 2,631 22
New York 1,037 9
New Orleans 707 6
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