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Marine Propulsion Annual
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September 2012www.marinelink.com 43nomics and Business Administration. He started in Sales in 1995 in the shipping industry andjoined Transas as a Sales Manager in 1999. Sev- eral steps led him to his previous deployment as a Director Business Unit Simulation in 2010. Dur- ing his time in Transas, Ralf was involved in nu- merous Navigation Systems and Simulation projects, and he brings his extensive experience in the marine business to the new position. Lehnert succeeds Carl-Olof Carlsson who hasmoved to a position of a Managing Director of Transas Marine Limited and where he will be con- centrating on international strategic business de- velopment and further global expansion. Mr. Carlsson will remain the Chairman of the TMI Board of Directors.Globe Wireless Names Van Knotsenborg SVP Sales Alex Van Knotsenborg has been promoted toSenior VP of Sales. Van Knotsenborg will take on the overall management of the Globe Wireless in- ternational direct salesforce. Van Knotsenborg has worked in the mar- itime industry since 1981and has been with Globe for 15 years recently asVP of Sales, Europe.Bollinger Appoints Bowen VP, Govt. Relations Bollinger Shipyards appointed Charles"Skip" Bowen as Vice President Government Relations. Bowen joined Bollinger in April 2011 as Program Manager forthe FRC ?Sentinel?Class Patrol Boat build- ing program atBollinger?s Lockport facility, following a 32-year career with the United States Coast Guard, culmi-nating with the rank of Master Chief Petty Offi- cer of the Coast Guard, from 2006 to 2010. As the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard, Skip served as a senior advisor to the Comman- dant of the Coast Guard.Bowen graduated with distinction from the U. S. Army Sergeants Major Academy and has been awarded numerous awards and medals, including the Distinguished Service Medal, four Meritori- ous Service Medals, four Commendation Medalsand three Achievement medals. He holds a BS de- gree from Excelsior College, an MBA from Touro University International, and a Project Manage- ment Professional certification from PMI. Jaya Appoints Horsington Jaya Holdings has ap-pointed George Horsing- ton, a senior executive from the Singapore off- shore sector, as the com- pany?s first President for Business Development. Horsington, 38, is set tojoin Jaya on September6, 2012 after more than10 years in various sen- ior management positions with Swire Pacific Off- shore Operations.Sulzer Nominated for St. Lawrence Seaway Board Captain Arthur H. Sulzer, USN (ret) has been nominated by theObama administrationfor the position of Mem-ber, Advisory Board of the Saint Lawrence Sea- way Development Cor- poration. Captain Sulzeris a U.S Navy veteran whose assignments included Operation Iraqi Free-dom and Operation Enduring Freedom. In 2003,Captain Sulzer helped open the Maritime Acad- emy Charter High School. He is a U.S. CoastGuard Licensed Ships Master and Third Assistant Engineer, with a B.S. in Marine Transportation and an M.S. in Transportation Management & Maintenance from the State University of New York Maritime College. Teekay, KOTUG JV In Australian Towage Market Teekay Shipping Australia Pty Ltd. (Teekay) and KOTUG International B.V. The Netherlands (KOTUG) established of a new Joint Venture com- pany, called KT Maritime Services Australia Pty Ltd, to pursue new business opportunities in the Australian towage market. ?The Australian mar- ket for towage services is growing as new LNG projects begin production, adding to the ongoing growth in Australian coal and iron ore export ship- ments,? said David Parmeter, Managing Director, Teekay Shipping Australia Pty Ltd. ?Since 2002, Teekay has operated in the Australian towage mar- ket at both Hay Point and Port Hedland where we currently manage 12 tugs and have experience with several KOTUG RotorTug vessels. With our new JV company, we are formalizing a partner- ship that will deliver top tier towage services for the Australian market.? Under the terms of the JV agreement, Teekay and KOTUG will both con- tinue to separately manage respective existing op- erations in various Australian ports. MR#9 (42-49):MR Template 9/11/2012 2:16 PM Page 43