Page 44: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 2012)
Marine Propulsion Annual
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44Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Brunvoll, Steerprop Deepen Cooperation Two propulsion system suppliers, Norway's Brunvoll AS and Finland's Steerprop Ltd. report that the companies have intensifed their coopera- tion in order to give their common customers; shipyards, ship owners, designers, an attractive ?package? option of propulsion and maneuvering equipment. The partnership is not limited to de- liveries of mechanical equipment, but also in- cludes cooperation with delivery of control and automation systems and after sales services. The composition of above mentioned ?package? solu- tion is that Brunvoll provides tunnel and re- tractable azimuth thrusters, both for maneuvering and dynamic positioning, as well as main azimuthpropulsors based on controllable pitch propellers.Hempel Launches High-Solids Antifouling Hempel is launching high-solids versions of their Globic, Oceanic and Olympic antifoulings,which offer optimized features and stronger ROI, according to the company. The new versions, Glo- bic 9000, Globic 6000, Oceanic+ and Olympic+,have been optimized to offer the benefits of high- solids. Reflecting Hempel?s commitment to in- vestment in R&D, they offer optimized binder systems, polishing rates, biocides and solids lev- els. In addition, they also feature microfiber tech- nology, which the manufacturer says works like steel reinforcement in concrete to deliver me- chanical strength and elasticityGlobic 9000 is Hempel?s new top-end antifoul- ing. An evolution of Globic NCT, it can be speci- fied for 90-month docking intervals. Globic 6000 is a new product in the Globic series, which builds on the same technology as Globic 9000. It is suit-able for 60-month intervals. Both Globic 9000 and Globic 6000 are designedaround patented nano-capsule binder technology, which has consistently been refined by Hempel over the last 10 years. Importantly, analysis of in docking vessels using an antifouling based on this technology confirms they show very little evi- dence of fouling?even after five years at sea. Oceanic+ is a more economical solution for 60-month intervals. It offers dependable performance in most trading waters, and is also available in a special version developed for flat-bottom appli- cations. Olympic+ is an evolution of Olympic, an antifouling with a documented record of strongand reliable performance not overly aggressive fouling waters. It offers improved performance for 36-month service intervals. Imtech Receives Two Large Orders from FSG Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) signed two contracts in July for a Ro-Pax ferry for Caledonian Maritime Assets of Scottish Limited (CMAL) and for two offshore vessels for one of the leading seismic companies. CMAL entrustedFSG with the development and construction of an innovative Ro-Pax ferry, which will enter service in summer 2014. The 116 m long ferry will meet the highest standards of reliability and availability in order to ensure a 24 hour operation. Next to the engineering Imtech Marine will be responsible for the technical coordination andproject management for the systems in the field of e-technology, including automation, switchgear, power distribution, lighting, and the entire cable network. In addition, Imtech Marine will plan, supply and install drive components such as converters, electric motors for thrusters and the power management. Internal and external communication via FleetBroadband, VSAT and GMDSS are as well as X-and S-band radar, ECDIS, compass, GPS and VDR part of the nav- igational scope. The two 127 m long offshore ves- sels are scheduled for 2014 and will then be usedthroughout the world to discover and exploit oil and gas deposits beneath the seabed. They are es- pecially designed for seismic operations and, interms of efficiency, comfort, reliability and en- durance, guarantee safe operation worldwide in- cluding the Arctic regions and in the roughest weather conditions. GEA PHE Systems, Separator Spares & Equipment Partner GEA PHE Systems signed Separator Spares &Equipment, LLC (SSE) as its representative for sales of its plate heat exchangers and plate heat exchanger replacement parts on all marine vessels (except cruise ships) for Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Eastern Texas and Western Florida. www.separatorequipment.com NEWSPEOPLE & COMPANIES Brunvoll and Steerprop has decided to enter in to a strategic alliance. Here from the two companies meet- ing and agreement in Molde earlier this summer. From left, Managing Director at Brunvoll, Odd Tore Finnøy, Marketing Director at Brunvoll, Per Olav Løkseth, Man- aging Director Jarmo Savikurki and Vice President Jasto Tolonen from Steerprop and Technical Director at Brunvoll, Knut Andresen. MR#9 (42-49):MR Template 9/11/2012 2:09 PM Page 44