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Workboat Annual
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Dr. Tikka Wins SNAME?s David W. Taylor Medal The Society of Naval Architects and Ma- rine Engineers (SNAME) awarded its high- est technical honor, the David W. Taylor Medal for notable achievement in naval ar- chitecture or marine engineering, to Dr. Kirsi Tikka, currently President of the ABS Europe Division. The award was given at the soci- ety?s Annual Banquet during the SNAME Annual Meeting held in Providence, RI. Dr. Tikka has held a variety of executive posi- tions within ABS over the last 10 years in- cluding Vice President Technology, responsible for research and development at the class society, Vice President Global Tech- nology and Business Development, Chief Engineer and, most recently, President of ABS? European and African operations. During her tenure with ABS she led the es- tablishment of the ABS Harsh Environment Technology Center in collaboration with Me- morial University of Newfoundland, played a key role in the development of the Common Structural Rules for Tankers and Bulk Carri- ers and subsequently served as the driving force behind the Common Structural RulesHarmonization Project and established andled the ABS Environmental Solutions Group. ?Kirsi is an international leader in shipstructure design and energy efficiency,? says ABS President and CEO Christopher J. Wier- nicki. ?Her insight and guidance are valued throughout the industry because throughouther career she has consistently provided prac- tical solutions for the challenges impactingthe marine and offshore industries.? Prior to joining ABS, Tikka served as a Professor of Naval Architecture at the Webb Institute in New York, where she carried out research on the structural strength of tankers. She also worked in several departments at Chevron Shipping and began her career with Wartsila Shipyards in her native Finland. Tikka earned her PhD in Naval Architec- ture and Offshore Engineering from the Uni- versity of California (UC)-Berkley. She also holds a Master Degree in Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering from UC-Berkley and a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Technology, Helsinki. Tikka is the fourth ABS executive to receive a prestigious SNAME award within the past decade. Chairman and CEO Robert D.Somerville was awarded the organization?s Land Medal in 2009 recognizing his out-standing contributions to naval architecture and marine engineering. Executive Vice Pres- ident and Chief Technology Officer Donald Liu, received the David W. Taylor Medal in 2004, and Senior Vice President of Technol- ogy Peter Tang-Jensen, was recognized by SNAME for this same honor in 2010. November 2012www.marinelink.com 117DNV Assists Belgium Toward LNG Bunkering The Flemish government and the port authorities of Antwerp, Zeebrugge, Ghent and Fluxys have published a fea- sibility study on LNG bunkering. DNV provided a market forecasting study, a regulatory analysis and modeled the LNG supply logistics. The Flemish government is now acting on DNV rec- ommendations to ensure the safe intro-duction of LNG bunkering at Flemish seaports. The legal and regulatory analysis resulted in a comprehensive listing of applicable local, regional, na- tional, European and international stan-dards and regulations as well as in 23 concrete recommendations indicatinggaps in the current framework. This part of the report is now avail- able online: http://www.flanderslogis- tics.be/fpa/lng-rapport.pdf ABS Signs Agreements in Korea with KOGAS, Universities ABS signed Memoranda of Under- standing (MOUs) with several Korean entities to advance local research and development (R&D) efforts. On Octo- ber 19, 2012, ABS President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki signed an MOU with the Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS) to join in international proj- ects through equity participation inoverseas LNG projects. The scope of the agreement includes technologicalcooperation, training, and co-hostingseminars related to R&D in offshore LNG development, including LNG cargo containment systems, LNG float- ing storage and regasification units, floating storage and offloading units, LNG fuelled ships, bunkering and sub- sea exploration and production. ?ABS has been a pioneer in advanc- ing LNG technologies,? Wiernicki said. ?and partnering with KOGAS ? a com- pany with a strong history of LNG de- velopment ? will provide both the expertise and resources to continue ex- tending the boundaries of what is pos-sible.? KOGAS Executive Vice President and CTO Dr. Young-Myung Yang also sees great potential for collaborationbetween KOGAS and ABS. ?I am sure that we can establish a good partnershipfor mutual growth,? he said. In addition to the KOGAS MOU, ABS signed MOUs for academic col-laboration with Pusan National Univer- sity on 18 October 2012 and with SeoulNational University on 19 October 2012, where Wiernicki presented a lec- ture titled ?Future Challenges for Shipand Offshore Engineering.? Palau International Ship Registry The newly formed Palau International Ship Registry has processed its first two vessel registrations at a historic inau- guration ceremony. At the ceremony, held in Singapore on September 28, 2012, the cruise/passenger vessels Amusement World (12,764 GRT) and Leisure World (15,653 GRT) were reg- istered and Palau International Ship Registry was officially launched. The event was attended by Delegate Swenny Ongidobel, Congressman, House of Delegates, Palau National Congress; Delegate Lentcer Basilius, Congressman, House of Delegates, Palau National Congress; Steven Kanai, Permanent Representative of Palau to the International Maritime Or- ganization and Representative of the Palau International Ship Registry in Palau; and Fermin Meriang, Press Sec- retary of the Office of the President. Dignitaries from Universal Ship Man- agement Pte Ltd, the company which manages the two vessels, also attended. Keith Lai, Executive Director of Uni- versal Ship Management Pte Ltd, said: ?We decided to change the flag of the two passenger ships that we manage, Amusement World and Leisure World, to the Palau International Ship Registry because we wanted a flag that would represent quality, expertise and profes- sionalism and also provide a fast, effi- cient and reliable service.? The Palau International Ship Registry is an open registry headquartered in Houston, with John Waight appointed as Manager Director. Email:[email protected] MHI, Imabari Win Order for PCTC Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), jointly with Imabari Shipbuild- ing Co., Ltd., has received an order to build two next-generation pure car and truck carriers (PCTC) for NipponYusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK Line). Formal contract signing will take place soon. In building the two vessels, MHI will provide Imabari with design infor- mation on PCTC incorporating ad-vanced ship technologies, including installation of various devices and sys- tems to reduce environmental burdens, such as the Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System (MALS). Imabari will con-tribute significantly to the project through its strong cost competitiveness. The newly designed car carriers will feature an over-Panamax size hull, and their advanced energy-saving technolo- gies are expected to enable a over 30% reduction in fuel consumption perloaded vehicle compared with existing ships. The two ships are slated for com- pletion in 2015.Panama Canal Sets Tonnage Record The Panama Canal set a mark in its history as it reached a new tonnage record of 333.7 million Panama Canal tons (PC/UMS) during fiscal year 2012 which concluded on September 30.Preliminary figures showed that the Panama Canal closed fiscal year 2012 with 333.7 million Panama Canal tons (PC/UMS). This figure represents an increase of 11.6 million Panama Canal MHI Won PCTC Order DielenDr. Strahberger MR#11 (114--121):MR Template 11/6/2012 11:57 AM Page 117