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Workboat Annual
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or a reduced price of GPB 100 forBIMCO members: www.bimco.org Safety at Sea Delivers First Port Project Safety at Sea Limited completed itsfirst port project, for the Melones Oil Ter- minal, (MOT) in Panama. MOT is a 2.1 million barrel capacity tank farm facility due to open before the end of 2012 on theIslas Melones, a greenfield development around eight nautical miles from the Pa- cific end of the Panama Canal. Safety at Sea provided a Marine Safety Assessment covering marine procedures and operational limits around the newly constructed terminal. The project encom- passed the modelling of vessel maneu- verability in the waters approaching the transfer and storage terminal and devis- ing the initial stages of a Vessel Traffic Management System. Safety at Sea alsoprepared a plan to ensure MOT?s Inter- national Ship and Port Facility Security Code Compliance.MOT, which will mainly cater for local bunkering requirements, is situated on an island within the approaches to thePanama Canal. As part of its traffic man- agement review, Safety at Sea assessed how tanker and barge operations would interact with both through-Canal traffic and around anchorage sites in the area,where up to 100 vessels can be waiting at any time. Omega Engineering Expands to China Omega Engineering, Inc. headquar- tered in Stamford, CT with sales and dis-tribution offices in Canada, UK and Germany, has been a global leader in process measurement and control for 50years. Omega recently announced that it will serve its China customers from a new office opening in Shanghai at the end of September 2012. Omega was recently acquired by Spectris plc, a leading sup-plier of productivity enhancing instru- mentation and controls. With this change of leadership, the first order of business was to make Omega a strong force in China. The company appointed Zhang Dou Ms. (Sharon Zhang) as the Omega Engineering General Manager of China.The Omega China business unit will have more than a dozen employees, including well-trained technical support engineers,offering high-quality customer service to China.Email: [email protected] Group Launches New Trading House for Marine Fuels Market Wrist Group launched Dynamic OilTrading, a new global trading company for marine fuels and lubricants. Head-quartered in Singapore, Dynamic Oil Trading will work with all aspects of the shipping industry, building close rela- tionships with ship owners, operators, brokers, traders and suppliers. The com- pany is well financed and has an ambi- tious growth strategy with plans for further expansion in Asia, Europe and the Americas.Dynamic Oil Trading is headed by Lars Møller, who has 16 years? bunker- ing experience. ?This is a great opportu- nity to develop a world class organization that goes back to the roots of bunkering,? said Lars Møller, CEO, Dynamic Oil Trading. ?There is a niche for a company that is trusted by all entities of the ship-ping supply chain and operates within afast-paced, high energy environment to provide customers with products quickly and efficiently, no matter what the chal- lenge.? www.dynamicoiltrading.com Email: [email protected] Corvus Batteries Featured on Viking Lady Corvus Energy is supplying the battery pack and battery management system forthe Viking Lady, a, state-of-theart off- shore supply vessel, specially designed to safely service offshore installations in the harsh waters of the North Sea. The Viking Lady was the first commercial ship in the world to use a fuel cell spe- cially adapted for marine use. Following the success of the installation and demon-stration of the fuel cell power pack on board, Viking Lady recently entered into a third project phase in which energy October 2012www.marinelink.com 119Omega Expands in ChinaMelones Offshore Terminal Panama (Picture courtesy of MOT) MR#11 (114--121):MR Template 11/8/2012 9:37 AM Page 119