Page 48: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2013)
U.S. Coast Guard Annual
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48 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News ? MARCH 2013 ABS Nautical Systems continu-ally enhances its NS5 Enterprise software suite of products to meet ever-changing in- dustry demands. Currently in de-velopment for re-lease in 2013 are a mobility platform, a new warehouse and inventory management mod-ule, as well as a new Hull Inspec-tion 3D module. The mobility plat-form supports por- table devices including scanners, tablet PCs and smartphones. Features will in-clude alert view notiÞ cations and mobile calendaring. Any customer with mobil- ity support within the organization?s in- frastructure can take advantage of this upcoming technology. The new ware- house and inventory management mod-ule will support standard inventory and reconciliation tracking. Features include a uniÞ ed view of warehouses, vendors and freight forwarders, enabling users to track materials contracts, RFQ manage-ment, reporting and contract import/ex-port. This module will also be supported by the upcoming mobility platform. The Hull Inspection 3D module includes 3D visualization with condition tracking, in-tegration with the NS5 Hull Inspection web module, along with an integrated FEA interface. ESRG has expanded OstiaEdge?s capabilities to include monitoring and analytics for torque/power meters and ballast systems, adding to OstiaEdge?s total ship monitor- ing and analytics package that en-ables ship owners and managers to use the existing onboard data to make better deci-sions and decrease downtime, opti-mize equipment performance and reduce energy costs. OstiaEdge combines torque and power analyt-ics with engine and fuel ß ow ana- lytics to provide operators with a holistic view of a ship?s fuel ef Þ -ciency and equip-ment perfor- mance. Ballast system analytics enable operators to ensure com-pliance with ever-increasing environmen-tal regulations. Torque meters and ballast systems add to a comprehen-sive library of systems that OstiaEdge monitors and analyzes, including: diesel engines, generators, compressors, gas turbines, water puriÞ cation, refrigera- tion, HVAC and others. Herbert-ABS Software Solu- tions, recently launched HEC-SALV Version 8, Salvage and Emergency Re- sponse Software, which is designed to allow for rap-id evaluation of damaged condi-tions for all ship types including an analysis of intact conditions, free-ß oating damage cases, oil outß ow prediction and various types of groundings. The upgraded version features enhanced core calculations, a reÞ ned, more user-friendly interface, new 3D rendered graphics based on Hoops 3D, a variety of new modeling capabili-ties and is 100 % compatible with CargoMax 2.x and LMP 2.x. HEC- SALV is designed to allow users to quickly collect and process the available data, deÞ ne the ex- treme bounds of the problem and evaluate multiple scenarios for re-medial action. As more information is available, the user can quickly and automatically update the entire analysis from be-ginning assump-tions to latter stage pump allocations. Additionally, HECSALV Offshore, a newly added component, includes all of the features embedded in the standard HECSALV 8. AVEVA launched of the AVEVA Ma- rine Business Value Calculator (BVC), an interactive application that illustrates the project cost savings, up to 30% across all disciplines, by adopting AVE- VA?s Integrated Engineering & Design solution, AVEVA Marine. Based on data from authoritative industry sources and feedback from customers, the BVC is designed to enable users to project potential design and engi-neering cost sav-ings as well as production man-hours and mate-rial savings when using the advanced discipline-speciÞ c modules from the AVEVA Marine port- folio as compared with Tribon. Existing AVEVA Marine customers will be able to see how they too can achieve further savings by using a broader selection of the marine portfolio.By selecting the vessel type and size, the BVC employs a number of pre-deÞ ned criteria based on typical ma- rine industry standards, including splits between materials and labor, design and production and hull and outÞ tting for different classes of vessel. Adjust- ing these input parameters to match a company?s existing cost structure on its typical types of project means that the BVC can provide a realistic projection of overall cost saving that that company could achieve.The Asset Man- agement Soft-ware AMOS2 Enterprise Management Suite owned and distributed by SpecTec Group, implements the KPI Module (Key Performance In-dicators), in order to offer users the possibility to deÞ ne, measure and re- port the company?s operational perfor- mance data against the Shipping Key Performance Indicators. The Shipping KPI Project is an industry-wide initia-tive which proposes a global shipping industry standard for deÞ ning, measur- ing and reporting information on op-erational performance. AMOS2 EMS 6.4.00 includes these new standards, but also allows users to deÞ ne any other KPI requested or necessary.The module con- sists in a hierarchy of Performance In-dicators (PI?s) which establishes the key performance indicators (KPI?s) used to calculate Shipping Performance Indica-tors (SPI?s). Star Information Systems (SIS) in-troduces a new software module within the Star IPS suite handling advanced logistics. Star Warehouse and Shipment is a purpose made logistics module for handling multiple warehouses and ship-ments. The main features are: Warehouses: The system facilitates for storing goods at a warehouse and makes this inventory viewable and ?request-able? for a vessel, a group of vessels, or all vessels.TECHNICALSOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ESRG enhances OstiaEdgeSoftware Solutions Debuts & Upgrades A Proliferation of innovative software solutions continues to make maritime operations more safe & efÞ cientABS Nautical Systems will re- lease in 2013 a new mobility platform for its NS5 Enterprise.HECSALV V8 is Salvage and Emer- gency Response Software AVEVA Marine Business Value CalculatorSpectec KPI Module has an open and ß exible structure which allows us to capture and analyse data from virtu- ally any source within the AMOS Data. MR #3 (42-49).indd 48MR #3 (42-49).indd 483/4/2013 10:35:40 AM3/4/2013 10:35:40 AM