Page 47: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2013)
U.S. Coast Guard Annual
Read this page in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of March 2013 Maritime Reporter Magazine 47speciÞ c short Þ bers for organisms such as mussels, barnacles and algae to set-tle.?Also declaring reduced application costs, Sherwin-Williams launched Macropoxy 80, a high-build HAPs-free epoxy formulated for application over marginally prepared steel substrates and damp surfaces, lessening the need for costly surface preparations. The coating combats corrosion from both immersion and atmospheric exposures and can be applied at temperatures as low as 0°F. Because of its surface toler- ance, Macropoxy 80 can be applied in adverse conditions, and steel substrates need only to be cleaned of loose paint or rust per SSPC SP2-3 Hand and Pow-er Tool Cleaning before application. Its high solids formulation (80%) reduces the likelihood of the solvent entrap-ment that can lead to premature coating failure. In addition to being HAPS-free, Macropoxy 80 is low-VOC (<250 g/L).GuardLine LTC (Low Temperature Cure), a new cargo tank coating from Advanced Polymer Coatings , is an ambient-cure coating (in the range of 77°F) used on chemical, product and barge tankers to transport a range of liquid cargos. GuardLine LTC only requires a low temperature cure, gen-erating cost savings by eliminating the extra step of a high temperature forced hot air heat cure, which is crucial for the high chemical resistance of the MarineLine 784 system used for chem-ical tankers and their more hazardous cargos. APC also claims its LTC coating of- fers greater versatility and chemical resistance and requires less cleaning because it is virtually absorbent-free, giving ship operators the opportunity to carry a wider range of cargos with- out worrying about the previous cargo residue contaminating the next one.March 17-21, 2013 Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL The 2013 NACE International Corrosion Conference offers technical and educational resources, public awareness activities and exhibition. More than 5,000 corrosion professionals are expected to participate, and the ex-hibition will feature more than 370 companies displaying the latest in cor- rosion control products and services. The technical program, with more than 30 symposia, will feature several new offerings, including corrosion mitigation of Þ re protection systems, corrosion issues related to water sys- tems and the environment and the relationship between coatings and CP. Advanced Polymer International Micanti PPG Protective & Marine Sherwin-Williams MR #3 (42-49).indd 47MR #3 (42-49).indd 473/4/2013 5:08:07 PM3/4/2013 5:08:07 PM