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Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 2015)
U.S. Coast Guard Annual
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EYE ON DESIGN Using to AssessAIS Data Collision Risks
BY DAPHNE LOOIJE utomatic Identi? cation System SAMSON is modeled by a database con- paths sailed by ships, represents a con- es. The existing modules of SAMSON (AIS) data is now being used to sisting of two parts, the ? rst of which is a siderable improvement to the SAMSON can be used to perform the calculations,
Adetermine the collision risk for network of links, describing the number traf? c database, particularly outside the resulting in a risk for each ship at each offshore installations. of movements per year for different ship main shipping lanes, where offshore in- time step. Calculating these risks over a
MARIN helps oil companies with risk types and sizes. This network is based stallations are usually located. year then results in the collision risk for assessments for offshore installations by on ship voyages to and from European AIS data can help to improve the mod- an offshore installation.
calculating the probability of a ship col- ports. The second part shows the density eling of traf? c around existing offshore lision with the offshore installation. For of non-route-bound ships but with a spe- installations by determining the risk for these calculations, the traf? c around the ci? c destination at sea, such as supply all ships present in the area at a certain installation can now be modelled using vessels, work vessels and ? shing ves- time step. For this calculation it is as-
AIS data. In this way, the traf? c situation sels. sumed that a ship maintains its current
The Author is realistically represented. Nowadays, almost all seagoing ships speed and course from time ti to time
Daphne Looije is Project Manager at
The Safety Assessment Model for are equipped with an AIS transponder. ti+1. Furthermore, for each ship, the the Nautical Center MSCN of MARIN,
Shipping on the North Sea (SAMSON) Although this system was originally de- speci? c casualty rates are determined. In the Maritime Research Institute Nether- has been used and developed for more veloped for collision avoidance, it is also this way, the actual traf? c is modeled at lands. than 25 years. Several types of risk as- a valuable source of information on ship each time step, including ships that pass
E: [email protected] sessments are performed. The traf? c in behavior. AIS data, showing the actual an offshore installation at short distanc- 14 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MARCH 2015
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