Page 55: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2015)
The Marine Propulsion Edition
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(Continued from page 53)
How do you see the pivot west chang- Throughout the entire facility we’ve in- in Norfolk. And while you compete Yes. We have to stay that way.
ing your workload here? stalled new LED lighting against each other, you also cooperate. It’ll be 19 more ships coming There’s also collaboration. If the government wants to get more to San Diego. That’s roughly a 30% As BAE Systems Ship Repair grows Correct. Although we are competition, you can’t really submit a increase in number of ships. This is a its work force here in San Diego, competitors, we also share resources in low-ball bid.
major increase. It’s not just us, it’s all you’re going to have to train more support of the U.S. Navy There are 4 MSRs on the water- the infrastructure that supports the ship people. What are some of the invest- front, all competing for the same work. yards. It impacts the entire port; the ments you’re making in training? Like their paint shop or your dry entire city. It has an impact on all the We are constantly training, not dock. So… What happens if NASSCO doesn’t get surrounding businesses, the vendors and only new hires but all employees as well. We share dock, pier space, and any more new construction?
suppliers. We have a training center within the fa- personnel as required. Can’t answer for NASSCO but cility and staff of personnel to ensure we I’d guess they’d be more aggressive for
And, as you mentioned, you are mak- remain current with requirements. We How do you level load that work? If repair / maintenance contracts.
ing other major improvements? have teamed up with many training /edu- you automatically give them a per- We’ve gone through and cation providers including Southwestern centage of the work, you could still How would you characterize your im- renovated every building in the yard College to support our employees. have peaks and valleys. pact on the San Diego economy?
in some capacity. We’ve expanded the Right. When we see a big peak Bottom line – Vital. We have electric department with a new control- I know you have an apprenticeship coming up for a speci? c craft, we ask if approximately 2,000 BAE employ- ler overhaul shop and connector shop. training program. How important they can support and vice versa. ees, plus another 4,000 subcontractors,
In the paint department we’ve added a that is that here at your yard? vendors, and Navy personnel coming new paint repair/spray rig repair facility. As the work force ages, we must How does the Navy look at that? Do through our gates every morning to work
We’re installed new table saws in the ? nd the talent to replace our retirees. We they look at that positively? Does it on those ships, roughly 5-6 thousand carpenter’s shop and updated the auto- depend on programs such as the appren- limit competition? people per day coming in this facility. mated burn table in the sheet metal shop. ticeship program to ensure we maintain It has no effect on competition.
In the structural shop, we’ve added new our skilled workforce. Programs such as We’re still competitors. When it comes What trends have you noticed with the weld booths for training our ship? tters, the apprenticeship are vital to our indus- time to winning the work, we’re de? - ships coming in here? and built a new of? ce facility for the try. nitely very competitive. The Navy ben- Due to a combination of ex- structural shop supervisors. Across the e? ts through the full utilization of assets tended deployments and an aging ? eet, street, in the machine shop, we’ve pur- Your next door neighbor is NASS- within the port. the material condition of the ships have chased an additional shaft lathe to repair CO. They are your biggest competi- required a more signi? cant scope of re- main propulsion shafts for the ships tor. They are you’re your competitor So it’s pretty fair. pairs $UH6WUD\(OHFWULFDO&XUUHQWV 'HVWUR\LQJ Sohre SHAFT GROUNDING (EARTHING) BRUSHES are used on propeller shafts, turbines, generators, electric motors, gears, pumps, etc. Failure to properly ground (earth) rotating shafts can result in expensive damage to seals, bearings, or other critical components. ?6HOI&OHDQLQJ ?2SHUDWHGU\RUZLWKRLO ?*ROGVLOYHUEULVWOHV ?:RUNLQJSDUWVDUHUHPRYDEOH during operation ?%UXVKLQWHUQDOVDUH insulated from casing ?9ROWDJHDQGFXUUHQWPRQLWRUV are available ?/LWWOHRUQRPDLQWHQDQFH © 2013 Sohre Turbomachinery, Inc. SOHRE TURBOMACHINERY® INC. 0RQVRQ0DVV86$?7HO ,1)2#62+5(785%2&20?:::62+5(785%2&20 www.marinelink.com 55 MR #5 (50-57).indd 55 MR #5 (50-57).indd 55 5/1/2015 10:18:31 AM5/1/2015 10:18:31 AM