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The Marine Propulsion Edition
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Underwater Robotic Championships
UMassDartmouth Site of Fifth National
SeaPerch Challenge his year the SeaPerch Program end’s activities, including Friday night’s and introduces students to potential and Beginning on Friday afternoon, May will celebrate a half decade of na- Ice Cream Social and Saturday’s in-pool rewarding career opportunities in naval 29, arriving teams will ? rst check into
Ttional underwater robotic cham- and poster competition events as well as architecture, marine, ocean and naval their UMassD dorm rooms, then head pionships. On the last Saturday in May, the Awards Ceremony, dorm room ac- engineering. over to registration where they will the ? fth National SeaPerch Challenge commodations and meals through Sun- “With guidance afforded by AUVSIF check in and submit their ROVs for a will be held on the University of Mas- day morning, will be available for all and with ONR’s commitment to SeaP- compliance review. For those vehicles sachusetts Dartmouth (UMassD) cam- participants on the university’s pictur- erch, we have grown exponentially, requiring adjustments and/or repairs, a pus where 150 teams of middle and high esque campus near Buzzard’s Bay. reaching more than 200,000 students to triage station with spare parts and tools school students from across the country What is SeaPerch date,” said Susan Nelson, Executive Di- will be available. Following dinner at will compete on the national stage. SeaPerch is the innovative K-12 un- rector of SeaPerch. Over the years, in the Resident Dining Hall, teams will be
The phenomenal growth of the event derwater robotics program, sponsored excess of 14,000 teachers and mentors treated to an Ice Cream Social where is evident with a simple look back to the by the Of? ce of Naval Research (ONR) have committed to supporting student students from all over the country can inaugural National Challenge, staged in and managed by the Association of Un- learning through this stimulating and fun meet, mingle and compare their design
Philadelphia ? ve years ago attracting 38 manned Vehicle Systems International hands-on activity and to promoting stu- enhancements and innovations. All par- teams and 187 students. Foundation (AUVSIF). dent discovery and excitement of STEM ticipants will receive National SeaPerch
In May more than 1,200 students, It is geared to train trains teachers subjects leading to a potential future ca- Challenge T-shirts and giveaway bags family and friends will gather for a and group leaders to inspire students reer path. with items contributed by the SeaPerch weekend of learning, sharing, compet- to build their own Remotely Operated program and its corporate sponsors.
ing and excitement. On the line will be Vehicles (ROV) following an academic Diverse and Targeted Competition day, Saturday, May 30, the title of national SeaPerch champion- curriculum consistent with national The program reaches a diverse popu- will begin at the university’s Tripp Ath- ship, with trophies in all three competi- learning standards supporting Science, lation, so participants in the National letic Center with the continuation of tion events along with a number of new Technology, Engineering and Math- Challenge frequently include students registration check-in and compliance re- special awards. ematics (STEM) subjects with a marine from inner cities to remote rural areas views. Susan Nelson will preside over
Hosted by the New England Regional engineering-based theme. The program of the country to Native American res- the opening ceremony in the gymna-
SeaPerch Committee, registered partici- promotes hands-on learning of engineer- ervations in Minnesota to the islands of sium, with a number of speakers as well pants and spectators will be treated to the ing and scienti? c concepts, problem Hawaii, all of whom have now been in- as last minute technical instructions for “college experience,” as the entire week- solving, teamwork and critical thinking, troduced to STEM though SeaPerch. the teams.
72 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MAY 2015
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