Page 73: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2015)
The Marine Propulsion Edition
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“With guidance afforded by AUVSIF and with ONR’s commitment to SeaPerch, we have grown exponentially, reaching more than 200,000 students to date,”
Susan Nelson, Executive Director, SeaPerch
The Competition seaperch.org, for teams to construct their dents before addressing them that eve-
Teams may consist of a minimum of own events for practice prior to the na- ning about the importance of STEM to
Seaperch: Get Involved one student and one adult leader, and tional competition. their future careers.
Sponsorship opportunities are still while there is no restriction on the maxi- Approximately 150 judges and volun- All student team members will re- available for individual, local and cor- mum number of students that can par- teers are also anticipated to attend during ceive participation medals, and be pho- porate funding, and can be viewed on ticipate, ? ve members is the average. the day in order to adequately oversee tographed by team for the bene? t of their the SeaPerch website. Contact Susan
Nelson at [email protected] for
A juried poster competition is planned the multiple poster presentation and in- families and schools. Additionally, Cer- those interested in sponsorship the for the middle and high school teams to pool competitions as well as to ensure ti? cates of Participation will be avail- event. Also, judges and volunteers are introduce their designs through graphic a rewarding and memorable day for all able both for student participants and for always welcome. Should you be inter- displays, with top quali? ers to deliver attendees. teachers and advisors to download fol- ested in participating as a volunteer or oral presentations about their design phi- On Saturday evening the Awards Cer- lowing the National Challenge. At the judge on May 30, please contact Cheri losophy, construction challenges, and to emony will take place again in the Ath- conclusion of the award presentations all
Koch at [email protected]. answer questions from the judges. The letic Center. Here, ? rst-through-third registrants will enjoy an outdoor lawn in-pool technical competition events place trophies in each event for middle party and barbeque.
requires students to steer their ROV school, high school and open classes, Sunday, May 18, will be a free day through the Obstacle Course consisting special awards and the naming of the for the teams to explore on their own the of ? ve, 22-in. diameter submerged hoops 2015 national champions will be made rich cultural history and outdoor activi- oriented in different planes. Each year, by Susan Nelson. ties in the greater Dartmouth area includ- the second in-pool event changes, requir- Invited speakers, representing corpo- ing parks and historic sites such as the ing the students to design their vehicles rate sponsors, local and state congres- nearby New Bedford Whaling Museum speci? cally to meet the ever-changing sional representatives, ONR, U.S. Navy, and Battleship Cove National Heritage missions. This year the event, aptly U.S. Coast Guard and other military Museum on the waterfront in Fall River named “Finesse,” will test the students’ branch personnel, will be able to take where the Battleship, USS Massachu- ability to perform precise maneuvers on part in the day’s activities, as well. They setts, the destroyer, USS Joseph P. Ken- the pool bottom. Detailed speci? cations have been encouraged to arrive early and nedy, Jr., the submarine, Lion? sh, and for both underwater events have been observe the competitions, judge various PT Boats from the South Paci? c are on posted on the SeaPerch website, www. events and speak ? rst hand with the stu- display.
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