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Page 88: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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Chylinsk Wiernicki Wortman Ward
Koichi Fujiwara Chick
ABS’ Wiernicki Calls for New Seaspan Appoints Three Leaders
Talent Approach Seaspan named three new Vice Presi-
ABS Chairman, President and CEO dents to its Senior Leadership Team,
Christopher J. Wiernicki says risk-based, announcing the appointments of Linda data-centric, cyber-in? uenced decision- Wortman as Vice President, Finance & making de? nes a new absolute value of Accounting; Catherine Chick as Vice talent. Speaking at the opening session President, Business Services & Tech- of the CMA Shipping 2016 Conference, nology; and Shawn Chylinski as Vice
Wiernicki shared his views in setting the President, Health, Safety, Environment stage for a discussion on “Local Talent, & Quality.
Global Impact.” “The absolute value of talent we need Transas Appoints Ward
Crowley to develop must anticipate, leverage, As a part of its global restructure, Tranas and exploit rapidly emerging technolo- announced that Andrew Ward has joined (L to R): Richard Scales, Daniel Press, Andrew Scalice and Conner McDaniel gies, make the right techno-economic the team as the Vice President of Sales, risk decisions… and recognize the need Asia Paci? c, succeeding Johan Gustavs-
Crowley Scholarships to Four SUNY Maritime Cadets for change on a global scale,” he said. son, who moves into the newly created
Crowley Maritime Corporation’s 2016 Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships
This means the workforce of tomorrow role of a Vice President Global Customer have helped to further educational opportunities for four students of State University of will be able to identify and embrace dis- Support. Ward has a BA (Hons) In Busi-
New York (SUNY) Maritime College. The recipients, who will each sail with Crowley this ruptive technologies. The driving force ness Administration and Marketing and summer, were chosen based on their demonstrated leadership skills, ? nancial need and behind this change is that evolving tech- began his career with Litton Marine Sys- plans to pursue a career in the towing or petroleum shipping industries after graduation. nology and regulations are moving the tems (now Northrop Grumman Sperry
The awardees are Daniel Press from Middletown, Del., Richard Scales from Huntsville, industry to risk-based, data-centric, cy- Marine).
Ala., Conner McDaniel from Islip Terrace, N.Y., and Andrew Scalice from Howard Beach, ber-in? uenced decision-making. “New
technologies are being developed and New CEO for Odfjell Terminals “SUNY is a great resource for professional, quali? ed mariners,” said Crowley’s Jenny applied at faster speeds than we’ve ever The Board of Odfjell Terminals BV an-
Terpenning, recruiter, marine personnel. “Crowley regularly hires from its marine trans- portation and marine engineering programs. We have hired more than 30 graduates seen to meet regulatory and operational nounced that Frank Erkelens will join from SUNY Maritime College since 2012.” demands,” Wiernicki said. Odfjell Terminals as CEO for its global
Since 1984, Crowley has provided more than $3 million dollars in scholarship funding activities. Erkelens has more than 20 for more than 1,000 students.
ClassNK appoints new Chairman and years of experience in the terminal in-
President and Executives dustry and comes from a position as
Current Executive Vice President Koichi President EMEA in Vopak.
Fujiwara has been appointed as Chair-
Bruton Joins Intermarine is replacing Barbara A. Niland as cor- man and President as well as a Repre- Ide Joins Viega
Intermarine, LLC, a transporter of proj- porate vice president and CFO upon her sentative Director of ClassNK, effec- Viega LLC announces Elwood Ide as its ect, breakbulk and heavylift cargo, has retirement. Smith reports directly to HII tive March 7, 2016. Current Executive newest technical manager for shipbuild- named Mac Bruton as Director of Busi- President and CEO Mike Petters.
Vice Presidents Yasushi Nakamura and ing and offshore for the West Coast. ness Development, Americas. He will be Smith is a graduate of Stanford Univer-
Tetsuya Kinoshita will continue in their In this position, Ide provides analysis, based in New Orleans. Bruton has more sity, where he earned a bachelor’s degree present roles on the team, joined by Ju- forecasts and guidance for developing than 20 years in the international ship- in industrial engineering and a master’s nichiro Iida as Managing Director.Nobo- the marine and offshore business in the ping and infrastructure development in- in engineering management. ru Ueda has stepped down as Represen- California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, dustries, with a focus on Latin America. tative Director, Chairman and President. Hawaii and British Columbia region. He He began his career in 1989 as an op- Kirby Buys Seacor’s Inland
Current Executive Vice President Tetsu- also introduces and trains engineers and erations manager for Marine Chartering Tank Barge Fleet shi Agata has been appointed as an Ex- craftsmen to use and install new solu-
Co., Inc. Kirby Corporation agreed to purchase ecutive Auditor as part of the Society’s tions that meet rigorous marine and off- the inland tank barge ? eet of SEACOR aim to strengthen its auditing system. shore challenges.
HII Names Smith VP, Strategy and Holdings Inc. from subsidiaries of Sea-
Koichi Fujiwara holds a Master of Na-
Development val Architecture from the University of Matherly Joins Delta “T” Systems
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) an-
Tokyo, and served in Japan’s Ministry of Delta “T” Systems named industry vet- nounced that Michael S. Smith has been
Transportation (now Ministry of Land, eran Tony Matherly as its production named the company’s corporate vice
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). manager. Matherly has worked within president, strategy and development,
He joined ClassNK in 2007 the marine industry for 25 years.
succeeding Christopher D. Kastner, who
Kirby Corp.
88 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • APRIL 2016
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