Page 89: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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Delta T
Ide Matherly Bruton
Smith cor for approximately $88 million in nered. Retlif offers EMC/EMI, Light- ABB a technology contributor to the cash. The asset purchase will consist of ning and Environmental testing services “Kriegers Flak combined grid solution”
Deepwater Horizon, 27 inland 30,000 barrel tank barges and as well as engineering and compliance project, which establishes the world’s
Hollywood Style 13 inland towboats, plus one 30,000 bar- program management at locations in ? rst offshore interconnection by using rel tank barge and one towboat currently Ronkonkoma, New York, Plainview, the national grid connections to the fu-
Wahlberg Headlines Film on under construction. Also, as part of the New York, New Hampshire, Pennsyl- ture Danish Kriegers Flak and operating
Deepwater Horizon Tragedy agreement, Kirby will transfer to Seacor vania, North Carolina and Washington German Baltic 1 and 2 offshore wind the ownership of one Florida-based ship D.C. farms.
Nearly six years after the BP oil docking tugboat. Nemko offers testing, inspection and spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Hol- certi? cation services with more than 20 FleetWeather Changes Name to lywood takes its shot at recounting
BOURBON Invests in Gas Sector locations in 12 countries. In North Amer- the tragedy with a ? lm due this fall ica Nemko has facilities in San Diego aiming to tell the story on the fatal
California and West Valley City, Utah, blowout and its aftermath.
as well as Nemko Canada (Ottawa), and
The oil spill, an epic environmen-
Nemko Montreal. Nemko Canada is ac- tal disaster, is depicted in the ? lm credited to ISO 17025 and offers EMC,
Deepwater Horizon, named after
Safety and Wired Telecom testing. the Transocean-operated semisub- mersible Mobile Offshore Drilling
While BOURBON is a leader in the off- ABB Wins $140 Mln Order Accuritas Global Solutions
Unit which suffered a catastrophic shore marine sector, the current tough for HVDC Station FleetWeather Ocean Services, provid- blowout and explosion on April offshore environment has led it to diver- ABB received an order worth around ers of business intelligence and analyt- 20, 2010, killing 11 workers and sify. With that, the company announced $140 million from transmission system ics for the commercial shipping industry, injuring 16 others, and leading to the acquisition of the activities of a glob- operators Energinet.dk in Denmark and opened its doors under a new name and an 87-day-long oil spill in the Ma- al leader in ethane transportation, with a 50Hertz Transmission in Germany to new brand: Accuritas Global Solutions condo Field roughly 40 miles off market share greater than 50%. design, supply and install a high voltage …A business intelligence and analytics
Louisiana. Deepwater Horizon,
It comprises the following companies direct current (HVDC) converter station company. Executive Vice President Jess directed by Peter Berg, stars Mark who are currently owned by their major- in Bentwisch, Northern Germany. The Hurwitz announced the name change
Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Mal- ity shareholder, JACCAR Holdings: HVDC Light “back-to-back” converter re? ecting continued focus and growth kovich, Gina Rodriguez, Dylan • 100% of Greenship Gas, a Singa- station, the ? rst of its kind in Europe, in providing industry-unique business
O’Brien and Kate Hudson and is porean owned “shipping trust,” compris- will allow the connection of the asyn- intelligence, analytics and consulting due for release on September 30, ing directly or indirectly of: a ? eet of 17 chronous AC power grids of Eastern services, and expansion from working 2016.
vessels (of which 13 vessels are current- Denmark and Germany. within the commercial shipping industry
Watch a trailer for Deepwater Ho- ly in service) dedicated to the transport The deal will see ABB provide the com- to other modes of global transportation. rizon at: of Ethane gas, Ethylene and LNG and plete including transformers, converter The new name is effective immediately.
www.deepwaterhorizon.movie www.accuritas.com having an average age of 3.5 years; valves, cooling systems, control and email: [email protected] • 100% of EVERGAS, operator and protection and other related equipment contractor of gas transportation services; at the converter station. HVDC Light • 100% of Greenship Gas Manager provides sophisticated features to the
ClassNK gains USCG Authorization
Pte. Ltd, manager of the Greenship Gas network such as the “black-start” power “shipping trust”; and restoration capability and exceptional under ACP • 80% of JHW Engineering & Con- power control, to regulate the system The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has authorized classi? cation society tracting Limited. with changes in the wind speed.
ClassNK to participate in its Alternate
The purchase price for these companies Providing the HVDC system makes
Compliance Program (ACP) in addition is $320 million with a net debt as of De- to granting the authorization to carry out cember 31, 2015 of $389, the ? nancing statutory surveys for US-? agged ships in of the vessels being transferred as part of 2011. The ACP was developed as an al- the transaction.
ternative method for US-? agged vessels to ful? ll the regulatory requirements for
Nemko, Retlif in New Agreement construction and operation. Under the
In a collaborative move that provides program, ClassNK can now carry out a collective services as a complete, global- wide range of surveys and inspections ly accepted testing solution, Nemko and on US-? agged vessels on behalf of the
Retlif Testing Laboratories, have part-
(Photo: Lionsgate) (Photo: Lionsgate) www.marinelink.com 89
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