Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2016)
The Shipyard Edition
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all formed part of the analytical process One Norsepower Rotor Sail was in- ? rst commercial order of the technology. adding value to the OEMs by indepen- to ensure the accuracy of the savings. As stalled as a trial on Finnish shipowner, This installation has also been veri? ed dently verifying their claims, it is also a result of the veri? cation the vessel’s Bore’s, 9,700 DWT Ro-Ro carrier, M/V by NAPA with fuel savings of 6.1% re- reducing risk across the entire industry charterer, Transfennica, will continue Estraden. ClassNK-NAPA Green moni- corded on the vessel with the addition of by ensuring investment certainty. By de- its use on the M/V Seagard and consider toring and analysis was also installed to the second Rotor, more than doubling livering proven data to con? rm that ef- extending deployment to other vessels verify the ef? ciency savings delivered previously recorded savings. ? ciency technologies, hull antifouling, in its ? eet. In addition, Nanol has also by the Rotor Sail. To deliver an accu- This data analysis and veri? cation maintenance programmes or operational secured the opportunity to meet with rate result it was essential to take into has been fundamental to Norsepower’s policy are having the expected impact, venture capitalists to support its future account factors such as wave and wind business development by proving the ef- big data is providing the business intel- growth. resistance, propeller ef? ciency and the fectiveness and applicability of its tech- ligence needed for the industry to make
Norsepower’s Rotor Sail Solution is effect of different drafts and tide condi- nology on operational commercial ves- con? dent and informed progress. another example of a company leverag- tions. By continuously monitoring the sels. A syndicate led by Power Fund III, ing veri? cation to its commercial advan- ship’s performance NAPA identi? ed the a clean tech venture fund managed by tage. Norsepower offers a modernized baseline ef? ciency for a vessel without VNT Management, has now invested €3 version of the Flettner rotor, a spinning the technology active. With this baseline million to support Norsepower’s growth
The Author cylinder using the Magnus effect to in place analysis can identify and ? lter and market expansion. In addition to the harness wind power to deliver forward out the effects of waves, tides and draft expanded market potential offered by the
Jouni Salo is Product Manager, Ship- thrust. When the wind conditions are fa- on fuel consumption. From this analysis ? rst commercial purchase, this evidence ping Solutions at NAPA, holding a Mas- vorable, Norsepower Rotor Sails allow NAPA was able to con? rm a fuel saving has also helped Norsepower increase its ter’s degree in Enterprise Communica- the main engines to be throttled back, of 2.5% from a single Rotor Sail. enterprise value and protect the ongoing tion Systems with minors in Maritime
Administration, and working in various saving fuel and reducing emissions while As a result of the proven effectiveness commercial activities of the company. positions in the shipping industry, before providing the power needed to maintain of this technology, Bore installed a sec- Operational data collection and ad- joining NAPA in 2012.
speed levels and retain voyage time. ond Rotor Sail on the same vessel, the vanced statistical analysis is not only 13
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