Page 53: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2016)
Marine Design Annual
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The Emergency Operations
Training Center – a facility which ties together all facets of an emergency response operation, from
Command to Logistics to
Planning to Finance to Ad- ministration – can run two simultaneous full scale ops.
Pick a disaster, any disaster, and it is likely that it has already been a training course at TEEX.
(Photos courtesy: TEEX) (Photos courtesy: DST)
Disaster City response operation, from Command to gether to run the response operation in ing through the minutia of all that makes
Fire? ghting onboard a ship presents its Logistics to Planning to Finance to Ad- unison, even allowing digital links back up emergency response goes a long way own unique challenges, but ? re? ghting ministration – is the crown jewel. to the trainee’s city center, in fact, allow- to ensure smooth operations if and when in the maritime sector is certainly not In fact TEEX’s Emergency Opera- ing multiple cities to be on line simulta- disaster strikes.
con? ned to a ship’s crew sailing on the tions Training Center features two fully neously for role playing purposes. The TEEX Texas-sized story is backed high seas. equipped facilities, allowing it to run “Say you have a scenario where you’re by a long list of government and private
The interaction between maritime and two full scale ops simultaneously. calling in 50 police of? cers from a sector organizations that train with the port/intermodal facilities is a complex Whether the disaster scenario is a neighboring town … or 10 dump trucks it, from FEMA and the Department of and ever evolving relationship, and live ? ood, tornado or terrorist attack, the for that matter. Did they all show up? Homeland Security to individual state ? re and emergency response training Emergency Ops Training Center allows How and when did they get paid?,” and municipality agencies, as well as oil for the maritime industry continues to disparate groups of specialists to link to- Mike Wisby asks rhetorically. Simulat- majors and major shipping companies.
As vessels, terminals, and offshore fa- cilities become more complex, person- nel must be prepared to adequately deal with any type of emergency. Incidents vary from ? re ? ghting, con? ned space rescue, water rescue, hazardous materi- als, and others.
Solutions that safeguard
In addition, personnel must be adept at managing the incident, using the appro-
FUHZDQGSDVVHQJHUV priate Incident Command structure.
In addition to the maritime-speci? c props in College Station, TEEX boasts many industrial set-ups, from ? ghting ? re in a re? nery setting to responding to a rail collision.
The pinnacle perhaps is TEEX’s ‘Di- saster City,’ boasting an enviable array of disaster props enabling ? rst respond-
Hammar H20 ers to practice dozens of disaster scenar- hydrostatic release unit Remote Release Systems MOB/Life buoy system /LIH-DFNHW,QÁDWRUV ios, from acts of mother nature to acts of terror.
Our mission is to save lives at sea.
Operations Command & Control
Whether you are a ship owner, designer, builder or onboard safety +DPPDUSURGXFWVDUHQRWRQO\GHYHORSHGWRLQFUHDVHVDIHW\EXW
While TEEX provides the facilities
SHUVRQDOVDIHW\02% ations Training Center – a facility which
Welcome to learn more at ties together all facets of an emergency 53
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