Page 99: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2016)
Workboat Edition
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Pal? nger’s Package Deal
Hansa Heavy Lift has transported ? ve pipe racks and three modules, weighing a total of 1,871.51 metric tons and measuring 24,075 cu. m., for a new FPSO unit off the coast of Brazil.
Brazil to China and then back to ? cer, Hansa Heavy Lift. “This in-
Brazil, ? ve pipe racks and three cluded custom-built grillage for load- modules weighing a total of 1,871.51 spreading on deck to accommodate metric tons and measuring 24,075 cu. the heavy modules, the modi? cation m. will be transported by heavy lift of lifting lugs and the installation of shipping specialist Hansa Heavy Lift platforms for safe access.” for a new ? oating production storage “We also had limited cargo infor- and of? oading unit (FPSO) to even- mation which meant a cargo inspec- (Copyright: Pal? nger Marine GmbH, Havyard Group) tually operate off the coast of Brazil. tion was necessary to assess the clash
With the heaviest piece weigh- of rigging arrangements with the
Pal? nger Marine signed a contract with • three 10 t capstans ing 730 metric tons, the cargo was equipment and protrusions,” said Ian
Turkish shipyard Cemre to supply a • one double-drum 60 t towing winch loaded onto the HHL Valparaiso at Broad, Director Cargo Management, deck equipment package to a Havyard with spooling devices the ports of Itajaí and Rio de Janeiro Hansa Heavy Lift.
832 MPV vessel being built for Esvagt. • one combined A-frame and stern in Brazil before being transported to The heavy lift specialist also faced
The package from Pal? nger consists of roller (SWL 60 t and 100 t)
Qingdao, in the Shandong Province additional challenges which included cranes, winches and offshore equipment. The cranes ordered by Cemre Shipyard of China, where it will undergo ? nal draft and navigational restrictions
The MPV will measure 81.9 x 17.16 m, include: out? tting before being transported at the river passage in Itajaí, tight with a deck area of 620 sq. m., a speed • two offshore-rated cargo rail cranes, back to Brazil. “Our in-house team stowage and a long waiting time at of 15 knots and a bollard pull of 100 each 10 t at 10 m and 5 t at 15 m, the of engineers worked closely with the all ports, which made general plan- tons. The complete winches and off- cranes come with personnel handling customer from the onset of the or- ning more dif? cult. The pipe racks shore equipment package includes: of 1 t and MOB handling of 4 t der to come up with the most viable and modules belong to the FPSO unit • two windlass winches with chain • one foldable knuckle boom crane for and cost effective transport solution P-67, which is being designed for the stoppers general cargo and provision handling for this very complex project,” said pre-salt clusters off the coast of Bra- • two mooring winches with 1 t at 12 m
Joerg Roehl, Chief Commercial Of- zil.
• two 10 t tugger winches The delivery of the equipment is • three 30 t tugger winches scheduled for 2017.
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